
Viewing 121 - 140 of 556 results

The Cynical Brony: Episode 22: Tales From The Critics! · 8:51pm Nov 1st, 2015

A Non-Tim Burton Picture

The Cynical Brony Presents


The Monsters

(A lighter illuminates the darkness)

???: We unleashed something terrible on October 31st, 2015: A demon

(The light grows brighter, revealing Earth)

???: The demon took hold of one Sorcerer M. Crainus, an old friend and rival of mine.

(Light grows so large that it engulfs the miniature Earth)

???: Through three trials, I would work to remove those demons. These are…

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The Cynical Brony: Episode 17: "The Last Roundup Review" · 8:56pm Feb 22nd, 2015

Hello, I'm The Cynical Brony, and I review it so you don't have to!
... It's been a while, hasn't it? Anyways, today I'm going to be reviewing one of the most controversial episodes of the entire show. Not for its story, or its message, mind you. It's controversial for one single scene... let's review The Last Roundup.

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The Cynical Brony/Sorcerer's Fan Fic Theater 400 Crossover! · 12:03am Apr 15th, 2015

Joke Theme Song:

In the not to distant future, in XXXX A.D

There was a guy named Cynical,

Rather different than you or me!

He worked for a bunch of Mafias,

But no-one really cared because

He did a good job f*cking up the place

but no-one really liked him so they shot him into space!

(You bastards!)

Luna: We send him crappy fan fics-

Celestia: The worst we can find! Lalala!

He'll have to sit and read them all

as we monitor his mind!

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The Cynical Brony: Episode 14: "Read it and Weep Review" Edited 6/3/15! · 8:49pm Dec 14th, 2014

[Note: The blue lines are Dash's.]

Ah, back again! Hey Derpy, where are you? Derpy? Huh. Well, she'll be back. In any case, I managed to get Dash. It's surprising how easy pegasi are to knock out. Hey, Dash!
...huh? How'd I get here...?
The defense has spoken! She has nothing to say, and so we can proceed to sentencing!

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Best Games Of 2016 · 3:50pm Dec 31st, 2016

2016's been a bit of a downer year. My grandfather died after a truck slammed into him on a bike, a dog named Taco that I raised from birth also got hit by a truck, and lastly, one of my other dogs, Greta, had to be put down because of organ failure. Plus countless celebrities died, what is quite possibly the most toxic presidential election in history happened, and in general, a lot of bullshit happened this year. But despite me just making a paragraph saying why the year wasn't good,

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A Brony Couple Reacts · 3:37am Apr 24th, 2017

I've been waiting 5ever for this!


The Cynical Brony: Episode 3: "Party of One Review" · 12:28am Oct 14th, 2014

Hello, I'm The Cynical Brony, and before I get started with the review, I have a story to tell. One day, a new, some-what talented comedian tried to make a review of an episode of a show that he really liked. He couldn't, however, because the whole God damn universe refused to let it happen! First, it had his German Shepard start barking and that sent his mouse flying, accidently clicking the close tab button on FiM Fiction. The next time he tried, his computer, whenever he tried to

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"Visions of a Finale" PROJECT · 5:59am Feb 22nd, 2017

My first fanfic!!!! The entire thing has its roots in an incomplete story I wrote of my friends and I surviving an apocalyptic environment in our neighborhood. Of course, I had to change all characters from people to ponies, add characters, edit massively since the draft was made 5 years ago when i was in 7th grade, and *sigh*...finish it.

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Report 6-D Pegasus · 275 views · #visions #brony #future

Top 5 Video Games of All Time · 11:10pm Apr 1st, 2019

In 1958, Physicist William Higinbotham created the world’s very first video game, a simple tennis game that was fairly similar to Pong in 1970. In the 60 years since then, however, video games have gone from an odd little programming exercise to one of the biggest money making franchises of all time, with every genre you could dream of available, ranging from shooters and puzzle games, to more niche genres like visual novels and life sims. However, as gamers, we all have our own opinions

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In case it wasn't obvious yet... · 11:12am Jul 18th, 2020

No, I do not want Nazis in this fandom.

