
Viewing 41 - 60 of 357 results

Did two things this past weekend... · 3:58pm May 13th

First, I ran 10k for the first time in two months after laying off that long to let my ankle bursitis subside, trying to allow the area to generally heal up. It appears that it worked. To my delight, there was no ankle pain after and I hadn’t even lost much stamina thanks to hitting an elliptical machine twice a week for an hour instead of jogging. My upper legs are another matter, though. They’re sore as hell. But I’ll take it.

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Double-feature ahead... · 8:01pm Jan 14th, 2017

Not one, but two chapters near completion. The next chapter of Rise of Firefly is in prereading, and if all goes well, will be released tomorrow morning. Also, the new Unleash the Magic bonus chapter is nearly done; I expect to finish the full draft tonight. I will probably release them on different days, or at least a few hours apart so they don't compete with each other in the feature box, which they both tend to hit.

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New stories, NanoWriMo, and stuff · 2:39pm Oct 6th, 2016

Good afternoon my lovely angels!

It's actually been a while since I did a blog post on anything really. So I have quite a bit to say … I should probably do these a little more often to at least let you people know what the state of things is.

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Nightmare Night Part 8 underway... · 2:33pm May 7th, 2018

It's already 3000 words long and I don't see it being much more than 5000, so a release should come later this week. Focus shifts back to what's happening with Spike, with a side of the CMC thrown in. So as to not spoil the Spike scenes, here's a teaser focused on the latter:

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New Firefly chapter release possible this weekend · 10:44pm Nov 8th, 2018

Having been given a head start with a section of the new chapter already written by Leo Archon, I launched into that next chapter and now find it coming quite quickly. Already at 6000 words, it is likely to be finished by the weekend, and depending on how quickly my prereaders can get to it, it might even go out on Sunday.

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Flight of Firefly - Part 13 Draft complete · 4:52pm Jan 25th, 2019

After struggling to write a few hundred words a day, the dam broke once I figured out the flow of battle and I wrote the final 3000 words in the last day. Part 13 has reached 9373 words as of this writing, and the first prereader to get his hooves on the full chapter loves it. Chapter will release on Sunday morning or sooner if all prereads are received in time.

A teaser? Sure, why not...

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Nightmare Night update · 2:11pm Dec 11th, 2018

As you might guess, I’ve been taking it easy the last couple weeks, slowing down the pace of my writing, but I haven’t stopped completely. The next Nightmare Night chapter currently stands at around 4600 words and will have a surprise opening section taking place from a new perspective in Canterlot and hopefully whetting appetites for the big Thunderlane scene, which I’m writing generally a few hundred words of at a time. Sex and battle scenes (like in Firefly) are a bit weird for

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Midnight Rising and Knee Surgery Update · 12:18am Dec 2nd, 2020

Sorry to not keep readers updated, but I've found it hard to feel creative over the past week. You'll understand, it's a little difficult to be interested in writing, especially sexual stuff when you're recovering from knee surgery (or really any surgery), as your body devotes its energy to healing instead of to more pleasurable pursuits.

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Next Firefly chapter will launch no later than Sunday morning · 3:54pm Mar 11th, 2020

Tentatively titled “Change of Command”, it’s currently coming in at just shy of 9000 words and it’s going to test my writing ability to create extreme tension and suspense in readers even without an actual battle.

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Flight of Firefly continues... · 9:10pm Aug 27th, 2019

Let me start by saying the last chapter release was a roaring success, with a long-lived visit to the feature list, resulting in five new likes spread across both Firefly stories. The original Before the Storm is now closing in on the 300-like milestone, and I'll have an announcement for when it crosses it. So a warm welcome to new readers, with my great thanks for all the upvotes and comments. Can't say enough how much getting good feedback drives authors to create more!

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In a now-familiar refrain... · 9:03pm Oct 3rd, 2019

The next Nightmare Night chapter is on the way and may be draft complete this weekend. It is likely to be a shorter chapter this time, perhaps around 6500 words or so. Highlights include Eclipse vs Celestia--in which I attempt to plug a major plot hole from the MLP movie--and action on the other side of the portal as Twilight and Sunset get ready to answer the map's call. There will also be some check-ins with the CMC, and Spike's group.

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T-minus 1 day to Harmonic Resonance launch... · 5:03pm Dec 4th, 2021

Or even sooner if all prereads are in and everybody’s happy, most notably the original commissioner. After reading what I had, he asked me to extend the main sensual scene further, so I did, adding another 1800 words to it. Now waiting for his input, and that of prereaders, who have promised to get to the story today. In the meantime, I’ve readied the story for launch:

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After weeks of late nights and endless work... · 4:10pm May 1st, 2023

The end is in sight, both on this software release for my day job and the new chapter of C&C I've been promising for a month. With regards to the latter, I finally settled on showing three new perspectives—Giraldi, Tribune Cipio, and his aide, Optio Virgo—and limiting the chapter to those, as any more than that would overwhelm the reader and already had overwhelmed the author.

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C&C T-rated chapter 29 will launch tonight · 7:32pm Dec 12th, 2022

As promised to certain readers who aren’t interested in clop, all R-rated and M-rated chapters of Feathered Hearts - Continuation and Chronicles will be getting T-rated equivalents from here on out. That includes the first M-rated chapter I posted, which was Part 29. Its T-rated counterpart will be published this evening.

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NMN Update and Teaser · 9:06pm Oct 1st, 2020

4000 words in, and as usual, the chapter's taking a bit of a turn from what I initially intended as I find myself shifting from section to section, working on each a little in turn. But that's fine. There remains at least a slight chance I'll have it done by this weekend; it depends on whether I finally break through and start knocking out the rest quickly, which sometimes happens in my writing. The first half comes slowly, and then the rest comes rapidly as I get more into it and the chapter

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Finally getting there on new Firefly chapter... · 8:13pm Jun 23rd, 2021

7500 words down, with likely another ~2500 words to go as work has eased a bit if not entirely relented. Unfortunately, just writing the draft it isn’t enough; this will require some graphics before it’s called ready to go. But it should be going to prereaders this weekend, at least. I’ve given the first half of it to Silentwoodfire and AJ_Aficionado, who have given it their thumbs-up thus far. The chapter will be almost entirely about the Battle of Harness Hill, and thus will be titled that as

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Eros chapter 11 draft complete · 1:09am Aug 16th, 2021

Sorry for the delay, but I ended up writing a whopping 3100 words of it that I didn’t use, though I hope to find a place for it in a future chapter. Unfortunately, as hot as I found it, it just didn’t fit at this point in the story. Ah well.

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With Sincerest Apologies... · 3:00am Jan 4th, 2021

I know I promised a new Firefly chapter first for New Years, and then this weekend, but it remains not quite ready. What's taking so long, you ask? Well, an image is worth 1000 words:

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One new Nightmare Night chapter draft complete · 3:54pm Oct 24th, 2021

And I will do my level best to get a second one done in the next week. Don’t be surprised if it slips a few days, but I’ll at least have one out on Halloween.

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Firefly and Feathered Heart Progress Report · 4:44pm Jan 23rd, 2021

The new Firefly chapter is coming along nicely at this point, with 5700 words down and my writing proceeding fluidly--which believe me, does not always happen. It's always nice when it does, though. The working title is Redemption and Retreat, and will open with a section written from the point of view of a pony not heard from yet in this story--Blindside. Depending on how quickly I get it done, including making musical selections and some additional graphics in addition to

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 357 results