
Viewing 1081 - 1100 of 1,136 results

I'm done. · 8:33pm Aug 3rd, 2016

Why the fuck is my mood going to crap when my life is so much better than it has been in a while? I'm slowly losing my patience. I don't condone bullshit of any kind, and I can only put up with it for so long. I'm angry and crying at the same time and it's making my head hurt. I just want the truth, even if it's something I don't want to hear. I'm a big girl. I don't need things sugarcoated. As long as it's honest, it's OK. Tell me that I'm a bitch, or that I try too hard. It's

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I've been lazing around all day · 6:40pm Jul 27th, 2016

Well, sort of. The fridge broke so I had to clean it out. Other than that, today's been pretty chill. This guy from Jesus camp wanted to hang out today, but I couldn't go because my brother was moving. The good news is that my friend is coming over Friday night! :pinkiehappy: So far, the hooch has been looking pretty good. The balloon inflated throughout the day yesterday, and you could hear the bubbles if you listened carefully. Today, it stayed the same size. It will be ready

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Lover of the Moon · 3:22pm Sep 29th, 2021

TLover of the Moon
It's been a thousand years since everypony disappeared, and I feel a change in the air. Some secrets aren't meant to be kept forever, and my beloved Princess's are no exception.
Silent Whisper · 5.1k words  ·  113  5 · 1.1k views

It's here! Now we've got both sides of the story. I plan to update one fic per week, alternating between the two. It's time to get excited! Note that both fics can be read on their own, but if you want the full story, you're more than welcome to read both as each chapter's released.

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meow · 2:52am Jun 17th, 2022

ok so i know i said i wasnt gonna blog anymore but this has to be said

im so sorry to all my friends whom ive unfollowed and then followed again and then unfollowed and then followed again. I feel like such an asshole lmfao. i wont do it again.

if i do just know that its one of seph's manic cleaning sprees.

I just realised how hard im condemning myself.

edit; my life is also miserable when i cant complain to the silent crowd</3


So I Wore a Suit for the First Time in Five Years -- And I Really Shouldn't Have Because Oh My God I Hate my Life Sometimes · 11:21pm Mar 12th, 2017

Aragón: uggggh

Aragón: I can’t concentrate on this shit

MrNumbers: that presentation you were talking about yesterday?

Aragón: yeah

Aragón: it’s an important one – I even gotta wear a fucking suit to class, man

MrNumbers: huh

MrNumbers: neat

Aragón: yeah that’ll be cool

Aragón: oh shit you know what

Aragón: you know what would be neat

Aragón: I should wear the suit as I study it

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LSP-2143 BABS SEED L S P 2 1 4 3 · 6:57pm Jul 2nd, 2016


Dungeons & Discord(s), various thoughts · 4:42pm Aug 27th, 2016

I'm just going to say I'm glad we've got another Discord episode. (By which I mean an episode where he's primarily the protagonist.) Some nice bonding, and quite a bit of fun. Discord shenanigans when he's written well and proper for his current role in the series; yay! With that said, I haven't much to say about this episode in terms of lore or significant character traits, well, beyond how much better I like his characterisation this time. For now, have a little

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aw shiz i just realized my email actually did work for adding pic · 10:15pm Oct 15th, 2015


Slow Burn (Enter the Realm) · 9:12pm Jan 10th, 2018

This happened.

This is an actual conversation that happened. Slightly edited and streamlined to be easier to read, but accurate nonetheless. I am legitimately this fucking dumb. But, shit, might as well be me who tells the story.

Aragón: and then my pharmacist asked my sister if I'm always “like this”

Aragón: which I honestly took as a compliment?

Aragón: but I guess I technically can’t go back to that place anymore

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Chlorine and Ladybug Kisses · 5:51pm Oct 12th, 2017

This just happened. This is real, I'm not kidding, this is an actual true story. This has changed me.

Today I woke up to my neighbor gently jacking off his dog.

I just took a nap in my new house for the first time, and my neighbor was gently jacking off his dog under my window. I got out of bed, stretched my arms, and looked at the city of Barcelona with a big smile on my face, and my neighbor was gently jacking off his dog under my window.

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What's that? A new story? · 7:29am Feb 9th, 2018


State of the... Writer? That sounds a little formal, but oookay, 2018 · 7:53pm Jan 1st, 2019

My mom used to ask me if all of my friends jumped off a bridge, would I jump as well? That question was always pretty easy for me to answer, because I could just laugh and say "Oh, mom, you know I don't have friends." Still, the question behind the question remains: will I do what everyone else is doing just because they're doing it? And the answer, dear readers, is sure, if it looks like fun and doesn't cause anyone any sort of harm. And what harm could happen from writing an end-of-the-year

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Work Within Your Limitations: Make the Idea Fit the Writing (or, How I Get Away with Shitty Prose) · 5:07pm Nov 21st, 2018

Something that might surprise most of you is that, when I try to humblebrag, I barely talk about the obscene size of my penis. There is nothing humble about it. It’s just generally a great thing.

No, what I always talk about is the fact that—and this is true, fucking warped as it sounds—even though I am the dumbest motherfucker on this website? I sometimes need to put, like, real effort into convincing my readers that my prose is shit.

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writing good :) · 3:34pm Aug 3rd, 2022


"Ice Star, why have you been so quiet lately?" (massive content warning for suicide) · 3:25am Mar 21st, 2021

I'd like to think it's for a good reason, but I might be all out of those. I've had writer's block and very little time to attempt to correct it. Normally, when I have no motivation I like to whip my ADHD no-focus and hyperfocus into shape, though it all depends on which one has decided to claim me. But no, I've mostly been dealing with my university coursework, and that I've declared a double major earlier this semester.

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Zootopia · 1:10am Apr 15th, 2016


This blog is pretty much just me rambling · 4:57pm Aug 4th, 2020

So I've got like 2 big WIP's, a few small oneshot WIP's, a Christmas special for one of the big WIP's, etc... so guess what I'm currently writing?

A stupid thing I came up with because I thought of a silly title and I wanted to use it.

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My first "Foal of the Moment" update! · 3:44pm Aug 7th, 2019


“Queen of the Changelings” · 3:28am Feb 23rd, 2021

“Lord Tirek.”

“A changeling?” The centaur seemed surprised, before turning to the filly next to him. “See? She get it!”

Cozy just rolled her eyes.

“Chrysalis,” her voice rang within the cave’s walls as she introduced herself. “Queen of the Changelings. Or at least, I will be-“

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So Did I Put My Money Where My Mouth Is? · 12:30am Mar 10th, 2016

Does this mean I am not bad at romance anymore?


God no.

One day I'll probably write an actual, straightforward romance. Today, sadly, was not that day. But maybe at some point, perhaps? I've read enough shitty fics to at least know what not to do.

On that note, sorry for the lack of updates on the "How Not To Write Romance" series. New one coming soon.


Viewing 1081 - 1100 of 1,136 results