
Viewing 1 - 20 of 116 results

I have had it! · 1:19am Mar 6th, 2018

I have given up on trying to help Mykan!

Yep, I am finished with trying to help him, Throwing in the towel!

I have tried to stay neutral, tried to look at both sides and when I do, he falsely accuses me of being a Cyber-Bully and then does THIS!

DakariKingMykan said:
I'm going out with my social group... which Senor insulted last night!

Until I get back, you're blocked

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Enough · 2:48am Oct 15th, 2022

Guys, I'm going to be honest. I'm now considering deactivating my account on this website entirely.

Report Darth Wrex · 383 views · #Enough

I Think I'm Horny Enough For This · 1:21am Aug 1st, 2015

AMA time, baby. Hit me up with the questions. I have five hours to burn. Mostly because there's nothing good on tv and it's another good excuse not to write anything once again.

Uh, you didn't hear that last part. Or read it. Unless you speak out loud when you read. Then just, um, do whatever I guess.


AMA Answers (Oh God So Many) · 1:45am Aug 2nd, 2015

Whelp might as well as get this out of the way before I get sober.

How are you so spongy?

Dr. Clean mostly, with a touch of Pinesol.

What's your favorite band and type of music?

Uhhhhh.... Does D12 count as a band? Eh, they have a song called that, it should be good enough. As for favorite type of music, it'll be split between hardcore rap, 1950's jazz/blues, and of course, deathcore.

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What's going on · 8:30am Apr 26th, 2020

I know it been a while and many are asking a few things.

where are the stories, the updates, and such? and well it's just I've also been quite drained. with this virus going around, my grandfather cancer going up and down, this would've been week 7 without work, and luckily I am being taken care of in terms of unemployment, and among other things.

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Daheck? · 5:01pm May 8th, 2018

I logged on to FIMfiction, and there's six stories about..Shaquille O'Neal (or however it's spelled) and they all seem to be one thing.

Posted by bots. The accounts all follow each other and no one else, and judging by the only comments are from those accounts, and are so drawl-heavy I can't read them...

Yeah. Things are really wierd here. Mods, can you take a look at this?


Finally got it done · 8:43am Feb 25th, 2018

Me: I finally got around to doing the edits of Rest Well, Twilight.

Angry readers: Took you long enough! Haven't you been promising those for over a year now?

Me: Yeah I know! I'm sorry but I think that it has been worth the wait.

Angry readers: It better be...


Nearing Corners · 3:51pm May 5th, 2019

So, you've probably noticed the lack of updates. Well, I'll be completely honest with you guys. I'm not sure that I can continue, at least not at the current moment.

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who might comment on his behalf. · 1:30pm May 17th, 2016


Update sense last time. · 6:02am Nov 4th, 2020

So I went to the doctor without telling friends or such mostly as some of my friends read my stuff. So a few little updates and about some of the stories.

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Enough! · 7:10pm Jul 27th, 2021

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Look... I really don't want to write this. At all. I don't want to say what's been on my mind for the past few months. But as of today - I've officially reached my limit.

And before any of you panic, the answer is no - I'm not leaving the fandom, I'm not feeling suicidal, I'm not in financial trouble, and I'm absolutely not deleting this account or stopping to write stories for all of you.

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place either passively or actively. · 1:29pm May 17th, 2016

2 million to design a cure for Hepatitis B Tavis, who is professor of molecular microbiology and coach outlet immunology at Saint Louis University, says his team has built a warhead that will kill the virus; now, it's time to design a cruise missile that will deliver the drug. After exposure, the hepatitis B virus can linger, causing chronic infection in many people. Over time, the illness causes liver damage. While current treatments can suppress the virus, they cannot fully kill it, and it

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When Eden Burns · 11:13pm Aug 29th, 2020

There's two people following me right now and one of them I talk to on Discord more often than they come here on Fimfiction, so I'm not sure what I'm doing this blog for. Style points I guess.

These are annoying times in the horse fandom, and while the blog title would be perfectly suited for a blog about that I have decided to keep doing as I've done, and stray far and away from certain topics and issues. It's for the sake of my own mental health.

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I'm back! · 6:41pm Nov 21st, 2015

Finally, my laptop is fixed and I'm back in action! :twilightsmile: I have exams in a week, so after those I'll be home free to work on some stuff. Expect my next story chapter real soon, along with a few collabs in the works with a few of my friends! :twilightsheepish:

Love from Lord Nito :heart:


Fuzzy's Out of Context Bathroom Quotes Part 2 · 11:46pm Oct 29th, 2016

"Stop licking my ankles, I'm in the shower!"


Sorry is Not Enough Delay for hoildays · 5:50am Dec 18th, 2017

With the holidays around the corner I wont be writing as much, the next chapter however is done, but I am waiting on the editor I have when they have time to edit it.

The thought of publishing it as is did cross my mind, but I was worried many would not like that. I haven't released a unedited chapter since I believe chapter 2, that's when I had the editor working along side me and gave me very good tip on the flow of the story, it wouldn't be the story it is now without their help.

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It's Time! · 8:08pm Dec 7th, 2015

I did it. Finally—finally—this story has been submitted to the moderators here. As I think I’ve mentioned before, I’ve worked on this story for the better part of a year now. In fact, I think I actually remember getting the inspiration around this time last year. However, things soon got all jumbled up with editing Pink Eyes and I just kinda forgot about it. Afterwards, I got to reading a story known as The Last Pony

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Back to writing · 4:43am Dec 31st, 2017

With the Holidays now down and me not going out for New Years im back onto writing, however I am also looking for more Editors, this will allow the story to come out quicker if something were to happen to a editor in case life decides to be a asshole and such haha.

so if anyone is willing to help out to be a editor im always looking.


Sorry isn't Enough Update and infomation! · 3:54pm Jul 22nd, 2017

TO all who have been waiting for the next chapter of SIE thank you so much for taking the time to read this before there is some information on the story and where it is going.

i'm looking on changing the name soon to something else, I wasn't planning on at first to make this a chapter by chapter story it was gonna be one big long story but I decided to change it into a chapter story, and I believe right now it needs a new title. any ideas will be good!

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Independence Day · 5:59am Jul 5th, 2019

Viewing 1 - 20 of 116 results