
Viewing 61 - 80 of 244 results

It's that time again! · 8:46pm Aug 5th, 2015


Yes, I know...Quantum Vault has been on hiatus for awhile. I've had some other (paying) writing gigs that have demanded my attention, and publishers with deadlines win.

I'll be at Bronycon this weekend with a little picture of Quantum on my backpack, alongside a plug for my new sci-fi ponyMUCK, Cloudsdale 3. If you happen to see it, come say hi! Afterwards it's time to get back to the next vault!

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So I have a Ko-Fi account now · 7:45pm Aug 19th, 2018


Support me Ko-Fi! · 2:20am Jul 21st, 2018

Hello my loves!

I'm not going to bore you with this, and i'll keep it short and too the point.

I wanted to set up a small tip-jar for anyone that wishes to donate in support of my page/content. I don't want to set up a Patreon and start asking for money and monthly subscriptions etc-etc, I don't want that at all. I'm good with any appreciation tips, all are most welcome!

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I Now Have A Ko-fi · 8:13pm Mar 8th, 2019

I know, bit late considering, but I've finally done it. I have created a Ko-fi account. Now people can help support me and my writing, but don't have to do so or try to make a monthly requirement (and i don't have to try and come up with specific monthly bonuses for those that do).

So, I would really appreciate it if some of you that enjoy my writing would send a few bucks my way.

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I opened a Ko-Fi! · 6:01pm Mar 16th, 2022

I opened a Ko-Fi! Mainly because people wanted to donate in order to support me. It should help motivate me to write more in theory. I'll use whatever is donated to help commission more art for my fic.


Once my current personal project goal's reached on Ko-fi, the next goal's gonna be a cover art commission! · 4:49am Jul 28th, 2020

But yeah. Current goal's 54% complete already thanks to an anonymous donor, and once that's complete, I'll set a new goal to fund some neato cover art commissions! I've got my eye on a few artists that have been promoting commissions 'round here recently. :raritywink:

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Thoroughly Random Thought · 6:01am Mar 12th, 2023

Been finding myself chanting "Chai! Chai! Chai!" under my breath recently. Huh, I wonder why. :pinkiehappy:

No, I've never actually played the game; it's a bit too high-energy for me, 3-D platformers aren't my thing, and I have a little issue with something called "heights" that the game indulges in here and there. Seen plenty of footage of it, though, and I find it fun to watch.


New Gold Tier Story: Face of an Angel, Mind of a Succubus · 4:37pm Nov 19th, 2020

To all my followers, a new story titled Face of an Angel, Mind of a Succubus has been added the Gold Tier folder.

Little Mac takes up a summer job at Sugarcube Corner, working alongside his feminine (and attractive) cousin Lil' Cheese. After a long day of helping out, Little Mac is offered a reward for his assistance by his cousin...

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Contests, Comics, Coffees, Commissions, and Crossovers · 2:28am Dec 13th, 2022

I knew I would overextend myself eventually.

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Someone Needs Our Help! · 11:39pm Jan 27th, 2022

Verdesause - Ko-fi

Please donate or spread the word to help this user out.


Return and Open Comissions. · 10:13pm Nov 10th, 2018

Hello everyone, good to see you all. I have been gone for a really, really long time, and I have a lot to say as well as a lot to do. Even now I'm not entirely certain of myself as I post this, but in the pits of my being, I know this is the course of action I wish to take above all else--frightful though it may be. In time I hope to explain more to you in other posts in the future; though for now I hope you'll understand the adjustment process I'm currently trying to deal with and will grant

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Incoming fic? · 2:53pm Sep 13th, 2015

Cover art:

It'll be the somewhat longer sequel to 'Where is Ponyville?', that I've linked in this blog.

Report Karibela · 348 views · #Sci-Fi #Fic #Airship #U-wot-m8

For a friend. · 4:22pm Aug 24th, 2017

Hey, just wanted to share you guys a fic that one of my IRL friends made. He's new to the website, so please, don't be so harsh on him. It's around a new group of heroes in the far future,
who battle monsters from some new villains. Think of it as a mix between Batman Beyone and Power Rangers, with a pinch of Sailor Moon. Enjoy!

TMy little Pony:Beyond Destiny
A future look of what Equstria would be in 1000 years
OddityOblivious · 5.2k words  ·  11  2 · 299 views

Pale Horsemen Character Bio! · 9:37am Jan 27th, 2018

Major Gabriel Hopkins

Species: Human (formerly)

Age: ~63 years old (Physically in mid-20’s)

Bio: According to old G-Force records, before 1992, Gabriel Hopkins didn’t exist. However, after an interdimensional portal opened up and spat him out at Kaiju Monitoring Station Kwajalein, Hopkins has been busy in world events since then. But, from what has been gathered from what little the mostly classified reports paints a rather morbid picture of the man.

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My Plans for July: Incest, Patreon, and Donations Galore! · 3:10pm Jun 29th, 2019

Hey guys! I just wanted to make a quick update because as of right now, I have completed all of my Patreon projects for this month! All that I have to do is proofread the final two chapters I've written for The Many Short Stories of Equestria; one will be published on Fimfiction tonight, and the other will be online tomorrow. And with that, all of my June projects will be officially completed. But what will come in July?

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I 'reworded' large parts on Conquest, but I'm really back on here to rewrite Blazing Muzzles · 3:43am Jan 25th, 2022

After finishing the half-written chapter five, I went back to read the earlier chapters and was sorely disappointed with my clarity of writing almost all throughout. I was actually twelve years old back then, but despite putting out a significantly better written work (Interdimensional Princess), still couldn't see the fic for what it was: mediocre. It's still not anything amazing, but I couldn't stand to leave the previous chapters as such if I have any intention of taking it out of hiatus.

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Forces of Friendship - Update · 10:27pm Dec 9th, 2016

I know it's been several months since I last updated Forces of Friendship, and there is a reason for that.

I haven't felt the story is really up to scratch, the same reason why I deleted A Mare Called Missy and The Constant Drums. Unlike the last two, however, I do want to continue it. Thus, the story will be taken down for now and released later on with the plot revamped, though the current released chapters will retain most of their current content, if updated a bit.

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Progress Update + Mac Concept Art · 2:54am Sep 14th, 2015

Just finished the first draft of Chapter 2 of The Caretaker, topping at 3800 words and now in polishing/editing department.

Also, have this, by PoisonST


The cyberspace of the Dream-Web continues · 7:01am Jan 20th, 2016


Well. This is going to be interesting. · 3:31am Apr 15th, 2017

So I've been working on something. It's not quite there yet, but it's getting there. It needs some love, some upgrades, and maybe some bionic enhancements. But it's going to get there.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 244 results