
Viewing 101 - 120 of 219 results

Big Imagination, Small Exposure · 3:22am Feb 2nd, 2020

Hello, Everypony!

First, I just want to thank all of you for reading this. It means a lot to me to know that someone sat down and listened. That's all I really want. Someone to just gimme a chance, you know? Thank you. :twilightsmile:

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I need an opinion · 12:48am Dec 20th, 2020

So, it's obvious that the story's viewership has been falling for a while now and I honestly have no idea how to improve it. I've been trying to advertise it on social media, in servers, in groups, etc, and it never really seems to get any kind of improvement. The story's close to hitting 100,000 words, and still has a long way to go. For reference, based on my rough outline it's maybe a third of the way through, nearing the beginnings of the half way marker. I feel like at this point I'm just

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Notes from Unfinished Stories and Opportunity · 2:21am March 12th

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

I know I have been quiet for the past several months, but in case you didn't know, allow me to explain.

I've decided that since I have twelve stories that are still unfinished, I'm going to re-read them to see how to plan them out. And while I was reading and making notes, I've come to a realization. Something to give you, the reader, a unique opportunity.

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Feedback Needed!! · 4:59pm Jun 9th, 2016

Soooo... I started this new fic, a human in equestria fic, and it's getting a TON of backlash, and I'm super worried. While it has been pointed out it might heavily have to do with the lead being a non stereotypical black female, I'm hoping that isn't the only reason why.

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Ironic is ironic · 7:10pm Oct 6th, 2018

I post my first story here and I get two favs, one follow, 66 views, and three thumbs down. I hope I get comments to see what people like or dislike about it. I know the piece is unorthodox as there isn't much MLP boxing fanfiction on here. I will try to change that slightly. Don't worry, I do mroe than boxing. I actually had an idea involving my MLP humans. Either way, thank you for your support.


Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. · 5:06am Aug 27th, 2021

Howdy folks, GC here.

I'm sure many (or maybe few) have wondered where I've been these past months. Well, long story short, breaking an arm and dealing with deaths in family are never easy. So, most of my writing (along with almost everything else) had flatlined the past few months. But, with time, both my familial and physical wounds have healed, and so I've taken up the pen again.

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The State of Progress · 11:27pm Sep 15th, 2021

I tend to write on more than one story at a time, so I figured I could make a blog post like this to give you guys at least some idea of what's to come next and what I'm working on. And, as an added bonus, this gives you guys another way to interact with the world's okayest fetish writer.


  • I started a new story: Silver Sable's Substantial Spheres. Currently 1457 words.
  • The Road Less Traveled has been bumped up to from 713 to 830 words. I know. Real big.

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A couple more things · 11:11pm Jan 2nd, 2020

I have yet to hear from anyone who has or thinks they have spotted the terrible music joke in Spot of Tea, Change for Me? and the one in the chapter Wake Up Call. One of them will be made very clear in one of the upcoming shorts. I don't doubt you will all be groaning when they are revealed.

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Sad day · 1:22am Apr 26th, 2016

Welp... its the end of the day and the night begins. I can't say it was the best of days, was nice and dandy at the start but everything went down hill from there. I got a thumbs down on the fic im working on... thats good, feed back I like it. Its just a reminder that I need to go back and edit chapter 2 XD. (psst I have to admit chapter 2 sucks atm) I hope for more feed back and complantes. I mean if you see something you like by all means be my gust and point it ou, ill make sure to use

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Divergence - It is coming! · 2:04am Sep 6th, 2018

I'm very excited right now! I have some very great news to share with all of you: it's finally coming!

Sunday, September 9th, will mark the first publication of Divergence!

This release has been a long time coming and there were several things that I had to take care of in terms of real life and my writings but I am happy to say that I am in a position to publish. I'm so excited to begin this journey with you all and conclude this trilogy.

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Ponest Dungeon September Update · 5:54pm Sep 1st, 2019

Just giving everyone an update on the progress of the second arc of Ponest Dungeon.

I’ve completed four chapters and over seventeen-thousand words so far. I consider it to be decent progress, and I’m starting to get to the part where wholesale hiring and butchery may or may not occur. (Hint: it’s the Ponest Dungeon)

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Downvotes and You: Help the Authors out · 10:07am Mar 9th, 2018

Can ask something of folks?

If you need to drop a downvote, please talk to the author? If you don't like the story, if you don't like the direction, even if you don't like the author themselves, please drop a comment or, if you're not feeling too confident, make a private message.

We can only get better if you give us feedback.

And obviously (I mean, considering where we are and the nature of the fandom!), try to do it constructively and politely if possible.

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On My Recent Story · 8:05am Sep 19th, 2018

My current story has less than ten chapters to publish. I only need to finish the last stage of pre-reading and chapters would be ready.

I would like to thank everyone who have sent me any feedback. It helps to improve the story and increases odds of creating another story in the same setting.

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Jungle: The First Two Weeks · 8:36pm Dec 3rd, 2019

Hello readers! I’m back! Two posts in two days is cutting it a little close, but … We’ve got special circumstances here.

How so? Well, as of two weeks ago Jungle, the long-awaited sequel to Colony, launched at last.

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How I Work · 9:53am Nov 17th, 2018

As of late, quite a number are adding my story to their 'favorites' and such, my story MLP: Actualization Online, and I couldn't be more pleased with that result, given how I do tend to flop in my punctuation/grammar at times. But I enjoy writing it as much as giving you a fun concept to explore like SAO or No Game No Life.

Now for the meaning behind the title. And trust me, I hate 'attempting' to take things seriously, not my style.

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Necessity of a rewrite · 1:36pm Oct 18th, 2019

And soon it would be 2 years since I last posted an update to my story, which is a damn disgrace.

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Need Feedback- HPat6OW Rewrite, try to Continue, or cancel? · 4:24am Jul 11th, 2021

So, I'll state front and center, my general motivation to write has been wanning, not just for this story but for other things as well. Even my own Undertale AU. But its also been affecting this, and it hasn't been helped by the fact that I've been kind of stumped with how to begin the next chapter (I've tried writing it out about five times now)

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Colony is a Hit, Guys! · 7:42pm Dec 2nd, 2016

Well, it’s been three weeks, and in that time, Colony has continued to be an absolute hit. At this point, it’s no stretch to call it my most successful title yet. since its release, it’s sold on average two copies per day!

And it keeps selling!

And that’s just sales. Colony is on Kindle Unlimited, and I’m also seeing a number of reads there. How many? Enough that I’m seeing an average of 720 pages read per day. One day hit almost 3,000 pages read.

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Feedback vs. "Feedback" · 4:40pm Mar 20th, 2018

Let's talk about feedback, something we can never get enough of. Sometimes.

This is actually the good kind. I'll explain.

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On the Subject of Sequels/Continuations of My Fics · 11:35am Feb 1st, 2019

I am glad so many people want more of my writing. However, I have a lot of unfinished stories because I have a hard time resisting plot bunnies. If I am writing something, there is a 2:1 chance that it's some new idea that strikes my fancy. The remaining 33% chance is that I'm writing on a work in progress, trying to finish it in a reasonable manner. While not every ending is completely satisfying, when I do end a story, it is ended for good. If it is a one-shot, that's all you get. If it is

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 219 results