
Viewing 41 - 60 of 99 results

[Rant] AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! · 11:11pm Sep 22nd, 2016

YOU FUCKING WOT, MATE?!?! :rainbowlaugh:

Do I even have to explain why this is a horrible idea? I mean, c'mon YouTube! Okay, if you didn't get what this video was about (honestly, I wouldn't blame you), here's the 411:

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Well all, all I got for you is bad news today. · 10:11pm Jan 25th, 2022

Well, we just got more great and wonderful news. sarcasm We are still getting kicked out of our apt at the end of March! We had problems with our dishwasher leaking, so we couldn't do dishes for a while. The guy who came to fix the dishwasher ratted us out to having dirty dishes (because roomie refuses to do them 100% by hand. She wants them with that deep sanitization you get from the dishwasher) and now we are not even going to get a review. It is still just under a week until they

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H1P1's status. · 5:19pm Jul 30th, 2015

Due to bad planning, H1P1 will be on hiatus till a big problem is solved, one I want some help on.

You see, I kinda have no way to get Zero from her current place, to where I want her, to the end.

I want her going around the country/world helping ponies learn how to live in this ever changing world, but I don't know how to get there besides by having Twilight tell her to do so which I don't want her to do, since Twilight already gave Zero the job of keeping Discord on a leash.

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Screw it, I'm Tired! · 1:49pm Jul 22nd, 2015

Alright, I think I figured out why I'm not being so productive with work. It's because my own schedule or plans kinda overwhelm me and I get the sense of "OH SHIT GOTTA FINISH BEFORE THIS HAPPENS! GOTTA GO FEST!!"

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Ficken finally! Spike is screwed is UPDATED! · 5:48pm Apr 30th, 2017

That's right fokes, Spike Is Screwed is finally updated.

Don't hold back on reading it, or commenting.


Writing Regret · 5:56pm Jul 30th, 2019

My biggest writing regret is not waiting to upload Bloodthorn Mansion. Should have written it till it was done then upload the chapters on a weekly schedule. I'll learn from that mistake.:ajsleepy:


Goodbye, Internet Privacy. Rest in Peace... · 6:31am Apr 5th, 2017


A Sad Update · 7:46am Jan 5th, 2019

'Tis a sad day, my friends. Yesterday evening I lost my computer due to a bad trip and my microphone cord. Because of this, I am degraded to having to use my phone as my only way of writing much of anything unless I go to my local library, but... People are nosy as hell. So until I get a new one because I refuse to give those bastards at Apple $1K for a screen I will be using my phone for updates, writing and what have you. Currently working on a new Siren's Keeper and hopefully I'll get

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Loopy Laptop Part 2 · 3:14pm Jul 18th, 2021

Okay, NOW I’m stuck on Automatic Repair and I’ve been trying to bypass it for almost a week now; I’ve tried googling the issue for an answer, I’ve tried uninstalling a bad system update, I’ve even talked to my parents about it, and mom wants to use a Norton disk to purge any viruses out of my computer without losing my files! At this point, I’m willing to try anything that won’t kill my computer or any files inside it, if you guys have anything that can help, don’t hesitate to tell me, any and

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Still No Progress! · 2:14am Sep 12th, 2016

Yay, a useless update.

Seriously, though. How can people update 10,000 word stories every couple weeks? I rarely make it over the 1000 mark most times, and my updates are still scarce at best.

I'm not dead. I'm just really bad at time management.
End Blog Post.

EDIT: I will still try to update my blog at least once a month. If not to update on story progress, at least to tell you I'm still here.


Scare Master released early! · 12:30pm Sep 21st, 2015

Soooo someone fucked up and the episode "Scare Master" was released earlier than it should have been. I'll put the episode here:


Bad Habits · 10:51pm Dec 26th, 2016

Short version:
I have been writing overviews of stories instead of actual stories. This will change. I also may or may not be postponing FoE:JK until a later date.

Long version:
So, for the past few months, I have planned out several stories start to finish. However, I have done next to no actual writing. I was hoping that planning out the stories would give me more motivation to complete them, but it has instead only made it easier to shift from one story to the next.

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Report Jigsaw · 408 views · #i #am #a #horrible #person #also #screw #tags

Fall of Equestria: Invasion is up. · 5:17am Mar 27th, 2016

After a few months, and tons of writer block, I finally got it done.

Fall of Equestria: Invasion is not up on the site for all to read.


Writing Lessons: Blood and Ponies · 4:22am Feb 1st, 2018

...This fic exhausted me.

If there is one over-arching lesson I learned from this little crossover is that having a plan for your story, even if you end up deviating from it, is important. It gives you at least a loose guide that you can follow and for someone with ADD having something that can help keep you on focused and on track ends up being really important.

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I was right again [spoilers+analysis] · 6:01pm Oct 25th, 2015

In May 2014, I published a chapter of Minuette in which the main characters visited the rock farm and met Pinkie's family. It seems that, even though I used their old names, the personalities I gave to Pie sisters were spot on:


I notice a pair of eyes in the dark corridor behind the door of the kitchen. A grey filly – or rather a young mare – is observing us carefully. I guess it’s another of Igneous’ daughters. I wonder if it’s the weird one?

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Sea Dreams Illustration: Cover · 10:06pm Dec 3rd, 2023

”Sea Swirl, Sergeant Reckless, and Screw Loose.
They're all broken, but together.”


Chapter is going up tomorrow... · 9:04pm Nov 13th, 2017

and holy hell, do I feel sick... I just hope you enjoy the new chapter when it comes. See all two or three of you then.


Sea Dreams - Cleaning Out The Rooms · 2:15am Jul 22nd, 2023

As of today, I’ve finally pushed out the three main backstories for Screw Loose, Sergeant Reckless, and of course, Sea Swirl, in Sea Dreams.

From the forgotten blog of Seaswirl the Sea Explorer

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New chapters incoming! · 3:15am Oct 2nd, 2015

BEFORE I get to the juicy stuff, I'd just like to say that I'm incredibly sorry for taking so long with getting an update out here for you all. Things are a little hectic what with having recently moved to a new place and trying to figure out the rent, but regardless of my issues I really should have at least kept yall informed of what was going on with me. That aside, I have some exciting news for anyone you remembers me!

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Techie's SPICY Smokin' Toasted Self-Roasted Reviews #6: [Screw Time!!!] & [Screw Space!!!] + the blogpost finale! · 12:29am Oct 4th, 2019

Yup. We're knocking out an entire series this time 'round.

EScrew Time!!!
Screwball got fed up with the history of Equestria, and she'll stop at nothing to change it.
TheMajorTechie · 1.3k words  ·  9  2 · 478 views
EScrew Space!!!
What happens when BakedPotatoLand feels a bit too small for Screwball? Chaos. Chaos and a side of chips.
TheMajorTechie · 1k words · 507 views

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 99 results