
Viewing 161 - 180 of 266 results

Displaced power lotto · 2:18am Oct 24th, 2015

I question what would happen if I tried creating an OC displaced or humans transported with certain abilities. So I gave it a shot and clicked on in tumbr to find a random clicks for super powers. The only thing missing is plot. Which I can make one on the spot, yet I feel better with someone experience on advisement. Anyway I click on it until I found nine useful powers or powers that won't clash with each other.

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Midnight Updates · 9:10pm Sep 8th, 2015

Hello followers, its your friendly neighborhood Midnight and I'm here to talk about a few things pertaining to me.

Number one, I've got a Youtube channel that, hopefully, I'll start expanding to streaming, gaming, and such. Right now its mostly music.

Now, this means I need money, and I really hate to ask, but if most of you were to donate, hell, even a dollar, to my Patreon when I get it set-up, I can get my own TV, other streaming devices, possible laptop, and other things I may need.

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Other Stuff I Want To Work On... · 10:17pm Jul 8th, 2015

I wanna make an RPG, and I have no programming skills... Sorry, anyway, I'd like to know how to work RPG Maker. I tried the... Demo?

Well, in any other regards, I'd like to know how it works. And easy steps to use it. Plus, if I can get it to work, AND start making it, I'll be open to OC's.

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The Displaced Starting up again?! · 11:20pm Sep 18th, 2017

Hey guys as you may have noticed by now The Displaced has is no longer complete, but will be continuing from where I left it. The original ending will be slightly altered so the story can make more sense. I still feel bad for leaving it where it was.... So I'll be working on Book 2 for The Displaced. I hope you'll all be excited for what I have planned for the future. See you guys again real soon!!

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tf2: Grey Mann displaced idea · 8:59am May 20th, 2018

Grey Mann himself:Chaotic Neutral.

his character:he was forced go to a comic con because of his best friend birthday

his ideas:Chaotic Neutral. "hey I am a dick but I am a Good guy. but I am bored as hell... so maybe why not try to take over the world or something.

(hey he got a lot of robots and lot of money what else he supposes to do?)"

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Idea!!! · 3:13am Aug 1st, 2016

When I got free time, I usually like to browse fimfiction and a couple other websites for interesting stories. Recently, I've become more interested in 'Displaced' stories. These are stories where a person is ripped out of their universe (usually at a convention by a man dressed as a resident evil 4 merchant) and dumped into an Equestria universe, usually becoming what they were dressed up as. While most of these displaced characters I don't reconigze or aren't interested in, I enjoy the

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Something New! · 11:30am Jan 22nd, 2021

I kinda got the idea for this not long ago, I dunno, could be something fun but it all really depends on you guys if you want more of this story. It's Displaced (Yes I know, let me explain), but not your run-of-the-mill, rather, we got some small tweaks - I'm really glossing the first major part of the story concept with the whole, 'wake up as a character, freak out, maybe fight something in the Everfree', we got time for that!

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New Stories and Updates · 7:08pm Dec 14th, 2015

Hello Everyone! Northern Desert33 here just wanting to share some news and updates with you guys. The first thing I want to go over is updates for my three stores: "Playing The Villain", "A New Wheel", and "A New World, A New Map"! Updates will be coming for each one of those stories and I want to share with you the progress of each one:


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Get more hype. · 2:11pm Jan 24th, 2017

This Thursday. It will happen. For sure. For positive. Hopefully.


Displaced story idea: The Devil Went Down To Equestria. · 1:56pm Jul 6th, 2017

Now here's a fic that has a way higher probability of me writing, but it might just be more of a writing practice fic.

This displaced is Jin Kazama from the Tekken series, the Tekken 4 variant of him with Devil Jin from Tekken 5 but Devil Jin would be used rarely. Figured to use someone that isn't DBZ-like this time to make a more interesting story.

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Teaser for my new Story · 12:29am Jun 15th, 2018

Wait this can't be true! Me preparing another story on Fimfiction!? Yeah, I am.

Loki: When are you going to finish my story?

Bad Loki! *tosses back into the 4th wall* Now then let's go on about what it is going to be with a teaser!

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hmm... not finding very good mind dicplacement fics In my opinion · 12:39am May 11th, 2016

So far, Straight to Belle is the best I've come across. Apparently, they all involve some fetish, not that that the concept is a bad thing, but it immediately goes from 'oh look I'm someone else' to 'Oh hey, I'm pregnant/disabled/dependent.' While dependency is not inherently a bad thing I want a story where the exploration doesn't stop once they discover they need help or assistance, or maybe even escape from being overprotected, become self sustainable, or interdependent instead of

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I'm having fun right now. · 6:21am Apr 15th, 2019

Next What If chapter is gonna be a story pitch.

About what, you say?

Well, what I'm writing right now pretty much serves as the first chapter for a Displaced story.

Now, I know what you might be thinking... "Displaced? Seriously, are you out of your mind? That genre's been milked to the bone by the fandom at this point!"

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Looking For Editor · 7:55am Jul 17th, 2018

Ello loves!

Sober here (that's right, I'm still alive!) with a bit of news.

Alticron and I recently lost contact with our editor DE_K and he hasn't heard from'em for over a month now. Hopefully all is well and good with DE_K, but Alticron is on the hunt for a new editor/proofreader to fill the void.

About the only outstanding requirement is that we need somebody with Discord.

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Vacation and a few projects · 5:27pm Jan 17th, 2016

Staring officially tomorrow I will be on vacation from work, one or possibly even two weeks in addition to already having this weekend off which as someone who works in the grocery business is a fairly rare occurrence. I will be going back to school on Tuesday, but with me having 2 classes and my classes being Tuesdays and Thursdays it should still give me quite a few time to catch up on some projects I have had on the back burner. I would first like to mention Rarity Gets Cockroaches which I

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Delay, Sorry... · 7:45pm Oct 20th, 2017

Ive noticed that its been 10 days since the last chapter of Displaced: Crossing Roads, and I promise to try and get the next one out soon, hopefully by the end of the weekend, but ive got other priorities so bare with me until then, sorry again for the wait:pinkiesad2:

To make up for my late chapter, here a tiny preview of what's to come! And as always, seeya in the next chapter! ALSO, SPOILERS!

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I'm definitely NOT lacking ideas. · 6:54am Oct 13th, 2018


Hi, guys! · 4:07pm May 22nd

So for those of you that aren't aware yet... I'm a big fan of different anime series such as Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, RWBY, etc.

Right now, I'm still focused on the Yang and Blake stories along with the rest. However, I've been meaning to ask since it concerns Soul Eater:

Would anyone want to see a Displaced!Maka story? There hasn't been any sort of huge displacements on the Soul Eater cast yet I'm hoping to change that... if any is interested, raise your hands.

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Next Story(ies) · 7:36am Sep 27th, 2015

So, if you're reading this, hopefully you came from one of my newly finished stories; Equestria's Ginyu Force and Freddy Fazbear and Friends' Displaced Adventures in Equestria. If not, I suggest you try those out, but you don't have to. This blog post is for me knowing what Displaced story (or stories, not sure if I should make two again like I did before), I should release next. Here are the stories I've currently got, and have the first few chapters done of;

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Story Update and Small Personal Rants · 6:55am Jun 23rd, 2015

Hello boys and girls. Just posting this to give you some updates on what I'm doing. The first is that I'm working on "Elements" as we speak, however, the next chapter might be delayed a day. The reason for that is... well, it's due to my own laziness, and I'm terribly sorry. There is a lot of character interaction and changeling backstory I need to cover for the next chapter. I won't lie, though. I feel a little

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 266 results