I don't want stories about cutesy Nazi OCs, who exist to give "ironic" cover to actual Nazis and racists, and to normalize Nazi presence in MLP fandom.

I don't especially want people saying they're doing this in defense of free speech. They are, at best, fools who aid and abet the far-right that wants to destroy freedom of speech; at worst, they're Nazis doing it on purpose.

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These freaking little horses! · 6:24am Feb 3rd, 2022

Honestly, becoming a brony not only saved my life, but it opened up a whole new world to me. A world of imagination and stories. A world of colors and art and music. And through my writing, I've come to realize that I'm attacking my own demons, one at a time. Trixie Interviews got me over the death of my parents. Gabriela at least addressed some of my initial concerns about life, love, and the world at large. Twinkle Shine showed me how to deal with my past, by simply accepting it for what it

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Response to Deep · 3:14pm Mar 8th, 2021

This was originally going to be an isolated response to Deep's comment in my last blog, but it just kept getting longer and longer, and I eventually decided to make it a separate blog post. Because plenty of people have the same idea he does. "Defy their opinions and stick around! We love you!" And it's true, you do love me. I love you too. So that's why it's best to explain it further. Deep, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm singling you out. Think of it like you're the spokesperson for a lot of

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No one's perfect, I have Autism, and new story coming soon. · 1:45am Apr 25th, 2017

Hey Guys, sorry for the lack of activity as of late, but College has been a rough 3 Months or so.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that well, I'm not Perfect. I'm a guy who has Autism. With Autism, I'm not able to easily pick up on social queues and for that, I have a hard time socializing with other people. I've been diagnosed with Autism since I was about 4 or 5, or so my parents say, and I'd been trying to overcome it when I'd truly learned about it several years ago.

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Kody The Ultimate Brony needs help! · 3:51am Apr 18th, 2020

My friend Kody The Ultimate Brony needs help! According to this blog that he made today, he may end up homeless. Please help him out in any way you can. For more information, please check out these three blogs from Leondude, DmitriTheWriter, and Twilight Glimmer below.

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Using ponies to help with your college finals · 2:52am May 24th, 2016

I recently finished up a comedy class at my local college for the semester, and one of my final assignments was to play a character for humorous effect to the audience. I chose to play an alien who had taken human form and snuck to Earth to investigate humanity and see if we're worth saving (some of the points against were our obsession with colored pieces of paper, sports involving bulky men fighting over tiny balls, and our near worship of a tribe called the Kardashians). On the day I had to

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When My Two Favorite Worlds Collide! · 9:54am Sep 13th, 2015

This man is injury-related retired WWE/NXT Superstar, Corey Graves. Why am I posting a picture about him here?

This is why...

Yes, Corey Graves; the tough guy with "Stay Down" tattooed on his fists, has a show on the WWE Network called Culture Shock, and on one of those episodes, Mr. Graves attended BronyCon!

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My Writing Panel! · 2:10am Jun 1st, 2016

Heyo guys! My writing panel from Midwest Brony Fest last weekend is up! You can check it here:

Thanks to my boys in What Came Down productions for filming and editing it!


"Make it Rhyme!" panel at the upcoming GalaCon · 6:55am Feb 16th, 2017

Dear everypony,

I'm rejoiced to announce that I am now the official GalaCon 2017 Panelist and Contributor! Yesterday, GalaCon Team has announced my panel, and I am truly honoured to be the first of the announced panelists.

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The Deed is Done · 1:19am Dec 17th, 2015

I submitted my first pony fic! YAY! :pinkiehappy:


The Cynical Brony reveals the horrors of Overwatch's Balancing. · 2:59pm Jan 9th, 2019

So last night, I had an interesting conversation with The Cynical Brony about Overwatch, a game I don't play anymore and don't have any interest in, due in part to lack of versatility in the characters resulting in characters tactics being easy to predict (which is probably the main reason I prefer TF2 from a gameplay perspective), and partly to a toxic fanbase that made any match quickly dissolve into a screaming match over the tiniest of errors. However, many people I talk to play a lot of

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Viewing 121 - 140 of 556 results