
Viewing 81 - 100 of 325 results

Describing my Beliefs · 5:18pm Mar 25th, 2021

I’m already making use of this one.

In America, a Libertarian is described as socially blue and economically red.

I describe myself as a Left-leaning Libertarian. In other words, that’s a Libertarian who strongly supports Democrats on social issues, but supports Republicans less on economic issues.

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The Writer's Guild of America Strike and my thoughts on current events · 12:10am May 10th, 2023

There's a reason why I only touch on certain current events and it's because I don't want to fall into the trap of just examining and regurgitating news every week. The way media works is that there will always be news. There will always be new stories, new opinion pieces, new articles and more fear-mongering, more worrying, more speculation, it's because journalism gets money with attention. That's all it is.

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The most controversial stance I have taken · 12:35am Mar 17th, 2023

I've talked a lot about my personal views, shared them with all of you, whoever is reading. When I first started writing on this site, I hadn't intended to create blogs at all. I believed that if I kept the attitude that this is a fanfiction website and people were here for fanfiction, I could get a more dedicated audience and keep a focus on writing.

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GoFundMe for Trump's Wall Raises $10M in 3 Days · 11:14am Dec 20th, 2018

"We The People Will Fund The Wall":

"• My name is Brian Kolfage, I have a verified blue check facebook page as a public figure and I’m a Purple Heart Recipient triple amputee veteran.

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Report Miss Direction · 260 views · #Trump #politics #news

Brief: On Brexit · 7:53pm Mar 22nd, 2019

If you're British or live in Britain, and you care at all about the future, please consider signing this:

Petition: Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU


An Inconvenient Reminder · 3:22am Oct 24th, 2018

Hello everyone; I apologize in advance because I'm gonna go political again. But again I feel it important to point out exactly what sort of mindset is running our government. You may or may not have heard about how the current administration is considering excluding transgender persons from civil rights protections, expecting citizens to identify as either male or female and nothing in between. Now whether you believe transgenderism is a thing or not, this consideration of the Trump

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On fantasy and capitalism (2003) · 11:02pm Dec 23rd, 2018

Here is old work I found while searching for some Robocop-related thoughts.

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A Casual Reminder for Americans · 1:16pm Oct 23rd, 2018

You need to vote. Not only is it your civic responsibility, your privilege as an American citizen, and a vital part of our political system, it's also a way for you-- yes, you-- to take control of the direction this country is going in. I know that a lot of people out there are scared. I am, too. I know a lot of you are sad, or tired, or just plain fed up. I am, too. I know that a lot of you feel that one singular vote can't make any difference in the big political machine. I did, too. But it's

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So, Army Ads · 2:11pm May 27th, 2021

So, there’s been a massive argument on Twitter recently, I know that happens monthly, but bear with me here. Someone took a Russian army ad and compared it to a US army ad. Later on, on YouTube, someone took a Chinese army ad and compared it to the other two, which is the version I’ve seen after seeing this on AllSides.

I’m awakening from my far too long slumber because it’s finally something I actually want to talk about, and I now have all the time I can use today to do it.

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Report DashieTalks · 114 views · #Army #politics #Dashie04

The Unicorn Invasion · 2:09pm Nov 4th, 2017

Here's an interesting article on all things unicorn in the Observer: Why the unicorn has become the emblem for our times.

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For my American readers: Contact your representatives · 4:30pm Dec 2nd, 2017

Sorry to do this to you guys but, the US senate just passed a bill. It's 479 pages, and the Democrats were given only a few hours before it was passed, because it's been hammered out behind closed doors.

You might want to look into this. With a 51-49 majority, all Republicans (minus Bob Corker) against all Democrats.

It also looks a bit like this:

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My father... speaks the truth · 11:48pm Jan 22nd, 2017

I don't understand all of the senseless rioting and protests. The last worthy event was Martin Luther King and the past couple of years have soiled his image and memory. Now we have Americans boycotting the anthem, destroying property, targeting police and protesting the inauguration. When did our great nation become a third world country? I've spent the last 20+ years defending our country, mostly away from our shores and now I worry about returning. Unlike most countries around

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Reasoning · 1:25pm Aug 17th, 2017

Pretty much every liberal: “Isn't it horrible that those white supremacists attacked innocent protestors?”
Me: “Actually, both the white nationalists and the anarcho-communists prepared beforehand for street confrontations with the other side and many from both sides showed up with improvised weapons. So common sense says they're both at fault for the violence.”
Pretty much every liberal: “You're just an evil Nazi and need to be exterminated!”

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I am glad that I am not princess celestia · 12:03pm Aug 19th, 2015

I now know how Celestia feels about politics and politicians in general. I have spent the last hour working on my assignment about politics and the legalities of it all, and let me tell you, I hate the political game... I wish they would amend that up their stereotypical asses, for the greater good of the chairmen, and the populous that coincide with politicians. That's my resolved verbatim.

Now that is spoken like a true politician blog adjourned.

do you fell sorry for me yet?

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"Shaheen Bagh", article from The New Inquiry (4 dec 2020) · 3:36pm Dec 9th, 2020


It is hard to be armchair anarchist :( · 10:04pm Jul 9th, 2020

Well, mostly armchair.

Thing is, with all this laugh directed towards 'keyboard warriors' I don't think you can fight modern problems like this:

or at least 'fight' can't be ONLY like this, because a lot of oppression happen via symbolic and other channels.


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Report Andrew-R · 155 views · #politics #anarchism #people

How intelligent search makes extremists more extremist · 1:12am Apr 18th, 2016

Today I learned how intelligent search makes extremists more extremist!

I watched a video on Muslim immigrants, then clicked through to a video on the history of Muslim expansion, then clicked through to a video on women and Islam, then clicked through to a video on feminism. They were getting increasingly right-wing, and after the last one I saw a long list of anti-feminist videos under "Up Next". So I searched for videos on feminism, to get the feminist perspective.

There were none.

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Report Bad Horse · 1,128 views · #web #politics #sad

The Fear of Being Erased/Replaced- Criticism of Modern Extremism · 3:11am May 11th, 2023

There is a fear that some people are trying to replace others, to erase them. There are rightwingers that fear Jews will replace them, that non-white people will replace white people and Christians and others. There are leftwingers that fear trans people, gay people, countless others, the "marginalized" or others are being erased by conservative politicians and Republicans. There are other fears as well, and there are differences about them, as different as the people who harbor these fears.

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Venting and Fandom issues · 6:46pm Sep 15th, 2021

Just was thinking about how we still have Nazis in this fandom and how we need to get them out, there is a difference between hate speech and free speech, some don't think so but if that is enough for someone to be ok or side with Nazis then they were already one. We need to clean up this fandom and keep the hateful people out, even people who are willing to do any kind of either art or stories on it even for a commission we need to stop contact with them, I think if it happened once they

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Report bronyparty15 · 213 views · #Political #Fandom #rant

The fuck, mate? · 8:36am Aug 10th, 2022

So apparently there's an OC based on the Aryan race pushed by Hitler? I am so confused right now.

Report MellowSoul · 144 views · #politics #nazism #WTF
Viewing 81 - 100 of 325 results