• Member Since 12th Feb, 2015
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  • 3 weeks

    I should have written this a long time ago. It's been embarrassing. I've been embarrassed. I've also felt like, hey, I'm washed-up and haven't written anything in ages, so why should folks care?

    But I might as well be honest, because if not now, when?

    I lost my job.

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  • 32 weeks
    I woke up and remembered our song

    Well, it was never really our song
    It was a song I heard once, from you, and we talked about it
    And I'm not sure if you even remember that conversation now, or if you listen to the song
    It's not like the music you play now at all

    And maybe you moved on from that, too
    Wouldn't be the first time

    But I shouldn't begrudge you
    I keep telling myself that
    You're happier now, more successful

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  • 34 weeks
    More (unfinished) content

    It's been a while. I could talk about things being busy, but things are always busy. I'm not going anywhere, barring very unfortunate circumstances, and I appreciate everyone who's still been following along with this account.

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  • 43 weeks
    Strange Starts/EFNW

    Things I wasn't expecting about my trip (as of present) to Seattle:

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Everyone who claims they are excited about E3 is an idiot · 10:16pm Jun 10th, 2018

Lemme rephrase that: everyone who claims they are excited about E3 is a massive fucking idiot, and I am sick to death of having to be exposed to them.

"FUCKING NORMIE FAGGOTS GET OUT OF MY THREAD" - roughly 98% of the "gamers" following E3 [depicted here as an actually likable character, which is being too generous when you think about it]

Why? Literally every year, it's the exact same thing: Dozens and dozens of people, on all my forums and channels, talking about how they're hyped for releases - which is fine by itself. Everyone talking about how they hope X gets released or if they're going to tease information about Y or what's Z's secret project, and so on - which is also fine by itself. If everyone acted like they did in the weeks before E3 happened, I'd be more than a little happy.

But what do we get instead?

- Hypocrisy all over the goddamned place. People who gushed about an IP they're excited about will get exactly everything they asked for, and still find the most useless, trivial shit to complain about like it's the end of the world. If there's ever a feature advertised that isn't exactly the sort of feature they wanted, then it's obviously a waste of resources and the CEO should be barbecued, because reasons.

- Complaining about shit they'd never play. God forbid a company drops a title that they don't have interest in, because that's the opening of the proverbial goddamned floodgates about how THE COMPANY SUCKS and OUT OF TOUCH WITH WHAT FANS WANT and SELLING TO THE NORMIES REE and you have to wonder why on earth their mothers allowed them out of their respective basements, or how they managed to get through life without having their cholesterol-addled hearts explode from self-induced stress.

- Nitpicking about the convention design. You figured that everyone watching E3 streams was actually a bridezilla in the last week before their wedding day, from the way they'll go after everything and I mean everything:

"The music choice is awful!"
"They needed more music here!"
"Who designed the lighting?"
"I don't want to look at this prop! I want to see footage!"
"I don't want to look at any speakers! I want to see footage!"

I invite each and every last one of them to inspect their own bedrooms with the same critical eye that they give to those presentations. The world's got a population surplus anyway, and while a few thousand heart attacks wouldn't solve that issue, it'd certainly help.

- Memes. Good lord, by the latter half of the convention people speak in nothing but memes. And then you keep forgetting that you're not on /v,/ and then you can't remember what day it is anymore because it's like you're caught in a groundhog's day loop and you just want to goddamned kill yourself because it. Never. Ends.

And look, maybe if this was fun, Maybe if i got the impression that this was something akin to how sports fans acted about a football game or hockey match, then I could sympathize with everyone getting riled up and being boisterous, because it would be in the name of having a good time, right?

Except, uh

And this is a thing they'll never admit, even to themselves: they don't enjoy this. Why? Because, for the next six months after E3 happens, their dialogue becomes peppered with a litany of complaints about anything even remotely related to the entertainment they willingly spend money on/willingly pirate. And these aren't "fun" complaints I have to listen to: these are the same sort of "THE WORLD IS ENDING, YOUNG KIDS ARE RUINING ALL MY BELOVED SHIT, THE FUTURE IS FUCKING RETARDED" complaints that you get out of people who believed that culture peaked in the 1950s and everything's been a worldwide slide into Sodom and Gomorrah levels of vice and sin.

They go into this thing, telling themselves that they'll have fun, acting like they're having a good time, and then they come out of it and all they express is misery. All they project is misery. All the comparisons they make and all their expectations of...anything, really...are laden with misery. What happened to them in that unspeakably terrible half-week in June of [whatever year it happens to be] was apparently comparable to physical and mental rape, and has left them as broken individuals bereft of hope or joy.

Because, as was mentioned before, everything went wrong. Just as they expected, just as they inevitably made it out to be, just as it eventually became because of them.

And then I have to put up with half a year's worth of melancholy from dozens upon dozens of people who set themselves up to ruin their own expectations of their entertainment, the entertainment of others and the world at large. Even if they do happen to end up liking something, It'll eventually end up tainted to them by proxy, comparison or flat-out paranoia, assuming they haven't subconsciously ruined it for themselves by memeing it to death with superficial observations and complaints about stuff they never would have paid any attention to otherwise.

And I'd prefer to interact with adults that acted their age, instead of the shrill-voiced 13-year-olds that they apparently are deep down inside.

It's shit like this that makes me hesitant to call myself a gamer. It's shit like this that makes me feel embarrassed to associate with that demographic. And you figure that publicly admitting to being a fanfiction writer shouldn't be more embarrassing than publicly admitting to being a gamer, but, well, it honestly really is.

Fuck E3, and I don't mean the people who organize and put it on: i mean all the idiots who claim to like it and who proceed to foul up future conversations as surely and unfailingly as if they had ripped a particularly nasty fart.

Fuck those guys.


Comments ( 7 )

But... I'm hyped over a lot of stuff...

Sounds like you had some strong opinions on the matter


What's E3?

I thought season 8 was well past episode 3? And isn't that an old screenshot of Moondancer? I don't think it's from this season anyway.

Author Interviewer

Does not being excited about it mean one is not an idiot, or is proof by lack not acceptable? c.c

But... I just like to watch the trailers, maybe talk about em with friends is all... :pinkiesad2:

E3 is a video game convention.

I didn’t go to any sort of gaming news beforehand. Hell, I didn’t even know E3 was going on til my brother texted me about stuff I’d be hyped about. So I had no expectations. I just watched the trailers. Many hours after they were posted on YouTube. Importantly, I didn’t look at the YouTube comments. Hell, if I want some people’s analysis, then I’ll watch a video analyzing the trailer, instead of treading through a shitton of dumb ass comments. So I guess there’s a few games to look forward to, like Halo Infinite, Gears 5, Death Stranding, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I was playing Splatoon 2 so much that I didn’t even realize these games might show off stuff at E3. So yeah, from zero expectations to some hype. But Splatoon 2 has consoomed my free time, so that hype might be moot. Except SSBU. The hype will be there cuz they brought back Snake.

Don’t suppose one of those games is Death Stranding?

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