
Viewing 61 - 80 of 391 results

We Are Such Stuff...: Questions of Chronology · 5:05am Apr 9th, 2018

So, I have set my character on a quest, and will head him toward the city.

I have been considering some details: I have settled on an approximate date of 350 AE for the start of this story. This raises the question of the general level of technology in the Northeast U.S. at the time. The farm described is pretty much pre-Industrial Revolution, or at least the beginning of it. As an outlying rural area, that seems appropriate: but what of the city?

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airing a grievance way before Festivus - ignore if you want · 8:33am Jun 3rd, 2017

why the hell haven't people like... well, let's call them Deek and Ceecha - fizzled away into obscurity yet, they may be pioneers of the incomprehensible "I take myself very seriously" fedora brigade but honestly compared to the shit I've seen in recent years they're old hat

anyone heard of the magical man they call Travis 2015/16/17

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Exhausted · 11:11am Oct 25th, 2017

Today has been a mentally exhausting day. Like, really exhausting. :ajbemused: I get that people have their own opinions, but don't God damn tell me how to live my life. I don't like arguing. That's why I'm usually so quiet because my point of view on things is not only different from the mass but also very important to me. It's also really hard for me to be strict and say "no" when needed. What do you think is the limit people should say no before others get it that you don't want to do

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Signal Boost: The Elephant in the Room · 6:51pm Dec 31st, 2017

No words from me. Just follow the link.

Edit: My stupid computer grabbed the wrong link on the first pass. Fixed now, sorry about that.


Put It To The People March London Tomorrow · 4:59pm Mar 22nd, 2019

If British politics were an Equestria Girls film, we would now be at the scene where the Prime Minister has transformed into a megalomaniac winged demon, and is now hovering above the Palace of Westminster, sending out shots of dark magic while cackling with laughter, yet frustrated with people’s efforts to thwart her evil plans.

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Is there such a thing as following too many people? · 9:20pm Jun 8th, 2016

Okay, I'm just asking here and you don't have to answer but is there such a thing as following too many people? I'm following over one hundred, and that means I can get a lot of notifications at times. Should I downsize or something?


Do me a favor? Plus a teaser for Chapter 33! · 4:12am Feb 29th, 2016

Hi, all!

First up, in case you don't follow me but do appreciate good Soarburn stuff (and I suspect that you do :raritywink:), check out my blog on getting one of my Soarburn shirts.

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A horse in the desert · 1:24am Jul 31st, 2015

Remember that old Last Pony on Earth idea that I had? Well, it's been scrapped/heavily modified:pinkiehappy:

(Ignore the multiplas rifle)

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Busting a Buster · 2:58pm Jun 9th, 2017

Check out the new Safe Landings episode written by AldenMacManx – “Busting a Buster”. This follows after the events of “Stop That Blimp!”.


How much you wanna bet I'm cursed? (Warning: super spooky story) · 2:50pm Jul 28th, 2015

A lot of people on this site know I can act drunk whenever I'm sleepy, which is 100% true, and it has been that way for a long time. But this story of sleep drunkeness will either make the hairs on your neck stand up, or make you unfollow me because I'm a nutcase. It all started a few years back. I was sleepy/drunk, I can't remember much of it, but I know at one point in that night I got into a fight with a weird looking lady. She wore some sorta cloak and practically screamed 'cliche witch'.

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Breaking News! New Story coming soon · 8:17pm Sep 28th, 2017

Hey everypony! Just letting y'all know I'm a week or two (hopefully) away from the new PaP story. Don't worry, I'm planning it carefully so it doesn't end up a clusterfuck like SND.

We'll see the return of our two favorite Returnees as they embark on a journey back to Max's hometown (or what's there now).

Stay tuned everypony!



Rainbow Sprinkly Goodness · 9:17am May 30th, 2016

You know what I haven't seen often?

A bisexual Rainbow Dash.

So I made one.

And yes I got this story idea primarily from songs (Rainbow Connection here and Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups- don't know why but most of my stuff are influenced heavily by music and that's why I named it that for anybody that might care)

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/r/ScottishPeopleTwitter (Again) · 4:37am May 3rd, 2018


Grateful As Hell · 7:50am Jan 7th, 2019

Today, my campaign to help Raevyn got it's first donation. Someone donated $200.00 to help her, and I was so happy I called her crying.

If you're able to donate, Click Here! She can use all the help she can get! And if you can't donate, please share!

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National Anthem · 12:18pm May 25th, 2016

Today, May 25th of 1881, the Dictator Antonio Guzmán Blanco decreed that the song "Glory to te Brave People" would be the National Anthem of Venezuela. Normally, I wouldn't even bother to post it here, but I found a video with the lyrics translated to the English for those curious enough:

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Helping the People of Ukraine · 1:10am Mar 2nd, 2022

The average Russian does not want war with Ukraine. The Ukrainians certainly don't want war. But the tragedy of war has come to them, and even if peace comes soon, it will only have been bought by the blood toll of all too many lives.

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Everyone who claims they are excited about E3 is an idiot · 10:16pm Jun 10th, 2018

Lemme rephrase that: everyone who claims they are excited about E3 is a massive fucking idiot, and I am sick to death of having to be exposed to them.

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so apparently my OC has a canon doppelganger??? · 4:01am Mar 25th, 2018

posting under break bc spoilers

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Because I have no desire for Driver's Ed · 3:15am Jun 8th, 2015

I currently have no desire to do Driver's Ed, so I'll just leave some miscellaneous evening thoughts about stories, a few links and why my avatar looks like it belongs on a different website.

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I've Had It With People Not Respecting My Boundaries · 6:52am Mar 24th, 2019

If I am not ready to do something, I am not going to do it. That's it. People need to respect that instead of trying to keep pushing me to change my mind. Odds are, I have already tried to push that boundary myself, but found I could not. So stop. Stop trying to change me, stop trying to force me to be something I am not, and stop trying to impose what you want, like it matters more than my self respect. Fucking show some fucking courtesy for the feelings of others and respect where they are at

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 391 results