
Viewing 121 - 140 of 1,434 results

Twilight Meets Andy · 12:16am Oct 7th, 2020

New fanart of Fallout Girls over at my DeviantArt!

Report Night-Quill · 164 views · #Fallout Girls

A surprise appointment · 6:17am Apr 26th, 2020

This is much more like Fallout's style of blog compared to my last one. Check him out, he's actually good at these and puts them out pretty much daily. He's also a friendly guy who interacts with people and has a sense of humor. Also, if enough people follow him in ... just a couple days, he'll do a face reveal.
Just giving this a shot, I can stop if it's a problem.

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Chapter 14 is live! · 12:52am Sep 25th, 2021

So, yes the new Pony movie is out, not going to spoil it, but, go watch it. Pony is back and the ride never ends!

Also yes, new chapter, ended up having to cut it a little short of my desired endpoint but it was for a good reason, so next month will be the end of the Four Corner's story arc. As it is, seriously, the movie really rekindled a lot of love and joy I had, and I hope it does the same for any of my readers.

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Chapter 8 is up, and this is where things get dark, also a bit more on the NCR lore ideas I have. · 2:52pm Feb 18th, 2022


Starlight Character Series - The Seven Sins of Starlight · 1:53am Jan 6th, 2016

Howdy folks! It’s been a while since I did one of these, but I figured why the heck not. Let’s do another character introspection post! The first one of these I did focused on the character of Lilith.

This post is going to focus on several characters, instead of just one. That’s right, I’m going to be focusing on the Seven Sins today.

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Clearing Up Some Confusion · 1:23pm Apr 15th, 2016

Alright, apparently I sent some folks into a tizzy the other day with my post about the books.

I got a lot of PMs from folks and I'm making one big blanket post here to address the questions I've received.

Are you selling these? Can I buy these? How much?

The short answer here is no, I'm not selling these directly, not like how the original FoE book print runs were at least.

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Holidays were more eventful than I thought · 6:40am Dec 30th, 2018

I expected to get out 4 chapters of FoE and 2 short stories over decemeber.
I got 2 Chapters and 1 Story :(

Holidays; they suck.

I thank everyone for putting up with this and hope to have the next FoE chapter out after I get to my new place next weekend.
Anyway, hope all is well and here is a picture for you for the upcoming story:


NEW FALLOUT EQUESTRIA CHAPTER!!!! · 10:00pm Dec 10th, 2015

I notice almost no ones bothered to read the new's out ya know...did ya guys not get the memo? hello?

*pokes audience in the hopes of gaining a reaction*


Immigration update and.. Sneek Peek · 3:19pm Oct 23rd, 2015

Its Official.. I will be moving to the USA on December 2 this year! I have the Visa and have started selling and getting rid of stuff I wont be taking with me.

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Progress for the Sake of-- Oops, I Started Over. · 2:06am Jul 26th, 2017

So about nine months ago I posted a blog. It talked about a few things. Like Kkat's original Fallout Equestria, what I thought of it, and what it inspired from me. Which all seemed great at the time. I mean I had planned to write my very own Fallout Equestria. Not going to lie, it was quite the challenge getting that project rolling, but in the end I felt that it just wasn't good enough.

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Fallout Equestria Discord Server · 4:09pm Oct 8th, 2021

I made a server for my fallout equestria strory

[Adult story embed hidden]

If you would like to join in chapter discussions, future content planning, or just read in-story immersion files like notes and stuff, here is the invite link!


Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia is out · 2:57pm Sep 17th, 2015

Please check it out, and leave a comment. I look forward to anyone's reviews of the chapters. ^-^ I hope you all enjoy it!

EDIT: FiMFiction did every chapter well except chapter 1. -_- So I've edited it and fixed all the spacing issues. Bloody thing. But yes, Chapter 1 is fixed up now.


Going on Hiatus · 7:01pm Jan 10th, 2017

If anyone knows about me and my writings, they know about my story Fallout: Equestria - The Gates of Hell being one of my main projects and my main focus on things that I have been doing on FimFiction for the past few months.

It however will be going on Hiatus for a brief amount of time as I want to start one or two new stories that I have been wanting to do for a while.

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Fallout Ashlands · 1:29am Jun 1st, 2017

Wondering why my profile pic has my OC in a stable-suit from Fallout? I made this account intending to do my own Fallout/MLP crossover, but decided to use it for other non-extreme stories, like Polyamory. I'll toss out my FE idea.

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Chapter 17 for rust is out. · 5:37am Jan 15th, 2017

Well it's Saturday, and only now do I remember to update the story. I need to get it together. So to all those who have been following this, thanks, I know I'm not the best writer, so it means a lot that you've stuck around. On that note, I'm currently working on the last chapter, mostly wrapping things up, but it sould be a satisfying end, leaving Prism changed for the better.

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Hooves of Fate - Minor Announcement · 7:23am Nov 29th, 2016

To all of you following Fallout: Equestria - Hooves of Fate, I have a brief announcement. I am currently in the process of writing a short story that will be released here on FimFic fairly soon once I'm done ironing out all of the kinks. It's a side story that follows one of Rose Petal's other visions. It fits into the Fo:E universe, but doesn't have anything to do with the grand story arcs central to Hooves of Fate.

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Update for FoE: Dead End! · 7:54am Sep 2nd, 2017


You’re are probably wondering “Why hasn’t that lazy zebra updated? Did he just give up?” To answer your question: nope, still alive, and working on Dead End.

So a lot has happened over the months after I published the story. For one, in terms of the story’s health, I felt I had to rearrange the chapters a bit in order to give people more of a reason to care about our zebra bandit protagonist.

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Ashlands Editors · 9:25pm Jan 15th, 2018

I'm posting a blog to make sure I don't miss anyone. If possible, can those editing/proofing my Fallout Ashlands fic join my Discord chat here and message me to add you to a special editor chat room there? Right now I have a lot of editors for that and writing messages to each of them individually when I update a chapter is a bit hard to do. If you're not an editor but want to be one, message me here or there too; I'm looking for additional

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Preview for Chapter Six · 5:49am Oct 22nd, 2018

Yoy, this is TheWanderingZebra! Been quite awhile since I’ve last updated, and I have to apologize for that. Been working hard to make sure the next chapter is in the best shape possible.

But I know the wait as been too long (and I blame myself for that), so I thought it’d be nice to show a sneak preview of the sixth chapter on here for you guys.

Please note that this might not be the final version, but I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless!

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update on new chapters. (Also art!) · 3:08pm Feb 17th, 2016

By IamArtsDesire, go check the fella out.

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 1,434 results