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I have had it! · 1:19am Mar 6th, 2018

I have given up on trying to help Mykan!

Yep, I am finished with trying to help him, Throwing in the towel!

I have tried to stay neutral, tried to look at both sides and when I do, he falsely accuses me of being a Cyber-Bully and then does THIS!

DakariKingMykan said:
I'm going out with my social group... which Senor insulted last night!

Until I get back, you're blocked

Treating me ad a child by GROUNDING ME!?! I AM FREAKING 32 YEARS OLD!

He has now pushed it too far and if he thinks he can treat me like a dog, then here is a nasty surprise for him: HE IS BLOCKED!

I have tried to keep him from going too far, try to keep him from starting flame wars just because he wants to Destroy this site!

YES, he told that to me on Chatzy that he wants to see this site fall apart and he has been trying to start a flame war to prove his twisted point.

If the Admins and Moderators decide to ban him for acting up, I will not protect him, I have had i with him and he is dead to Me!

Comments ( 15 )

Sorry to hear that man.

You put up with him the best you could.

And if he's seriously going to lie about me insulting them, he's got another thing coming. I said I'm sorry they have to deal with his sorry ass, who doesn't even give a damn that they wanna hang out with him.

YES, he told that to me on Chatzy that he wants to see this site fall apart and he has been trying to start a flame war to prove his twisted point.

He actually said that? Please share the link to the chat with me! I got to screencap this!

*hugs you* I am sorry for all you went through

Well, on one hand, sorry for you

On the other hand....
took you long enough.

Yes, I am an asshole here. And I am (partly) sorry for it, but that is how I go.
But even as I act like that, I want to tell you that I genuinely don't hate you or something.
I mean, kudos for trying to help Mykan. But look, the reason I scooffed mostly at that was simply that I knew how this would go, having seen it a couple of times.

You would try to defend him cause you saw him as being abused, he would exploit it for sympathy points, he would say something you don'T quite agree with and the moment you try to tell him to calm down he blows up like Alderaan if it was made out of whatever causes your generic Sentai monster to explode. Rinse and repeat for some time, till the perosn trying to help gives up and leaves Mykan to his grave digging.

Mykan is, as you deducted yourself, just too stubborn to get help through kinder means. As far as I see it, the most gentle thing to do is drag him out of his basement and force the meds that will make his head clear up down his throat.

You want to know why I think Mykan is "dangerous"? It is not because he writes pathetic revenge fantasies without really going through with his revenge. It is that he drags other people into his fights. People he manipulates to become his shields that will deflect any criticism and do stuff to his critics, that may actually get them banned in the long run from certain sides. And worse, he does it primarily to children, as on average the Mykan white knight is some 14-17 year old person only knowing him through hsi magic voice videos.

That is one of the reasons I did not take rather kindly to you. It was because you were indirectly supporting this system of white knight abuse Mykan has build his own identity around.

Glad to hear that you are now out of it. Anything else I have to say to you?
Not really. Do now your own thing. If you want to make fun of Mykan, do it however you like. If you want to do something better with your life, watch some entertaining show. Lupinranger is pretty damn good right now

Well, you certainly lasted longer than other people.

So you’re Maniak! Pleased to meet you.
*extends leg for hoofshake*

Welcome to the club!
As someone who’s been in a similar situation to yours, I think you’ll find this crowd to be much more enjoyable.

Are you the guy who Mykan portrayed as “Brass Bolt?”

The one and only!
I believe we had a brief exchange of notes on DA back in December.

Who the fuck is this guy ?

Give me full story

Go to his page on Encyclopedia Dramatica, read through the swearing and other stuff and you have a decent image of the guy.

To be honest the best way to know him is to talk to him personally as ED is nothing more then a troll site and last time I cheeked, the Admins and Moderators have banned linking to that site.

You do have a point that ED is primarily run by trolls, but it does give a decent picture of this guy's infamy. A one-sided picture, sure, but still...

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