
Viewing 61 - 80 of 134 results

How I Write #2 - Experimentation! · 11:53pm Jan 25th, 2016

Wall of text about how I've tried to improve as a writer below:

I don't think I'm a good writer. I have a lot of failed English writing courses to thank for that. Because of this, when I started writing, I was constantly being driven to improve. I wanted my stories to be enjoyed by as many people as the writing deserved. I wanted to be a good writer.

As such, nearly everything I've written has had an underlining design to helping me improve.

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New Chaper · 8:01pm Dec 21st, 2016

The next chapter is done.
Flashpoint was a lot of fun to write and changed midway through to become even more intense than I imagined it.

Thanks once again to my beta Scottrek. I swear he enjoys the suffering I put these characters through even more than I do.

Will be starting the next chapter tomorrow. Hopefully the recent productivity will continue.


How I Write #1 - Words on the Text Document. · 7:32pm Oct 27th, 2015

The following wall of text is an informal explanation of how I go about writing my chapters. You know, for the two or three of you who are curious about such things. :twilightsheepish: I like to be transparent with who I am, and how I do things. I know it's nothing special, but here's how I typically go about writing a new chapter.

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Gemstone Ponies in the Trioverse · 1:03am Dec 29th, 2015

Gemstone Ponies

I set of pony races heavily in tune and influenced by magic. Before the founding of Equestria, these ponies called the most powerful nation in the world their home. The Crystal Empire.


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Surprise Chapter · 1:22am Dec 20th, 2016

Well, what can I say?

There I was planning out the next chapter of the Solar Steward with our six brave adventures taking their first steps into the Everfree.

Then Luna and Infernia stole the chapter. a few hundred word opening turned into a 1,400 words long chapter of it's own. All written within a day.

The benefits of Christmas.

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Solar Steward Progress · 1:34pm Nov 27th, 2016

The next chapter is provisionally written, though I will be sending it to my beta ScottTrek and giving it another readover and edit before I post.


Stories based on songs (and my plans for the following [unintentional] connected story-verse) · 10:44pm May 28th, 2018

1.) EDM and Wubbz: Vynil Scratch and Neon Lights. Mourning a musical friend (Vynil remembers a friend who was killed a while prior whilst in mourning).

2.) Little Filly...: Mrs. Half-Note and Serenity Whole-Note. A mother misses her dearly departed daughter on Mother's Day (The daughter was friends with Vynil and Octavia. A musician and popular web star.)

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Look at this nice picture · 10:26am Dec 2nd, 2015

I recently commented on a Cutie "Re-Mark"-verse group Thread and got this lovely image as a part of a reply. I like it so much that I want post it on my blog so I can find it easily.


New Fallout fic! · 9:39pm Jun 16th, 2015

Hey guys, remember how I said that I am part of an online RP where I have Samus Aran in an alt version of Fallout Equestria, and she saves it, an dits an alt world where Little Pip never left? Well, my little brothr and the guy who I rp'd with is actually putting the entire story of our adventure online for everypoy to read.

IT's right here so clicky

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And Now Some TLC to Gloria Celestia · 11:59am Oct 15th, 2021

Heyo everyone! I edited some of Gloria Celestia.

Don't worry! If you already read it, you don't need to again! Even less was changed than when I updated Forbidden Melodies earlier this month. I don't think I missed anything in the editing, but send a PM if something doesn't read correctly. I didn't run this or Forbidden Melodies by AP, so I might've missed some things.

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[Spoilers] Season Finale VS The Trioverse! · 9:21pm Nov 29th, 2015

Massive spoilers ahead. Make sure to check out the season finale before checking this post out! :twilightsmile:

So yeah, since this finale had a few things relative to the Trioverse, so I figured I'd share my thoughts with you.

Let's start with the big important thing that cannot be undone or everypony loses: The Sonic Rainboom.

There was no rainboom in the 'verse.

Guess that means one of those alternate timelines we were priveed to is making its way into the 'verse!

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Movie Review: Spider-Man - Into the Spider-Verse · 3:01am Jan 29th, 2019

I'll come out and say it right now: out of the animated movies I've seen this year - Incredibles 2, Ralph Breaks the Internet, and Spider-Verse - this one might just be the very best of the lot.

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Help me decide my next fic? · 10:41pm Dec 16th, 2016

So, I'm in a bit of a Pokémon hype (Not surprising, since Sun/Moon came out, second generation is being added to GO, and I've been reading Ashes of the Past on, and I want to write a Pokémon crossover "parallel" to my fic Guardians of the Aura.

The problem is, I have two ideas for that and I can't decide which one is better.

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Should The Teal Changeling be rated teen? · 8:47am Sep 5th, 2015

Did the fight in chapter 6 cross the line? I feel I really skewed reader expectation with that fight, in a negative way...

If I am changing it to teen, the way it's present isn't going to change moving forward, or retroactively. No blood, swears, or porking.

With the first act coming to an end soon, I'm going to update the story's blurb to better express what the story's about, and I was wondering if I should tweak the tags while I was at it, thus the blog.


Newsies #32! It's finally here! · 2:15pm Apr 6th, 2020

After much hemming and hawing, pondering whether I should even bother doing so or not, and finally deciding in a spur of the moment burst the other day to say "to Hel with it" and go for it, I have published

The Derpy-Verse!

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That spider movie · 11:16am Jun 9th, 2023

So, um…Across the Spider-Verse, um…

…wow. That, uh, that was good.

Hit harder than I thought it would…made me cry in places…

...stupid cliffhanger.


Ideas for Tats. · 12:46am Dec 17th, 2015

I'm not saying he has to do these; the guy already has a lot on his table and all are going into his ultimate crossover, My Little PWNY. I'm just giving him some ideas that, I'm certain, most of you will agree on.

Handsome Jack's Diamond: A low level Hyperion Engineer has dreams of both running the company he works for and becoming a hero. It's gonna be tough, but with some clever thinking, selflessness through manipulation, and an adorable filly, Jack will... wait? A FILLY!?!?

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A New Nightmare... Is coming! · 11:30pm Aug 25th, 2017


Remember how I said I was writing something for Crew-T that was gonna involve every one of my 70+ stories? · 11:50pm Jul 23rd, 2021

It has begun.

Commence the crash-course through the Tonkus-verse, a literary revisiting of every story and OC I've created! The only things not being included are characters and/or stories with next to no content ever having been made for them, such as the one-off "comic book" characters I made back in third grade and really never used again afterwards.

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Eminem's fast rap verses · 1:11pm Jul 13th, 2020

Rap God


Viewing 61 - 80 of 134 results