
Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results

Actually managed to do that in one evening. · 5:40am April 1st

And I only had to stay up until 1:30 in the morning.

Last fight was the longest and most intense battle in the game, bar none. Actually had to resort to health potions because I ran out of medicinal herbs.

I simply can't believe they disable aim assist on this difficulty. Yo, Guerilla, the majority of players are using controllers, you goddamn masochists.

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PS4 Day 1 and Season 8 Episode 4 Spoilers · 1:05am Apr 8th, 2018

Well, I didn't spend too long with Last of Us Remastered (didn't even make it through the docks) before the call of something new lured me away; the game whose E3 2015 reveal put this console squarely in my sights three years ago.

Horizon Zero Dawn's world is intriguing, its hostile inhabitants challenging, and not to mention, the whole thing is visually stunning. Finally, something that gives Witcher 3 a run for it's money when it comes to best looking game I have ever seen.

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It's Looking Like I Made The Right Choice · 3:41am Dec 10th, 2020

This is going to be a very entertaining second half of the week.

The opening hours of Cyberpunk 2077's launch is an absolute dumpster fire. Optimization is all over the place, even for overkill rigs, for some players the system requirements are an outright lie, Gamespot's new review is crammed with spoilers, and last but certainly not least, we've got nipples and dicks clipping through clothes on the character creation screen.

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I've spent an hour reading Cyberpunk 2077 reviews... · 8:02pm Dec 7th, 2020

...And they are bringing me pause.

Mainly because of what I'm reading about bugs. They are noticeable, and everywhere. From T-poses, to AI enemies being completely unaware of you, to elevators not working, requiring rebooting the game to hope it works, to full on crashes. I'm reading that a very generous autosave mechanic keeps it from being game-breaking.

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Okay, so that's why PS4 was cut out. · 1:23am Apr 16th, 2023

I've known for some time that last gen consoles were going to be left behind at some point, but was still a bit disappointed that I wasn't going to be able to play Horizon Forbidden West's Burning Shores DLC on my PS4 Pro.

The tease at the end of the launch trailer gave me a clear answer as to why:

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Season 7 for mlp Is almost over Isn't It? · 11:08pm Sep 20th, 2017

Ah to be honest I'm not looking forward to waiting but at the same time I'm waiting for it to end so I can catch Up On Dragon Ball Super (English Dub) good news Is the movie comes out soon but I won't be able to see It, I maybe a Brony but I don't like going to the movies to see It, I prefer to watch It at home, So I'll likely be avoiding Spoilers for It whenever It comes out.

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After four and a half years, I have finally joined the other side. · 10:08pm Apr 6th, 2018

I wholly expect to be staring at download progress bars for the rest of the night.

Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 results