
Viewing 741 - 760 of 837 results

Most of you probably aren't wondering what I'm up to · 11:51am Nov 15th, 2016

But I'll tell you anyway because I have nothing better to do and I'm wasting my free time!

So I'll be as painfully blunt as I can be.

Basically I'm a good for nothing piece of shit that is spending way too much money on nsfw commissions.

I do nothing but become a simple consumer of Youtube videos and play video games daily, reverting back to that boring person I was before I created stories (if you can even call them that).

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F/F/T3K15 11/8: Multi-part sampler! · 4:28am Nov 9th, 2015


Magic Is Believing/Starfleet Magic: A Character Study · 3:44am Nov 23rd, 2017


Read It Later Reviews #40 – The Djinni’s Tale, Mortality, From Dat Place to Dis Place, How Sunset Rose, The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape · 4:52pm Dec 19th, 2015

Unbeknownst to me, BronyWriter has long been a member of the Royal Guard. Yesterday, he jumped back in in a major way, and began reading stories left and right. I had to join in, as did a number of other folks, and between the lot of us we managed to process a whopping 15 stories in a single day, and put at least one decision (a consensus of at least two votes in the same direction are necessary to approve or disapprove of a story) on a bunch more.

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My Movie Review on How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World · 6:55pm Sep 27th, 2021

Greetings, my good lads and lasses.

This is your jolly film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

Today, for my 240th film analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take of the third and final installment of the HTTYD trilogy: "How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World".

Here's the rundown of this tale:

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F/F/T3K15 11/1: Community Month! · 3:26am Nov 2nd, 2015


VHS Update Time! 12 21 16 · 2:11am Dec 22nd, 2016

I got 11 tapes from PDQ - now "essentially a rock and roll museum" with business cards! Basically I have modified this blog to instead contain a repost of yesterday's VHS update with correction (in regards to the business card on the VHS of Dirty Dancing). Also, IN HIGH-QUALITY HD. The earlier upload was deleted as I couldn't be arsed to re-film this update.


Uuuuugh · 3:24am Jun 15th, 2016

I don't like the recent chapter of Home is for the Weak.

It's hard to walk the fine line between LOL SO RANDUM and humor that's... um... what I write. I don't really like being the former actually, and I feel the most recent chapter kinda jumped in that direction just a bit.



The Problem · 6:28pm Apr 29th, 2016

So I had this whole big spiel planned out, but on second thought, I think I can condense this all to a much shorter list of bullet points.

-MLP, I have recently realized, is not the show I keep wanting it to be. To be brutally honest, it's pretty shallow.
-The characters do have some depth to them, but it's not as much as people claim, and they don't develop so much as their personality shifts depending on the writer and the season.

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The Wavelengths Timeline: Master Guide · 7:55pm Feb 4th, 2018


The Great Bronycon Blog - Part II · 8:46pm Aug 12th, 2019

Getting There!

Travel insurance is a useful thing to have if anything bad happens to you. If your flights are messed up, if something goes wrong with the hotel, etc, it’s travel insurance that’ll get you your money back. Most importantly, it covers medical costs where you’d have to pay for that sort of thing.

But I’d be fine. Nothing was going to go wrong.

A lot went wrong.

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Where The Apple Lies, various thoughts · 9:43am Oct 9th, 2016


I'VE BEEN CHEATING ON MLPFIM! Also some new episode mini-reviews · 1:41am Oct 16th, 2016

Hello again! It's nearly halfway through Spookstober, and I bet you're all wondering when those chapter updates are coming! Well, two days after my status update blog post, my attention to FIM and my fanfics of it was diverted by the siren call of Steven Universe.

Hell Universe Collab Video Announcement

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A break down of Online RPGs and how they work · 1:38am Dec 17th, 2016

Well to be more accurate, this is someone breaking down the game of a series and explaining why the game of the show is so bad while giving comparisons, many of which are real world (sort of), and giving a pretty detailed explanation of it all.

I would recommend this video for anyone plays MMOs, has played MMOs, is considering playing an MMO, is planning/working on a MMO.

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11/01/2016 - Still Kicking It · 3:48am Nov 2nd, 2016

Hey everyone. It's been about two weeks since I said anything (or posted new chapters, for that matter). My plan, of course, is to keep writing for the foreseeable future, but it'll be mostly when the muse strikes me. A recent emotional upheaval of my own making has sidelined me, and it's going to take some time before I recover fully from that (if at all). I haven't not been writing; I've written some words to explore various ideas knocking about upstairs, but none of them have been words for

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~~~~*100th blog!*~~~~ · 4:33pm Apr 17th, 2016

This is gonna be a long one and a special one (with good news at the bottom!)

As many of you have probably noticed, I am not straight. And I've increasingly, especially really recently, been a lot more open and honest about that online, that is. However that was not always the case, and it's taken me awhile to get to a place where I can even briefly mention it here, where I know my parents won't find out, without being downright terrified. IRL is a different story.

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So apparently this is a thing now. · 12:24am Apr 7th, 2016

Sure is nice to see the Teen Titans in something serious again!

Can’t say I’m a huge fan of the new designs though... I prefer them more stylized, like in the original Titans show. And who the hell is that blue guy?

Eh, still better than this:

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Read It Now Reviews #80 – The Gift of Lethe; Miss Pommel (or Current Resident); I’m Proud of You, Squirt; How to Hug a Five-Hundred-Foot Tall Dragon; Twinkie · 10:57pm May 26th, 2016

Yesterday, I was thinking “Man, Bad Horse released another new story, but I’ve already got my review post done. Well, might as well read it and get started on the next set of Read It Now Reviews.” Then I realized there were a few recent stories I’d been putting off reading, that were all short, and one thing lead to another…

And now I’ve got a complete review set for today! Funny how that works.

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Ramble: "Last Jedi," "Valerian," and the Importance of Character · 11:58pm Jan 2nd, 2018

In the final week of 2017, I was privileged to watch 2 sci-fi films a day apart. The first was Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and the other was Valerian: City of a Thousand Planets. Both were films I wanted to see. Both were giant sci-fi spectacles with aliens, robots, and crazy space adventures. Right up my alley.

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Story Notes: Discord and the Tree of Chaos · 4:20am Jan 11th, 2019

Viewing 741 - 760 of 837 results