
Viewing 61 - 80 of 224 results

There is a Pope in the "Cars" universe · 2:44pm Mar 19th, 2021

That means that somewhere along the line, there was a car Jesus who got his tires nailed to a cross so he could die for the sins of car-kind.

...further proof that Cars is one of the most brain-breaking things Disney's ever put out.


Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 10 · 12:43pm May 21st

We're at ten! That's only 1/100 of where Vertigo22's at! Yay?...

Oh Jacki...What took you so long?

Heartbeat City by the Cars from the 1984 album also called Heartbeat City.

The noise electric never stops.


Signal Boost: Tempest Buys a Car · 5:00am Nov 10th, 2021

Rules are rules, and scummy as they are, salespony at a car dealership is a job. Actually, let me digress (but later) about that.

For now, what we have here is an unintentional entry into the Not-A-Contest which isn’t related to (but isn’t not related to) my day’s project at the shop which could very well be not a blog entry but a story. With ponies.

Confused? So am I.

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Tired... · 12:08am Oct 17th, 2015

Ugh... Been working on A Slave's Freedom on and off. Currently dealing with the lack of energy from university...

...and the excitement of owning a new car.

I mean, a nice new car.

(This isn't my picture of my car, but this is the exact make and everything.)


2007 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS with a subwoofer.

>in love<

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Okay, for real campaign this time. Need help. · 11:43pm Mar 8th, 2018

I have a real honest shot at getting a decent warehouse job, but the problem is that it's 2 hours away by car and it really eats into my gas. Until the checks and money start rolling in to where I can make this work, I need some help to keep my wheels going and I'd be very grateful for any sort of help.

Below it the link to my gofundme campaign, any help is very much appreciated until I can stand on my own.

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How to prevent Double-Late-For-Work Accidents. · 10:38am Jan 4th, 2022

I once worked my way up to management. Management sucks. I now have a UnionJob where I am part of the crew. As a manager, I learned that the almost universal policy of being able to fire employees who are more than 1 minute late 3 times in 28 days (20 workdays) exists just so that over half the workforce is fireable at all times. This makes cutting the workforce quickly easy.

As a manager, I decided on this policy:

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I PASSED! · 4:17pm Mar 9th, 2016

I had my driving test today. I FUCKING PASSED! I HAVE MY DRiVER'S LICENSE!


Car Accident · 11:17pm Apr 25th, 2016

Today, on the way home from picking my sister up from school, I was involved in a four-vehicle auto accident. I was the second-to-last car to get hit. From what I could gather, this is what happened:

-Front truck gets green light, doesn't move
-I was stopped behind the first truck
-Third car stopped behind me
-Fourth car, not paying attention to anything other than the green light, doesn't stop
-4 rear ends 3, which rear ends me, and I am pushed forward and bumped the first truck

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Why Fandoms Are So Toxic · 1:22pm Oct 8th, 2019


Two days no updates - for good reason · 3:09am Aug 14th, 2017

Well last night my car battery died, on a backroad in a creepy location, right in front of a tree that looked like it had eyes and was staring at me. When someone helped jump start it I ended up taking another creepy road through a mist coated area that I really should have taken pictures of.

It was eerily like Terminus's back roads can be.

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Life sucks. So does nature. · 2:32am Apr 9th, 2018

Okay, about 3 hours ago I got into a car accident. Not with another car, not with only myself, but with a deer crossing the road.

The truck is smashed now, and I feel pain all over. I'll be fine given time, but whatever.

Oh, and people wonder why I hate nature...


Episode 57 update · 6:45am Jul 15th, 2020

I think this weeks episode is 57. it's 1:15am central standard time is the US (when I started writing). I know, I didn't get the chapter out. The goal is the next 24 hours to have it out. If you care to know more details, keep reading. If not, you got all that matters.

I'm writing this long blog because I am bored and not tired while I'm trying to go to sleep, so I might as well write an overtly long blog on my phone, Right?

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Setback on update. · 4:05am Mar 14th, 2016

Things got really busy over this weekend, I haven't had any time to finish the last tidbits of the chapter. I know I said it would be out tonight---it's not ready yet. I am waiting on revisions to a final scene, as well as time to actually put everything together. The chapter itself is about 80% finished, and I will post it when I have time. Please be a little more patient, it's coming.


My New Coat · 4:20am Jan 19th, 2018

A random everything blog

Because I'm sitting at the laundromat, matting my laundros.*


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Fic Reviews: That New Car Smell · 4:39pm Nov 10th, 2018

Okay, can you possibly pray for my soul here? I'm not going to lie to you, this fic... Well, if it were food and Gordon Ramsey were to be reviewing it, he'd say it's FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKINGGGG RAW! Yes, it's that bad. Now, the fic in question?

[Adult story embed hidden]

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Pokéslob (Pokégod del 5) · 7:50pm Oct 1st, 2018

So I took a break from White to play my old Pokémon Ruby. I got back into it with the intention to finally complete the pokedex, so I got on a massive hunt for every available pokemon. Now there's only a few left. Which is to:
Evolve Vigoroth, Nincada, Marill, Golbat, Glupin, Numel, Grimer, Koffing, Sandshrew, Corphish, Rhyhorn, Snorunt and Beldum.
Get another Moonstone for Skitty and Jigglypuff.
Trade Kadabra, Graveler, Machoke, Clamperl (x2) and Seadra and trigger their evos.

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25th Birthday Disaster (Rant) · 2:11am Nov 16th, 2021


So... here's how it went down. · 12:21am Aug 4th, 2022

So, as you may have noticed, Twilight Learned is late. That's because I answered a call for help that ate up the last days of the month I had set aside for writing time. It was an epic journey across a 30 mile wide stretch of water, an international border, six discreet biomes, and three major geologic features of the continent, while going past landslides, deer, and a trio of kamikaze raccoons. I will now use the words of my editor to describe why and what happened, with her permission, of

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Story Time: Maa's Perilous Adventure · 10:57pm March 3rd


Distant Car Shifting with Packers and Movers in Ahmedabad; Safety Challenges, and Tips · 5:31am May 17th

Shifting your car to a distant spot? Are you sure it is protected? Maybe not, thus you need to have some useful safety tips that can help you overcome long-distance moving challenges. To help you here, we have this blog for you, discussing a few safety tips to help you protect your car during such a long journey. Also, some potential safety threats need to be identified and tackled while moving with packers and movers in

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 224 results