
Viewing 41 - 60 of 112 results

Days Without Thunder · 12:20am Feb 25th, 2020

I find it fitting that my 43rd story on the site is a NASCAR fic. #43 will always belong to the King.

Brendan Gaughan is the driver of the car featured in the main image, and he raced his way to a 7th place finish in this year's 500. I managed to get pics of each car as they were lining them up for the race's restart on Monday, and this was the one that worked best for a title image. Brendan's calling it a career at the end of the year.

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 7 · 4:21am Nov 22nd, 2016

"Sometimes I feel like I'm already dead…Like I'm going to die no matter which path I choose, and it's just a waiting game…"
"Well," Makari replied, "you should not think like that. Survival is a challenge, but it is not a fantasy."
"Maybe it is for me…"


-Google Docs

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New story? · 2:19pm Mar 12th, 2017

I know my OC story is still incomplete, but I want to write another story while trying to figure out what to do with the OC story. The new story wouldn't be too long and it doesn't include any OC's. It would be a slice of life type of story, almost a romance between two mares. I don't want to give away too much, but it's not that common pairing in my opinion. It would be a cute, heartwarming story with a potential for a sequel if people like it.

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 16 · 4:42am Jul 24th, 2017

The day passed by in a haze, and Roxy honestly spent almost every minute lying limply on her side, blankly staring out at nothing. She was empty. Completely out of fuel. She had no motivation, no drive, and no energy.

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 32 · 12:38pm Sep 18th, 2018

"Is…Is that…?" she whispered in disbelief.

"That it is, Roxy," Taka replied as he stepped into her field of vision, "The edge of the forest."

It was right there. It was right there! It would take her little more than a minute or two to reach it. She couldn't believe it. It had to be some weird forest-mirage. Could it really be that her home, her own world, was just beyond that old gate?

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 26 · 10:57am Mar 13th, 2018

"How many times now?" the mysterious voice asked, "Three? Four?"

Roxy gazed around in confusion, and then looked at Taka. He furrowed his brow and hung there in silence for a moment, then let out a distinctly aggravated groan. "Of course," he grumbled, "I should have known."

"What a pleasure to see you again, Taka," the voice replied, "It is always a thrill seeing your helpless upside-down expression."

"Let me down or you get zapped."

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 34 (END) · 11:05am Dec 9th, 2018

Roxy found herself reflecting on the incredible journey she had gone through. Once her Poké Ball had deposited her in that forest, she had thought her life was over forever. It had felt like all but her beating heart had been taken away from her all at once, never to return. A brief spark of hope was all that had remained, and that had been the only thing that kept her safe from the predators.

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 17 · 9:54am Aug 12th, 2017

"Makari was there since I was an egg," Taka spoke, "Whatever happened, and whatever the world threw our way, we were always brothers and we were always there for one another. We knew everything about each other." Taka then turned back to the sunset. "Then suddenly, you drop right out of the sky, and he becomes obsessed with you. Suddenly everything is about you. Night and day. Your every whim is of utmost importance."

Roxy hesitated, not sure how to respond. "I…I, uh…"

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 23 · 11:20am Dec 24th, 2017

This forest is dangerous. Some Pokémon are predators, and must kill to survive…but no Pokémon alive today could ever be as cruel and heartless as those humans ...

Merry Christmas~ Here is Taka's backstory.

-Google Docs

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Short stories · 9:57am Sep 24th, 2016

I wonder if I should do more short stories in the future. People seem to like "When The Kindness Ends" a lot, while my incomplete adventure story is not getting almost any attention. Or is that because of the OC? I have got the impression that people don't really like OC's all that much. I can't understand why.

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The Thunder Clan - Chapter 10 · 10:52am Feb 8th, 2017

It had only gotten worse, and now it was nearly unbearable. It felt like there was a pack of Fire-types going wild in the pit of her stomach. She was vaguely aware of Miri asking her a few more questions, which she answered as best she could, but not much else besides the pain.

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Blog number 50 · 10:59pm Nov 6th, 2017

I start to get the feeling I'm posting too many blogs, considering how few comments I get. I know some users write these blogs way more often than me, though. As I have gained a few more followers, this blog includes a small update about my stories and future plans.

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Even more vector art! · 5:33am Feb 22nd, 2017

I think I'm actually getting a hang of this now! :pinkiehappy:

The picture isn't ready yet, but I uploaded it anyway. It seems like Shimmering has hurt his wing somehow. He wants to fly but that ain't happening anytime soon, so he sits on a cliff and dreams about flying.

Updated version: *Previous* *Previous*

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Another full year! · 7:09am Jan 18th, 2017

I just noticed that I have been a registered member of over a year now! It's been a really fun year and I thank all of my editors and readers for the awesome support I have got, thank you! :twilightsmile:

Regarding my stories, I'm a bit stuck with the 6th chapter. It's not ready yet and it might not even be the one I end up using after all. But no worries, it will come out eventually. So, until next time!

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Looking for editor · 8:48pm Sep 27th, 2016

I'm looking for an editor(s) for my story: The Power Within. It's mature rated because of some gore parts in it (describing some things). Main tags are adventure and tragedy. If you think I should add other tags, please tell me. If you just want to read the story, I'm all ears for some feedback and help.

Got a questions or suggestions? Leave a comment or give me a PM :twilightsmile:


Just a little update · 11:16am Apr 20th, 2017

I'm working on the OC story again. Can't promise any dates or anything, but I'm hoping to release the 6th chapter within this month and the 7th chapter during the next month. I'm truly sorry it's taking so long to update, but I don't want to rush anything and regret it later on. I also need to edit the description before releasing new chapters. So much to do and so little time. I might also need a couple new editors.

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Looking for some inspiration · 12:05am Aug 2nd, 2017

While trying to figure out what to do with the chapter 9, I continued drawing an old picture of mine. I'm kind of practicing how to draw with Inkscape. This is what I have got so far.

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Top 10 fan-made pony music - Fluttershy Special! · 11:40pm Mar 3rd, 2017

Here are my top 10 favorite Fluttershy songs, please enjoy and let me know which one is your favorite! :yay:

1. FlutterBass (Fluttershy Sings: Super Bass)

2. (PMV) Fluttershy's Lament

3. 4everfreebrony - She's So Shy (Tal Bachman ponified)

4. Aviators - The Fear of Flight (MLP Song)

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My projects · 9:21pm Nov 12th, 2016

I have noticed that people are writing multiple stories at the same time. I also noticed that I'm no exception. Here's something about my stories I'm currently working on. They are in chronological order despite published or not.

Surprisingly Sweet: [Teen][Romance][Adventure] [Not published]

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Neon Writes Again! · 4:37pm Nov 5th, 2016

Viewing 41 - 60 of 112 results