
Viewing 61 - 79 of 220 results

Bruh - This Thing On? · 9:41pm Oct 28th, 2023

We are so back, and it's not even funny.

Going to wait to get an editor/pre-reader on this so my characters don't sound OOC or anything. Gotta get that rust off somehow. Will post another blog when it's up.


Anon: My Thoughts · 5:01pm May 13th

Not sure how I’m going to really start this blog out. Whenever it’s a topic that I find myself gleaning interest towards, it usually comes out like a conversation, albeit one-sided, and it ends up looking like I just drafted a ‘stop talking to a mirror, dumbass’ monologue, and I end up deleting the doc entirely and moving on with my life. I should probably do the same with this one: let someone else who has written Anon for quite some time speak out; make their points in a clear and concise

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Report Soaring · 364 views · #Soaring #writing #blog #Anon

Go read some words about horses thanks · 1:50am Jan 22nd, 2022

Told you I'd deliver on two chapters in one day. 6k of juicy words.

Read the part one of two here:


I just wrote three thousand words about Spitfire killing all the dinosaurs on Earth because of Spike. · 5:24am Jan 26th, 2022

Do you want me to post it? Yes or no?


New Fic: Jinglemas TwiLuna · 4:58pm Dec 27th, 2023

If you haven't seen it yet, click this link. A little friendshipping of the pair for Ghost Mike, who had requested it for Jinglemas. Hope everyone enjoys and hope everyone had a Happy Holidays! You will see more from me soon. :twilightsmile:


My Barcast Interview Has Been Uploaded! · 5:19pm April 4th

If you weren't able to attend the stream when I was on, here's the entire vod. Shoutout once again to the Barcast for having me on, and I'm honored that I was second to last for being interviewed. Was a great time!

By the way, the thumbnail of this video is so good. Since I didn't have an OC, they used Soarin as the cover art image to represent me, and the artist decided to make him ten times more adorable than usual.


Your votes are tallied. Have at it. · 5:51am Jan 26th, 2022

My tenth story is a colossal dumpster fire. What just happened?

Read it here:


New Review Group | What Does This Mean And Do Recommendation Blogs Stop? · 10:43pm May 23rd

I know I posted a blog already today, but you're getting two. Here to announce that I have a review group created just so I can read all your great stories and review them happily.

What does this mean?

See above.

Do the Recommendation Blogs Stop?

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Opinions #2 - Unnecessary Forum Bumps [The Return] · 5:46pm Apr 11th, 2016

Opinions #2 - Unnecessary Forum Bumps

My stance on this is basically explained in the title. Forum bumps in general seem unnecessary. I think the only time they've been actually necessary was with the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau's dealings with the (SFW) Foalcon group. Let's not go there and say we did. But I digress, let's talk about the reasons as to why bumps are mostly unnecessary:

1. It is considered spam.

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Report 1234 · 339 views · #blog #bump #dump #Whynotboth? #Soaring

Le Sigh--"Triggered", one of the most useless words (DISCUSSION) · 9:46pm Aug 7th, 2016

Before I get into this blog, I'd like to say that you should not worry, this will not be a rant. Rather, I am posting this more as a blog to get some information out of all of you, since we do read on this site... right?

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About Me: Why did I join the fandom? · 7:05pm Sep 23rd, 2015

Good question, weird answer. Let's go back in time and witness this somewhat good author's journey into the fandom.

So back when I was uh... into Call of Duty, I was recording for clips when I met a guy named Wuble who was involved in the fandom. He wasn't involved in writing, but rather in video editing. He is damn good at video editing, and when I asked him to edit my episode, he edited it. Here's the episode if you're curious:

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[rant] "Depressed" · 7:37pm Jan 2nd, 2016


I swear if one more person uses this as a tool to gain attention, I'm unfollowing them immediately. I've heard of the word "depression" more on this site than in my psychology classes. What the fuck? Then they go, "I'm fine, k, thnx, bai." and then one week later, they're at it again.

Please, you are not depressed.

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Milestone 2: 10 Followers - (August 15, 2015) · 3:44pm Aug 14th, 2015

Thanks for the follows everyone! :heart:

I'm trying my best to keep up with Fimfiction and writing stories, but between preparing for school and visiting an old friend (who I haven't seen for 5 years) it's quite easy to get distracted.

Sorry folks, doing my best here to write.

TLDR; Story delays are fun.


On the Topic of My Pone Words · 7:30pm Jun 4th, 2020

So, got something actually 100% new in the works. Yeah, it's been a long while, and I'm sorry that it's been that way. Between my other interests, job-hunting, and the hit or miss days of gloom, I've been pretty torn when it comes to taking a few moments to sit down and just... write.

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Beware the 24th-25th · 10:10am Dec 21st, 2015

Shit might be goin' down on Christmas at The Writer's Group.

I'm already prepared.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Thanks + Next Chapter · 6:47am Jan 18th, 2022

Great to see that everyone liked the update. Glad to be back in the saddle again, so hopefully with more time set aside after work, I should be able to knock out some more chapters in the upcoming weeks.

Speaking of chapters, sneak preview of the next one inc:

“You mean the [insert wingdings here]?”

“Sorry, you spoke heresy. What was that?”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “It’s a machine that provides valuable information on a patient—”

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Small Update · 2:01pm Nov 8th, 2023

Been quiet for a bit, thought I'd let you guys know I'm still active. Got about 3k words for the next chapter for Why Do You Speak My Language (WDYSML), and it's still climbing as I have a few more things to write. With this being said, I'll also be rehashing some of my old works as well that were posted from my old account, so expect those out sometime soon.

Following fics that I'm thinking about rehashing:

That's Racist (a shitpost lmao):

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Thoughts on The Not-So-Scientific Way of Flirting · 8:46pm Dec 10th, 2023

First off, thank you everyone for the support on my latest one shot. Going to responding to comments here now that it's off the feature box, which definitely is telling me I did something right. This type of fic was definitely out of the ordinary for me as I'm not a big writer of romance (let alone EQG), and I think if I had to tackle a more serious romantic fic, I would probably have problems as I don't have an off-switch for my comedic style currently. Maybe that's the next thing I tackle as

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New Fics: Thrown Into a Downspiral of Emotions and Stop Thinking, Twilight! · 2:10am April 19th

So, I knew I was going to slam out some fics this week. No idea why. Don't ask. Golabi's idea was unintentional, it just happened.

TThrown Into a Downspiral of Emotions
Spitfire is about to retire and Fleetfoot is upset at her for a multitude of reasons, ones that she hopes Spitfire will answer.
Soaring · 3k words  ·  45  3 · 473 views
TStop Thinking, Twilight!
Anon's goal is to make Twilight to stop thinking and just vibe. Twilight doesn't know how to do that.
Soaring · 1.4k words  ·  144  8 · 1.9k views

Go give them a read (if you haven't already read the 2nd one). First one is really fresh right now!

Hope you all enjoy them. :twilightsmile:

Viewing 61 - 79 of 220 results