• Member Since 31st Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 19th, 2023

Troublesome Beast

I don't know, man. Those weasels were on fire when I got here.

More Blog Posts91

  • 258 weeks

    Fleeting thing, that, completion. But occasionally, found. Another one finished. I've decided to put the bridge and the follow-up as separate fics, to preserve theme a it better.

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  • 258 weeks

    Just in case I'm not the only one who didn't see my update go, Part II of Heavenly Press is up. There will be a part III before the bridge.

    Side note: anyone with some ideas for some other SFW Celestia muscly pics to use as a cover story for the follow up, I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks for your time and your interest!

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  • 258 weeks
    Regarding editing

    As has been the case with my other recent fics and chapters, this is self-edited, and if a lawyer who represents themselves has a fool for a client, an author who edits themselves does so blindly. If I've missed anything, please PM me; I'll try to correct. My apologies for the somewhat unchecked purpling of prose and muscling of bodies.

    ... okay, not that last one.

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  • 258 weeks
    Thoughts on Pressing Matters

    At this point in my life, pressing matters are mainly health, and financial. Pain of the body, pain of the heart, and the pain of bills. But it does sadden me a bit that it's hard going even trying to self-edit further chapters of Hunting Season, a planned follow-up I'd started for that, Twilight's Thrones, and any of the other things I'd planned or started.

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  • 266 weeks


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    3 comments · 414 views

Things that creep me out... · 4:59pm Jul 1st, 2016

Exploitative sex, basically. Well, alright, there are a lot of things that creep me out, but the idea of a sort of cruel and thoughtless lust masquerading as love but showing itself as possession and greed, on the one hand, and a vile exploitation on the other... Whee. I'm not 100% sure why I felt compelled to include the sex part at all here, save, perhaps, as contrast to the Safe, Sane, and Consensual love that's a part of the swelling royal herd. None of the mares would permit any of the others to exploit their fellow alicorns or to exploit Hopper, nor would the majority of them permit themselves to be exploited, even semi-lifestylers like Dashie and Flutters. And there would be rather violent rows if it came to the necessity to protect mortals, ponies or otherwise. There's always the chance, of course, that it's easier to protect another rather than one's self, but I don't see any of their personalities permitting things to dip that way.

In short: the sex part of this chapter is the sex of bad people, and I do believe in the maxim that bad people have bad sex.

In other news, while I'm still having problems situation the Applejack apotheosis, the Applejack chapter of Twilight's Thrones, Applesat, is vomit-draft complete and mid-editing. In theory, with Rare Satisfaction mostly planned out, I should soon be able to mark my first multi-chapter completion.

I mean, I'm getting ideas for a reversal where Twilight is the throne for Celestia and Luna, but if I add them, it'll be prologue and epilogue, and I'll still be able to mark the damn thing complete. :)

Comments ( 4 )

I'll say it again, differently, just about cried at the end part there. I thought I saw it coming from about halfway through, though I couldn't be completely sure, and the true twist hit me like an 80-mile-an-hour mile-long freight train carrying the entire world stockpile of depleted uranium. But I can't hate you for it, because I can tell it hurt you, a little, to write it, so I can certainly suffer through reading it. Although, don't take that as an insult, as it was an exquisite, torturous pain, and entered into willingly, on my part, at least. Please, never stop doing your thing, that chapter was, in its own way, beauteous.

4060488 Thanks, I appreciate it a lot. I think this is my last scheduled "plot" chapter until Fluttershy's "hunt" but I hope it sets the stage for what's going on in the background.

There's a line in a song I keep in mind when I write certain things. "Forgive me, my lord, for what I do. Know that this sinner is suffering too." ("Temper of Revenge" Though about all I know is its based on a fantasy novel and was sung by Heather Alexander, who is now Alexander Adams.) It's a concept that I sometimes fail to convey in writing, which is true in real life. "The task is grim, but necessary. It is no less grim for being necessary, but remember well, it is no less necessary for being grim." That chiasmus structure is how some character of mine would describe something like hydra hunting, timberwolf cutbacks, Ursa culls or some other unpleasant task of defense against wild, natural "evil". Doing a necessary thing that upsets others isn't always a willful act of trolling or detached artistic basking in controversy or... the sensible but very unusual artistry Bronystories does which induces unsettled feelings but which he does not apologize for. It will hurt the writer. I suffered through the writing of "The Whispering God" But it was a story I absolutely had to tell. The more and more I did with my Etiamsi Omnes stories the more and more it ripped my guts because I had to wade mouth-deep in pestilential liquid manure to try and pull some good out of it. It's why I burned out on writing pony works. At least you wrote this, so others know you suffer with your readers.

And it sounds like it was necessary. As you said, which I also say, bad people have bad sex. And you had to show it.

4062219 Yep. Nonetheless, I'm glad that we'll mostly be seeing protagonist-side and protagonist-sex for a while now until Spartan makes a fateful (if influenced) choice. Though I'm still thinking I should shop around for pre-readers to see if Victor's Spoils, Blueblood's Fate should be released or rewritten extensively.

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