
Viewing 41 - 60 of 128 results

Hey guys · 8:17am Aug 9th, 2020

My last blog post was over 2 years ago. For anyone still here who remembers me and what I used to do here, I suppose I should reward your loyalty with an update.Skip to the second paragraph if you're only here about Awakening or Nemesis or whatever the hell I called it last time.

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Work... · 4:53pm Nov 28th, 2019

Ergghh, my work suck...

It's amazing they act so bucking surprised there is a Christmas rush, asking the last minute, like 15 minutes before you can go home.

"Can yous stay extra?!"


Erghhhh.... Let me just say I look forward getting my bucking paycheck tomorrow!

Anyway, that is the reason for the delays, i'm sorry, I am trying to write as much as I can, but truth be told, I am tired when I get home, so it never be more than 1.000 words..

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Delay · 5:05pm Dec 1st, 2019

Sorry guys, I know a lot of you is looking forward to new chapters for King, Fallen, and Nicholas.

But the sad truth is, that I am fighting a battle with my work, and it is really stressful for me. I am working on the chapters, but I refuse to release them before I am satisfied with them, so please have patience. I can't say with certainty when one chapter will be out, so I'm sorry, they will be out when they are ready.

Sorry again, happy Sunday.


Overdue Explanation + Vent · 5:45pm Nov 17th, 2019

Okay guys. I need to be straight with all of you.

So for everyone or if there's even anyone who's anticipating the next chapter for Tournament of Friendship, I want to sincerely apologize to you all for putting it off for so long. And no, I have no excuses, but I've got reasons.

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Coping with a B0rken Husband: Part the Second · 4:27am Jun 29th, 2018

Has it been 7 weeks already?

Feels like forever, or maybe only a week or two... not sure... But in any case...
Hubby's doing much better now. He's gotten so I don't have to do everything for him, and he's even walking!!! (Though usually he needs at least a cane or a walker for support.)

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Update · 1:42am Oct 14th, 2019

I looked at my stories for the first time in a while, and realized I kinda left you guys hanging after the Hero Souls update. So I just wanted to sit down and take a moment to explain to you why I suddenly vanished off the face of the planet.

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Report SvenFoxx · 296 views · #lack #of #updates #stress #far #too #much #work

New progress update. · 4:17pm Nov 13th, 2019

Well, I am not happy with my progress..

I only managed 26% of my chapter, and time is growing short. I'm sorry you guys, I'm still trying to get as much out of this, but I can't squeeze more creative juice out of... Okay that's a bad example, but you get my meaning.

I'm really trying, but when push comes to show, I rather my chapters are as good as I feel I can make them instead of rushed and with a lot of words with no meaning.

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The Features Have Been Doubled! · 6:29am Feb 28th, 2020

(I took this Screen cap before going to work).

Words can not express how happy I am to see this. Like, I did not in the slightest expect this little thangs of mine to do so well. All the kind words, support, and so on have made me feel so good these past few days.

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I just need a little emotional support right now. x.x · 9:54am Aug 5th, 2021

UPDATE: Read my comment below for updates. Also, updated the main blog post too at the bottom with a link to my Ko-fi page.

JUST when I thought life was going better, it throws a curveball at us. I finally hear I got a steady job, where I will be able to stay. I finally am going to have enough extra cash to get better internet. I finally was able to afford a new laptop that can help me do everything else easier! And what happens?

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Small Vent(And some news) · 9:12pm May 6th, 2016

So I won't be on later tonight. I'm gonna go see a musical with my cousin and some other people. I'll be offline in about an hour.

Ignore the vent if you want, it's under the break.

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More Stressful Adventures... · 3:28pm Dec 24th, 2016

Good news - Jinxy, Fiance and I have signed a lease for a really sweet apartment!
Bad News - Work is getting even more stressful because Jinxy's coworker dun-effed-up and will be removed from site, which means that I'm the one Jinxy wants to have take those shifts....... STARTING TODAY.

Did I mention we're moving on Tuesday and there's been next to NOTHING done to prep for it?

This is Witchy. This is Witchy about to die from all the stress/anxiety.

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When Writing is Your Cutie Mark... · 2:06pm May 28th, 2016


Exam stressss :c · 2:46pm Jun 8th, 2015

I'm not usually one for blog posts (since I have no idea who'd want to read anything I say, I'm so boring)

However I figured why not write a few things here to get off my mind and if anyone does read them, well hello to you!


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Report Flyingshy · 263 views · #Exams #Stress #Summer #Free #yay #first #blog

My Hiatus Away From FimFic · 4:37pm Nov 19th, 2019

It took seventeen years, but I finally did it. My depression has been beaten. Here’s my story.

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My father is in the hospital · 7:31pm Jun 1st, 2023

This morning my father was taken to the hospital by the EMTs.

A little more context: He is dying of lung cancer and and had been sick for the past 2 weeks, and was steadily getting weaker and weaker. My mother called me around 7:30 this morning saying that he had been taken to the hospital. He had been throwing up off and on for the past 3 days, had been running a fever and is dehydrated.

He's currently under hospice care and they're going to take care of him while he's in the hospital.

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Life Update / Temporary Writing Hiatus. · 8:55pm Mar 1st, 2023

So, yeah.

Been really busy on my end, because I'm going to be moving to D.C. From Indiana. My dad got a really big promotion, and while I'm happy for him...there's so much stuff to do that it's making me come apart at the seams inside.

Suffice to say, I haven't had enough time or mental ability to write as of recently, so I am taking an offiicial break from it until I can get settled in. I will return, it just won't be anytime soon.

Thank you for understanding.

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So where have you been? · 12:44am Apr 21st, 2017


Bit of studying

And maybe a bit of de-stressing here and there

That aside, getting back to work on the next chapter. Thankfully I'm not just starting now, have at least half done. I should have the rest done before Sunday, so fingers crossed that nothing comes up.

Nothing better come up! We're getting bored!

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Coping with a B0rken Husband · 3:33pm May 6th, 2018

As I described in my last post, my husband spent the last week in the hospital. He's been home for a couple days, and while he's not able to do much for himself, I'm still infinitely grateful that he's home.

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48 hours of Suppression (For Christmas) · 12:30pm Dec 26th, 2022

And BTW: My other Blog has been updated.

During highly religious holidays (Namely Christmas) I try to act a little more moral for the time.

So, between the 24th to the 26th of December, I try to suppress as much of my negativity as I can...

-No swearing
-No meltdowns
-No saying "I want Revenge" on real people (I say it constantly every day) I can still get revenge on cartoons

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Newsies #46: That's Life · 7:38pm Aug 30th, 2022

So. There's been a LOT happening in the life of this one sad brony, lately.

Started with me and my mom being forced to change shifts at work, due to her medical issues, which left me with what felt like no time to write anything.

Then, I got diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, which I'm now on meds for.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 128 results