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Happy Groundhog Day! · 2:14am Feb 3rd, 2023

Every year on this day, a groundhog (or woodchuck) will emerge from its burrow and either a) see its shadow and retreat back to its home, ensuring winter goes on for six more weeks, or b) not see its shadow and spring arrives early.

Makes me wonder if Equestria has a holiday tradition like this or not.

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Concerning the Value of Groundhog Day · 5:31pm Mar 15th, 2017

Now, you may think, this is a bit late, no? But this wasn't actually inspired by Groundhog Day, nor by the movie about that day (which I haven't seen, anyway), but by Admiral Biscuit's excellent story Silver Glow's Journal, in which a pegasus exchange student got acquainted with an odd human tradition that went against everything her weatherpony training had taught her.

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My Movie Review on Groundhog Day · 7:18pm Feb 2nd, 2020

Rise and shine, Campers!

This is your friendly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

And today, for the second installment of my "February Festivity", I'm gonna give you guys my review of Bill Murray's "Groundhog Day".

Here's the summary of it:

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About Book 4 of The Dark Echoes Series. · 7:57pm Dec 14th, 2015

Book 4 of The Dark Echoes Series explains a LOT of the goings on in the background of the 3 previous stories including why Pinkie's ritual to break the QDR's wall changed between books. And why Rainbow Dash's story mentioned Twilight interacting with her and telling her to stop Pinkie Pie.

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Overdue Writing Updates: Critter Snow Day and the Return of "Aegis" · 8:46pm Mar 18th, 2019

Good evening and welcome in Fluttercheer's Madhouse.

Or, something like that. Relationship and Internet drama (more about that will follow when the stars are aligned for it, can't go into detail right now, but you'll know what that means once you see it) hampered my concentration and writing output a bit again, so the last few months felt a bit like a madhouse for me, but things keep moving along.

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My NEXT two fics are released! - "Critter Snow Day" is here: Infos & Release Schedule! + "The Marvelous, Life-Changing Discoveries of Silverstream, the Hippogriff" starts today! · 4:08am Apr 2nd, 2019

Greetings, my fellow readers and calendar dwellers. The grand moment has come..... My last next two fics have been released! One of them is the long-awaited "Critter Snow Day", my ponified reinterpretation of the movie "Groundhog Day", I'm talking about for months now.
#2 on the list is my second fic for Silverstream, a long and on-going multi-chapter fic with the title "The Marvelous, Life-Changing Discoveries of Silverstream, the Hippogriff".

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Two stories of mine will get released today and they will be my last ones. (APRIL FOALS JOKE!) · 1:52pm Apr 1st, 2019

100% April Foals-free Update:

Greetings, fellow readers of mine, the author known as Fluttercheer.

Today I have some news for you. One is good, the other one is bad. Let's start with the good news first:

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Imagine the following: You wake up in your bed, it's the morning of Critter Snow Day and it quickly turns into the worst day of your life. And then the day happens again. And again. And again. And again. And..... [Story Preview] · 7:23am Feb 3rd, 2019

Viewing 1 - 8 of 8 results