
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

FINALLY · 9:24pm Jun 3rd, 2016

Yeesh! I'm very sorry, that took longer than I thought. BIG thanks to my spouse for tolerating having to edit and re-edit and edit and... etc., and to Megapone for his own generous suggestions, edits, and smacking me upside the head when I refused to let some of my exposition babies go, until I did.

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It re-begins! · 12:57am May 28th, 2016

Well, that took longer than expected, but, I think for good reasons. Thanks to the wonderful suggestions of Megapone and my spouse, and their hugely helpful editing, I think I've gotten a much better version of Chapter 1, told from Twilight's POV. Actually, it got long enough that I had to break it out into 2 chapters, and chapter 2 is still being edited. The good news is that I also have a pretty good idea of what I want to do with

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It's been a rough day · 12:52am Jul 18th, 2016

So, since I've been having problems writing new things, can't edit worth shit for myself or others, here's a chapter I've now gone through five or six revisions on. *sighs*


Keep on rollin' along · 11:47pm Apr 7th, 2016

Well, Chapter 4 of Hunting Season is up. I'm still not sure what to call what the princesses do to Hopper. "Dirty talk to orgasm" was the best I could come up with; of course, the ultimate factor is "Celestia brainfucking to sweeten the pot on her offer." My conception of Celestia includes her sharply pointing at you with fierce-orgasm face and hoofing herself off, going, "That's it. Show mama that sweet, sweet look of dawning realization," and I can't recall whether or not I've used those

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Further Throne Delays · 5:46am May 4th, 2016

So, finally got Flutters' chapter up. I'm having delays on Pinkie's, for two reasons; first, it's the first multiperson set up I've done, and I'm sort of stuck both there and in Hunting Season's first threeway, and second, because I'm running into some walls on scenes in Hunting Season; among other things, because it's 150K words long now and I still haven't gotten Fluttershy into Hopper's pants yet. I think I'm going to take out some of the side scenes, like Blueblood's fate (I

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Argh, not a deadbeat author, really · 6:14am May 31st, 2016

Due to complications beyond my editors' controls, Hunting Season's new Chapter 2 has been delayed again. It's done, just ... lingering. As a result, since Twilight's Thrones Pinkie Pie Part II is waiting on them still, I decided to publish something I only have one buffer chapter on, but have been recently re-interested in quite a lot. I hope you'll enjoy Macromantic Gestures, where Mac can't get away with nuthin'.

Other than lots of sex after Chapter 1, obviously.

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Whee. · 10:02am May 26th, 2016

Wrong end of the clock. Wheeeeeeeeeee.

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Nngh, writer's block · 10:05pm Apr 28th, 2016

Trying to think of 2-4 background ponies it would be fun to write in a sexual situation with Twilight and Pinkie (it's a party, you see, for Twilight's Thrones. And trying to figure out how to write the meeting of the Three Baddie McBaddersons for Hunting Season without creeping myself out. So since I got the Humble Bundle for MLP comics, I decided to go through for inspirations for background ponies, right?

... Wrong kind of inspiration. o.o

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Explanations for sudden pause in clop · 5:23pm May 23rd, 2016

Sorry, folks. I have everything in the pipe to finish up Twilight's Thrones and keep going with Hunting Season, as well as continue offshoots like Nurse Appreciation Every Day. However, I've been embarrassed for a long time about how clunky Hunting Season Ch1 is. So I've gone back and I'm rewriting it from Twilight's point of view. I've not only kept up with my usual word count but actually gone a bit long, so there's going to be a new Ch1 and Ch2, moving the current Ch2 to Ch3. I've also

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Pre-Readers Needed for Sanity Check · 5:49am Jul 2nd, 2016

So, I'm sure it probably comes as no surprise that I'm mostly into M/f or F/f BDSM. I plan to show a wide range, though, and I may need assistance on them. Coupled with that fact is that when my fibro gets bad, I can get... extravagant. Now, with Hunting Season on half-hiatus, I don't feel as concerned about this immediately, but it occurs to me that in given that, getting some opinions on whether or not I should release a certain side-story as is, with modifications, or trash and

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Things that creep me out... · 4:59pm Jul 1st, 2016

Exploitative sex, basically. Well, alright, there are a lot of things that creep me out, but the idea of a sort of cruel and thoughtless lust masquerading as love but showing itself as possession and greed, on the one hand, and a vile exploitation on the other... Whee. I'm not 100% sure why I felt compelled to include the sex part at all here, save, perhaps, as contrast to the Safe, Sane, and Consensual love that's a part of the swelling royal herd. None of the mares would permit any

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Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results