
Viewing 121 - 140 of 758 results

Second Featured Story! A Gift Given To Puppers. · 2:47am Jan 20th, 2018

Oddly enough my new one shot has gotten featured.

That is nice of course, but I'd like you all to check it out, as it is a gift to Cutest Puppers herself.

She had lost an animal friend lately, I've been working on this for her in hopes to give her a smile.

We all have friends who come and go, but as long as we keep them alive in our hearts.

They shall never truly be gone.

Report Adorkable · 279 views · #featured #friend #loss

Need an emotional support friend · 2:58am Sep 4th, 2022

I'm casting away my shame and saying I need a friend.

Nothing extensive or serious, just someone who will geniunely read my stuff and say "Nice chapter, I liked it". I just need a little morale boost.

With the little interaction nowadays, feels like I'm writing for noone except myself.

Ah well, nothing to it I guess. Back to the grindstone. Knight of Order won't finish itself.


Blog Entry #50-200 Followers! · 8:03pm Nov 13th, 2019

Yep, you read that right. I've reached 200 followers and its thanks to all of you. I honestly didn't think I ever would to be honest. Even now, I still don't believe it. I have a story already planned for this very occasion. It should be out before the end of the year. I hope I can reach 300 before five more years again:rainbowlaugh:. Again, thank you all for the support and I hope to continue making good content(even though it's been ahwile). Have a good day.


Today was my dog's 14th birthday · 1:49am Jan 22nd, 2020

Happy birthday to the friend who's brought me comfort through 14 years of trials and tribulations. I love you, buddy.

Report Vertigo22 · 188 views · #Birthday #dog #best friend

Stop the Hate! · 8:44pm May 1st, 2021

⬆️ Read the story above.

It was a lovely morning. I decided to read some fics on this site. I scrolled down to see a story by MelodyStories. I just decided to read it, since I edited their previous story a bit.

Sure, it was a bit.. bad but there are a few things to note.

  1. They might have less experience.
  2. They watch WAY too much Tern Totans go!
  3. They don’t cringe during cringe-worthy moments.
  4. They may be going thru tough times

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Friends... MLP crossover · 7:19pm Apr 13th, 2017

"The One In Las Pegasus" Could be a crossover story about ponies impersonating the friends from Friends. What do you think?

Report Sky Blue CMC · 127 views · #mlp #friends #crossover

Question of the Week #40 · 8:14pm Jan 12th, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to the question of the week, the part of the blog where I ask you a question for the week.

This week, I wanted to ask you: when you were younger did you have an imaginary friend? If you did, did they have a particular appearance?

Thank you so much for reading this blog and I hope you all have a good day.:twilightsmile:


TheSequentialArtMan needs your help! · 7:31am Feb 28th, 2016

TheSequentialArtMan has been banned... again. I need to raise my Sky Brigade against the asinine morons who reported him! Will anypony rise up with me to help him? He was convicted of a crime he didn't commit, criticized when he was already banned, and... worst of all... unable to continue writing due to this! Anyone want to help me? Helping him would help me! Anyways, that's all I have to say for now.

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Having a good friend that writes · 6:37am Mar 5th, 2016

Metaphorically speaking, I went on a walk with a good friend once. I’ve gotten to know this friend quite well over the time we’ve spent together. I know how he thinks and the way he reasons and I have a good grasp on the way he sees the world.

When all of the sudden (metaphorically), a wizard came out of nowhere and shouted at my friend “LIBRO!” and he vanished. A hardcover book appeared where he had been and it fell to the ground with a small thud.

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Happy Birthday · 9:50pm Jan 26th, 2016

Yes, today in the anniversary of the day I was born. One score and two years ago, I was born into this world as the first born child of my loving family out of the three of us that were born. A lot has happened since then: graduating high school, traveling around the world, a couple of wars, crippling national debt, Obama... Yeah, a lot has happened.

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Friends Forever #19: The IDW comics may have some life left in them yet... · 11:16pm Aug 14th, 2015

I'd heard whisperings that FF#19 turned out to be a decent issue, so I checked it out.

FF#19 could be an episode of the show.

A decent episode, at that.

I haven't forgiven IDW and Bobby Curnow for all the crap that's been in the comics in the last year here, but...

FF#19 shows that there IS some life left in the comics.


To all my friends out there! · 12:06am Jun 8th, 2015

I would like to give a huge thanks to all of you! It always makes me really happy to see things like this on a user page!

And to have had someone write a story with me in it!

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The Zaibatsu Battle of the Century, eh! · 10:02pm Jul 25th, 2015

Push Rage for SummerSlam, eh.

Zubaz vs Rage
Man vs God
The match of the invisibles, eh.


CanterlotKC Wrap-up Blog · 8:38pm Oct 30th, 2017

Oh boy, did I have a fun weekend.

Gotta hang with friends, meet new ones, host a panel and bunch of other nonsense. So, for pictures, swag and general tomfoolery, click below!

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Dedication to my Friends... · 6:32am Mar 8th, 2017

I love you all so much! I've changed a lot positively in the past... 2 and a half years I've been here, and it's all thanks to you guys! Even if you don't speak to me much, it comforts me to know that you're always there for me. I try to be there for each of you whenever I can, but some of you are just inconsolable. You know who you are, people. People who hate themselves, people who think everything wrong with their lives is their own fault, people who wish they were never born... I want you

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Skeeter the Lurker Appreciation Post · 4:44am Sep 4th, 2017

This is a Skeeter the Lurker appreciation post. Skeeter is a wonderful pure cinnamon roll and a good friend. He reads all of your shitty fanfiction, even before it gets edited, and will be there for you when you're having it rough. He is always there, commenting on your fanfic, and almost always will be positive about it even if it's trash. He's great to be around at cons even if he has a problem and he knows what he did. He is wonderful and deserves to be reminded of that.

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Report Nyronus · 405 views · #Skeeter #the #Lurker #is #a #good #friend

My Thoughts on 'The End in Friend' (s8e17) · 8:52pm Aug 11th, 2018

This episode was a very very important one and I loved it to death. Read below to see why.

There will be some mild spoilers, as usual.

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Some More Art (& A Little Side Note) · 4:56pm Apr 10th, 2019

My latest paintings. Each of which I was able to complete not too long ago this week, and which I also decided to take a break from painting after completing them.

This first one was definitely something really special to me, because it was one of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It was really great to do one in honor of The God whom I credit highly for scraping me out of the gutter.

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Oh, forgot to mention I was hanging out with lions again last year. · 4:15am May 19th, 2019

Such friendly big kitties.

I can tell I've been too busy when it completely slips my mind to mention something like this. :P


My 3DS Friend Code · 12:43am Jan 27th, 2017

My Friend Code is 0791-4562-7563

If you have a 3DS please friend me!

Viewing 121 - 140 of 758 results