
Viewing 61 - 80 of 88 results

Random Ramblings CXLI - P.D.P 2.1 · 10:35pm Feb 26th, 2017

This blogpost is the second in a six-part series. Here's Part 1, wherein you may find links to all other parts. The second half of this post is here.

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Gen'da I.D.s yo... (black speak for "Over") · 6:25am Mar 15th, 2022

Woke Liberal Soldier?
Instead of their name and rank on their uniforms, they'd demand their pronouns and pride flag emojis instead... right?

And their corpses?
The pronouns on the toe tag.

Dog Tags?
WokeSolidiers: Oh yeah! Kink belongs on the battlefield!!!


On Abuse in Ponyfic: an unofficial Ice Star review of 'And if I don't belong...' (CONTAINS SENSITIVE TOPICS) · 11:41pm May 6th, 2018

Hello! It's been a while since I've done one of my large reviews of anything. The last time was my blog series on 'Bride of Discord' and pointing out and deconstructing fairy tale tropes and why the story was a kiddie guide to an abusive relationship.

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Pondering new stories and all that good jazz. · 1:42am Jul 12th, 2015

Well considering I'm about as consistent with my writing as a pothead sloth... I tend to over look little mile stones I pass with the few things I post. Like the last two story I posted this year Google Equestria (Probably the lightest thing I've ever written.) and Death Equals Life. Both got little achievements that I gotta give myself a little credit for despite me constantly saying I don't deserve it.

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(VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED) I don't know if I want to be a part of that - feel free to skip this one. This took forever to put down into words, and I think I'm finally comfortable enough to share this abuse story and life decision with the rest · 6:39pm Apr 16th, 2021

WARNING: This blog is going to get a little dark and also questionable, so if you don't want to deal with any of what I'm about to say, feel free to step out. I have a gut feeling a lot of what I am about to say will be controversial to some and won't sit right with others. I'm going to be getting into a lot of deep, personal territory in this one about childhood abuse, neglect and verbal abuse and physical abuse. Thanks.


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I would rather be hated for saying this than for keeping my mouth shut - if you don't agree, I'd like you to leave · 3:34pm Oct 10th, 2020

It honestly makes me so sad on the inside and outside after becoming an adult and seeing the world in a no-bullshit kind of way. The way people act towards everything, the apathy, the uncaring way they do things without regard for anybody else, the opportunist stance they have when times get tough, how guys treat women and how much women put themselves down when they shouldn't because of it, etc.

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I was forced to leave The Insane Writers Guild · 7:28am Dec 20th, 2017

I was forced to leave The Insane Writers Guild earlier this night because the group is dying and it is ruled by abusive pro Disney admins. The group has problems for quite some time like having a number of it's members blindly defending the movie critics who attacked My Little Pony: The Movie, viciously attacking anyone who dares says anything that is less than flattering towards Disney, and celebrating the upcoming movie studio monopoly from Disney which would result in the return of the Hays

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Wrongfully Convicted Transgender Woman Needs Help · 6:53am Nov 25th, 2016

I live in the State of Arizona so I know firsthand how messed up things are here. I could go on all day about our corrupt state politicians, our crappy Right To Work status, our failing education system, and other details which make us one of the most backwards states in this country.

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Houses Aflame?! Meh... · 4:25am May 21st, 2021

Remember how every once in a while you and your neighborhood gets one of those neighbors from hell? The one household you wish would simply disappear and thus relieve much if not all the suffering your neighbors and you have been forced to endure for an untold amount of time?

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Short story posting! · 6:13am Jun 25th, 2022

Sunset and I and a bunch of others, (:pinkiehappy: There was a Ninja, some woman with green hair named Gertrude, probably my sister Vengeance, and Lord Skywalker. You know. The one that likes to snorkle.) colabed on a story!

If you like magic, myth, and also our poetry, please give it a read!

The Powers That Be Zer0: The Nameless Bride of Adam, Legend of the Willow

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Chicken soup is good for the soul. · 5:30am Jun 11th, 2021


Gun Jumping for Dummies · 10:53pm Sep 14th, 2018


About Friendship and Love and something in between · 1:29am Apr 29th, 2019

This blog entry is something very personal. If you aren't interested in that, you know where to not read.

I am merely writing this entry, because I need to unload this somewhere. Today, my friend and I broke up with each other. No, more precisely, she broke up with me. Even more precisely than that, our friendship just crumbled away until she didn't have the strength to endure it all anymore.

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A thing I need to do is speaking more..... particularly, speaking up. · 8:05pm Sep 21st, 2020

So, first, sorry that this isn't about writing. I know that many here wait for updates on my stories and some recent events make it increasingly difficult to get back into a proper writing schedule, but these updates will come as I am slowly getting things back in order. For now, I need to speak about a few things and say a few things that are important for me to say and, frankly, have always been important to say.

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On "Canterlot Boutique" · 8:47pm Sep 12th, 2015

...I dislike Rarity episodes. Quite a bit. I like the series and its characters because they're not superficially girly-girl and stuff, but the Rarity episodes move off in that direction more often than not by the very nature of Rarity's profession. I wouldn't exactly say it's a BAD thing for the show to cater more to its target audience, considering I and most people here are decidedly not such, but I literally do not care about the fashion aspect of this universe. As such, I'm not

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State of the Author: December · 4:49am Dec 13th, 2019

That’s right, it’s December, and I’ve managed to get one of these out two months in a row, which is, like, totally a record.

Also, fair warning, some of the pony pictures might not be topical; that’s because I’ve got several tabs open with ones I was gonna use for a story or blog art for said story but at the rate things are going, I’ll’ve replaced my computer before that particular story sees the light of day.

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If you put an episode spoiler in front of someone's face without giving a warning..... · 1:00am Jun 11th, 2019

I'm sorry if I upset you by unknowingly posting something that could potentially turn out to be a story arc in the future, but it does not give you license to treat me or anyone in such a manner, and it never will. If this is where you draw your line at having mercy on people and their faults, I highly suggest you step back and contemplate your morals, values, and priorities.


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And It Keeps Going (Part Four) · 9:20pm Jul 25th, 2017

Oh boy. Here's installment four. As with the previous blogs, reading those before this one is going to make much more sense. This blog contains spoilers for the next chapters of Bride of Discord that I'm gonna be going over in here... unless I somehow skipped some. Dunno if I did since I'm constructing this from the notes on my iPod that I made 'bout a month ago and I didn't have anything to say for two or so chapters. If you want to check out the story for yourself - which I encourage you to

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New fic is released: "The New Freedom" · 3:31am Oct 6th, 2020

It is time for my next story release! This story has been long in the making, I started writing it in January, then lost track of it for a little while and finished it in late May. It is a story I was requested to write and the requester of it got to read it in July already, however, the story has been resting as an unpublished story here since then, because I was also requested to release this story as my 40th submission here. And now, that moment of release has come.

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Am I an evil person? · 1:07am January 21st

Many years ago, I lived together with a person who called herself my "mother". She was evil and also mentally ill. A few days ago, on Thursday, I came to think about her, because I was thinking about the mistake I made in January of 2017 and how my extreme reaction there must have been because of a mental illness.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 88 results