
Viewing 621 - 640 of 715 results

Leaving....forever · 9:09am Apr 1st, 2017

Guys I met a girl, I really thinks she's the one. She's obsessed with me and I'm obsessed with her, I like her humor her face her ass her personality she likes my cooking my jokes, my gradually fattening ass.

But there's a problem, she's an anti-brony and a big one. I really like this girl too much to risk it so I'm leaving the fandom and fimfic so I can be with her, I've already cancelled all my stories so does who like them and don't follow me can see this.

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Report New Lunar Principality · 265 views · #A #Sorry #P #R #4Luv #4Her #I #L #Thanks #F #2years #O #LoveUAll #O #L #S #TeeHee

I love the new Spider-Man game and I'm sorry to you guys! · 1:22am Sep 11th, 2018

Like seriously, the game is fan-fucking-tastic! I have even made a few videos on my channel "Cyber Bee". Can't wait to play more of it and post some videos, maybe I'll get some subs from doing it as long as I commentate enough and make it seem enjoyable!

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Vacation · 3:00pm Nov 14th, 2018

Woooooo boy I have not been active at all. I figured I'd make this post to kind of explain what I've been stuck with and what not.

So I've been inactive cause of two things: First, my house is on the market. I haven't been able to sit down or have enough privacy to do much without having someone come through and look around.

Second, I'm taking a vacation. Sone friends of mine are getting together for 10 days over Thanksgiving, and I've been packing and making sure I have money/time.

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Chapter 8 has been written and is up on fimfic · 10:17pm Sep 21st, 2019

For those of you interested I just finished and published chapter 8 for you're viewing pleasure as an apology for taking so long with Chapter 7.


fluffy's guide to coming up with clever titles · 11:35pm Mar 5th, 2017

Admit it, your only here because you think your titles are boring

I feel ya fam

So first, what are you blogging about? If it's an image or video, try the video/image's title. Easy.
But then there's when you were just looking at pics on google or tumblr and those don't have easy titles! Well, base it off the picture. Pretty easy :d

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How Have I Only Just Realised · 10:14am Aug 17th, 2023

Hey everyone, I'm so sorry I just realised that I only uploaded Chapter 34 and not actually published it :twilightsheepish:

It is up now, I promise you can go and read now if you would like

Sorry again :twilightsheepish:

Ryder a.k.a. rarityxspike


It's Like We're Cosmic Outlaws · 9:40pm Dec 12th, 2020


Hiatus For Now: Phoenix and OHS Both · 5:46pm February 29th


Monday! Monday! Monday! · 6:33am Dec 6th, 2015

Well I will finally publish part three or chapter two of the Universe trip, it's been like what a year now since I posted the last part. Nah I'm kidding, but bruh League like took over my life and I'm sorry about that. Also just add that I just really didn't want to write recently, I would of rather been playing League then do anything else. But now with me being at my dad's who does not have internet so I instead decided to finally write chapter two of my story. Now I will post it on well

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So it's super late and all, but... · 9:19am Dec 13th, 2015

...I think I've fallen back into SombraPie shipping hell. Again. Like, it's been kinda lowkey for the past while, but damn, I got hella inspired after that review for the finale and now I got a whole AU situation going on up in here. I get that the whole "Evil ruler and soldier from the opposing side" thing isn't the healthiest dynamic, but it has got me interested... Also, I've been listening to Halsey and Maroon 5 for this AU, and it oddly fits...

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Update/Stories/Sorry · 11:16am Oct 29th, 2016

Okay, first off. I want to say sorry. I did a vote for my next story to write by myself, and 'A Dragon's Nature' won [here]. Now, I tried and tried to write some of it, but I just don't have a good enough idea or enough motivation for each of the scenes. So, I will still attempt to write it, but, not alone. There's no way I can write it along, so I am going to get some friend's help. Sorry again, I did the vote because I wanted to

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Don't let your dreams be dreams. · 5:48am Jun 17th, 2016

So, in the midst of writing on and off, I've taken up drawing again... It's been a curve, but I've pushed myself to draw at least one thing a day.

After binge-watching WOY for two weeks, I got bored and doodled some stuff.

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Really you'd have to play FFV or FFRK to get this. · 1:13am Sep 8th, 2017

Scootaloo was currently cutting up vegetables for a salad when Celestia barreled out of her room.

"H- Hey Scootaloo."

"Oh no."

"Are- Are you the best weapon?.. Wait no I did that wrong!"

"Maybe you should sit down."

"Maybe you should stop running away, be- because you-"

No really-

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seriously????? · 2:37am Apr 1st, 2016

how have i not seen any trans day of visibility blogs?

i mean im following quite a number of people who arent' het/cis...

but oh welll

To all the trans and nb folk out there, you are awesome! I know it's not easy not being cis, but you're hanging in there and YOU WILL BE IN A BETTER PLACE! You might be struggling now, but there is an amazing future out there for you! Stay safe!



And now I have a new story, too! · 8:40pm Nov 19th, 2020

Up till now, I've never actually written a story with the Porn tag. Not even on my porn account. <.< This has changed.

For years, I've been writing sex fics focused on one of two things: being funny, or being responsible and educational.

House Rules is neither of those things. c.c; In fact, it might actually be irresponsible, when all is said and done. I dunno, I couldn't get a lot of feedback on it.

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Sneak Peak at Chapter 34 "Temper Your Temper" · 6:06pm Jun 22nd, 2019

Hey, just dropping by to give anyone who wants it a brief look at the next chapter. It'll be dropping at the end of the month. Sorry for the wait, just been swamped lately. Trying to make this one a little longer to make up for time. Hope you enjoy it!

The password is password

Chapter 34: Temper Your Temper


Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 14 · 4:41pm Dec 16th, 2018

On the 11th day of christmas, my true love gave to me, 11 downward spirals


So yea · 2:43am Nov 6th, 2015

I had an issue with my typing on my main computer that I type with so that's the reason that the Universe Trip chapter one took so long to type and also I got some really good feedback from my kind of like pre-order group who reads it. Anyway I'm going to post The Universe Trip later tonight so look forward to that.


It's (almost) back! Chapter 18 in comming · 6:06am Jan 22nd, 2016

Alrighty, first to say it.

Slacked off again.

Blame my attention span. I tend to pile up a ton of things, and excuse. BUT here I am, with a few things to note.

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Mood, and Medium-Sized Changes · 7:27pm Dec 13th, 2016

ECT has failed. :raritycry: It worked wonders while it was happening, but a week after my last treatment I began to slip. Now a little over a month later, I'm right back where I started. :fluttershysad:

I am now embarking on about seven different medications at once to see what happens. One of these is lithium, which is likely to help me. Keep your hooves crossed, fillies and colts. :applejackunsure: Now, what's next? Oh, right.

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Viewing 621 - 640 of 715 results