
Viewing 61 - 80 of 132 results

Finally Saw Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens · 1:55am Jan 4th, 2016

Sure, it was largely a predictable rehash of Episode IV full of plot contrivances (Why doesn't the Empire ever build security cameras into their death machines?) but I honestly don't even care that much because fucking Star Wars is back!

Oh and the music was amazing as always. Soooo much yummy french horn!


I'll stick around for a little longer · 3:17am Jul 18th, 2015

Why? Because there's only one thing that I can write anymore and not bore myself to sleep. A Star vs. the Forces of Evil crossover, which the site has absolutely none of which I'm aware of that don't make me want to hurl (Well, there was a readable one but the author's taken that one down for a rewrite). I don't know how long it'll be, but I'm aiming towards a longer one-shot, maybe split it into chapters and release them in segments if it gets much longer than ten-thousand words. I'm

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Glitter Force · 2:57am Aug 29th, 2018

Now many people know that Sailor Moon was the source of inspiration for many shows that came after it. One recent discovery of mine (Thanks to my youngest sister Julianna) was a show called Glitter Force. It's basically Sailor Moon reskinned. Not saying it's bad, I actually enjoy it. But it's like... SO SIMILAR.

I'm gonna list the similarities here...

We open with a young schoolgirl (Serena/Emily)
She's kinda clumsy but has a positive attitude

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Chapter 31, Finally · 9:13pm Sep 16th, 2022

Kept you waiting, huh?

Business first. XXXI: Of Resurrections is being released alongside this blog. Nine months is a long wait, and it shouldn't have taken me this long, but alas here we are. I think it's a pretty good chapter! It's been reviewed by no less than five of my editors, with a sixth unfortunately being too busy with work to get more than a quarter of the way through it. I'm very excited to see what everyone thinks.

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It's so soon · 11:25pm Jun 27th, 2023

The rough draft of the next chapter is 90% complete. I intend to post the finalized version this coming Friday. There will be Discord, there will be Starlight, there will possibly be multimedia integration, and there will be plenty more pop cultural references as befitting a chapter with Discord.

Keep your eyes open and your OiM decoder rings at the ready.


On Star Wars: The Force Awakens · 4:26pm Jan 2nd, 2016

I saw it last night. I'll get more in-depth (with unmarked spoilers) below the break, but short summary: it was everything I needed it to be. I can't tell you hard enough to GO SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE before clicking the "Read More."

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Possable FAN ART?!?! O_O · 1:12pm Aug 10th, 2018

I came by these images from my best friend a day ago. They look exactly like the images from the series I am making as well as the Comic fan made comic its based on.

Could be a Possible Fan art from my work or the main art itself. Ether way please check these out.

All the art is made by KittyTheNerd at her Deviant art site located here.

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Getting an Early Head Start · 4:55am Dec 17th, 2016

Okay, so after my last prank wasn't so well-received (even though it was literally a last-second decision), I made the executive decision to actually decide to write individual special April Fools chapters for each story.

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A Release and a Recommendation · 9:00pm Jan 4th, 2021

So, first things first: the sixth Iota Force story's getting released:

EThe Crystal Caves of Confuzzlation (Iota Force Issue #6)
Iota Force descend deep beneath the Crystal Empire and must find a way to escape, fight through a gauntlet of traps - illusory, deadly and both - to bring their captor to justice. There's no backup down there - they're all alone. Or are they?
The Iguana Man · 90k words  ·  15  1 · 240 views

However, rather than my previous habit of just saying so, joking about the awkwardness of doing so and passive-aggressively indicating how I think there should be notifications when a story gets a sequel, I thought I'd try something a bit different: a recommendation for something outside the Ponysphere.

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Eclipsa Butterfly is the Best! · 7:28pm Jul 7th, 2021

Next to Toffee, Eclipsa is my favorite character in the entire Star vs. the Forces of Evil series. She's just such a well-written character and a great mother, wife, queen, and friend overall, despite her faults and what others in Mewni think of her. And I'll tell you why she's that right now.

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The Problem Within The Woke Age The Armed Forces And Beyond Caused By The Woke Agenda · 8:29pm May 24th, 2021

The Problem Within The Armed Forces And Beyond Caused By The Woke Agenda


4 the Record: Why I'll Be Waiting For 'TFA' On Disc · 4:51am Jan 21st, 2016

Oh, and spoilers, for both the movie and the EU books.

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Upcoming for 2017 · 7:29pm Dec 31st, 2016

In February, for my 2 year anniversary on Fim, I will be releasing 4 crossover stories. I'll release one story a week.

I'm going to do
Dragon Tales
Star Vs The Forces of Evil
Fullmetal Alchemist
And one of your choosing. Comment below what crossover you'll like to see.

I am also working on some non-pony stories, so I will post a link to my Writers cafe page when I get them up, and my blog when I finish getting that set up.

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Writing 101: Don’t Force, but Don’t Procrastinate · 5:05am May 3rd, 2019

Last week, after many false starts and discards, I finished the first chapter of my novel. Or more accurately, I finished the first chapter of a novel after discarding three others this year, and this is the first one I'm mildly confident might possibly be finish-able. To celebrate this ephemeral milestone, I would like to revisit a piece of writing advice that I learned long ago, yet I still often forget; don’t force it—but don’t procrastinate either.

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Apologies · 6:26pm Apr 15th, 2016

Yes... Deadpool and Luna banged. I'm very sorry for that. Here, have Gifs from Star Wars: The Force Awakens... with Garlic Bread.


Next Story(ies) · 7:36am Sep 27th, 2015

So, if you're reading this, hopefully you came from one of my newly finished stories; Equestria's Ginyu Force and Freddy Fazbear and Friends' Displaced Adventures in Equestria. If not, I suggest you try those out, but you don't have to. This blog post is for me knowing what Displaced story (or stories, not sure if I should make two again like I did before), I should release next. Here are the stories I've currently got, and have the first few chapters done of;

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[Spoilers] A forreal blog of Fave Moments in Star Wars 7 · 6:22am Dec 28th, 2015

Ok for real this time I'm sharing my favorite moments of Star Wars. If you haven't watched the movie, don't read this fucking blog. If you do, that's your fault and your fault only. And by reading this you are sacrificing all rights to say that I'm responsible for ruining your Star Wars experience with spoilers.
and darklordcomp you can go bugger off.
Ok here we go.

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Interdimensional Princess has been Submitted · 5:49am Aug 12th, 2015


Today, I stood up to my dad...and it felt amazing. · 10:46pm Jul 25th, 2015

So I was helping my dad to thread some wires under our outdoor patio roof for some lights he's put inside of some plastic meshing, and he asks me to pass him a 'plastic piece'.

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Okay, So, Read Up About What Happens In Rise Of Skywalker · 8:25pm Dec 19th, 2019

As a person, I don't mind spoilers but I won't give you any.

But overall, in regards to the final Star Wars looks quite fun actually.

I get why people don't like the new Star Wars films but I do feel those people do take it way too far.
Hence why I left the Star Wars group this week until they've been given a chance to simmer down after the new film.
I can see it getting...mixed reviews. But not in the same way Last Jedi did.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 132 results