
Viewing 381 - 400 of 402 results

She Talks to Angel (Review) LEAKED · 2:48am Jul 13th, 2019

I'ts leaked... You don't wan spoilers... TAKE A HIKE!!!

Oh, just hurry up and end this series already.

LP: 8000

Fluttershy settling animal disputes... that's fine.

-No damage.

What kind of a noise is that for a Rabbit? Sounds like a squirrel.

-No damage.

Only eat Vegetables? and Fluttershy's supposed to be an animal expert. Some animals have a strict diet, they can't just eat greens.


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RIFFING The End Of Ends Riffers! · 10:41pm Feb 9th, 2019

I have been given full permission by the mods to do this.

Those who are mocking and riffing me were told to stop, and they didn't, as such I have been permitted to make this blog as a counter-response to all those who are involved, to show how ANGRY and FED UPI am with all this this constant rudeness, and to point out the hypocrisies and mean-spirited attitudes these people dish out

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Marks and Recreation REVIEW · 12:33am Oct 2nd, 2017

(Finally, I can make this blog... I'm sick of being dragged out of the house on some overnight every other weekend or so)

Marks and Recreation

Well, well, well... their finally getting the idea that SOME PONIES do not even WANT a Cutie Mark... (Alas, doth I sense Rumble will be just like the rest and flip-flop on me?) and the fact that this IDEA is happening, looks like they got off from my Starfleet Season 2

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Campfire Tales: REVIEW · 11:01pm Aug 26th, 2017

Campfire Tales

Scootaloo is acting extremely OOC here. Child or not, previous experience or not, a Cutiemark Crusader like her is supposed to be brave and bold all the time. Few things may frighten you. But stepping on a twig like that and freaking out... Only Fluttershy is allowed to behave like that, NOT Scootaloo.

Like I prefer: PICK ONE TRAIT AND STICK WITH IT (Screw flaws and development... or I'll screw with you)

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Twilight's Seven (Review) · 8:20pm Apr 20th, 2019

MLP's 200th ep, and my 200th blog post, (Huh!)

The only reason this is 200 eps is because season 3 has 13 eps rather than the traditional 26

Ah well...

Time to bash!


LP: 8000

I notice Grogar and co aren't showing up, (I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up)

-No damage

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Sweet and Smoky (Review) · 2:19am May 26th, 2019

Even after a rough day at the convention, I still need to stay on schedule and post my blogs.

Let's see how this makes me sick.

LP: 8000

Fluttershy, excited to go to the Dragonlands, instead of cowering and running away?! She's way out of character here.


LP: 8000 -----> 7500

I'm docking Spike for judging before actually understanding. (should've asked who Smolder's brother was)


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"Ask me if I care (Super Powers and Needing Them)" Debunked · 11:06am Apr 5th, 2021

If you want the short version of my rebuttal of this argument is that it doesn't count when you artificially inflate the powers of villains while deflating the powers of canon characters. If the Immortal Game Mane-6 was in the Starfleet series, none of the villains or heroes in Starfleet wouldn't stand a chance. And you know what? If I'm gonna rip off Rationality Rules, I'm going all the way. This is

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Sentencing Characters (Explained Again) · 5:16am Jan 7th, 2022

After the violations and offenses commited, trial was held in Department 185, Supreme Court, of the Art of Fanfiction, in and under the order of DakariKingMykan.
In a moment the results of that trial.

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De-Bunking (TV-Tropes ACE RAY Starfleet character) · 4:00am Nov 6th, 2021

Brainwashed: To like Starfleet and feel sorry for attacking his sister in the original version. In the updated version, he's "merely" sent to an insane asylum instead.


In the initial story, he was not brainwashed, he was put into a magical fantasy to help show him things (A bit like forcing him to watch a movie) and he was sent to the asylum in BOTH versions.

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It Wouldn't Matter (Alternative Flurry Heart Scenes for THE END OF ENDS) · 3:01am Dec 22nd, 2021

Doesn't matter if I'm a Sociopath or not. I'm here on this site... I am STAYING on this site... and there's NOTHING... you can do about it.

People still get up my butt for having Count Logan (a cursed, reincarnation of Beast Boy) Kill the infant by pulling off her head like a cork.

Well, there WERE alternate ideas, but none of them would have mattered anyway if I had done them.

Instead of having him pull off Flurry's head...

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I also know what Friendship is NOT. · 6:52pm Jan 5th, 2022

In relation to my previous blog

I also have a certain opinion of what Friendship isn't...

As in, what's NOT being a friend.

And yes, I'll use character examples (IN or outside of my fanfiction) There's no other way.

We'll start with here...

APPLE WHITE (Ever After High)

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Starfleet Characters (Grand Ruler Celesto) · 8:58pm Sep 25th, 2019

"A true leader is not made by how powerful he is, but by those who choose to follow him."
--Giving advice to Lightning Dawn

"Sometimes what you WANT to do, is not what you SHOULD do."

--Teaching Twilight Sparkle a lesson in heroics.

In your world you have Presidents, Kings, Queens and dictators. On mine there is only one-- The Grand Ruler

--Lightning explaining Celesto's importance.

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What will it Change? (Trying means Nothing!) · 10:01pm March 24th

In relation to my previous blog, which relates to "Are you doing it for ME or YOURSELF?"

People still get up my back saying I need to "Get Help" "Change my groove" or, and the most often said "Fix your writing-- make it better/different"

There's a good reason why I don't listen to this advice. Sometimes you have to consider... "Even if I do so, will it really change anything?"

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What Do I regard as a good story or characterism · 11:07pm Mar 20th, 2017

Well that depends... we all have our preferences, and that's all it boils down to.

Just because you may say a story is good or bad doesn't mean it IS to all...

the only real rules of stories, music... are all based on what people PREFER/LIKE, and those rules may change all the time (but to most people they'd rather cause flame wars and cyber harassment)

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DuckKing reviews MLP Part 4: Review and Mocking in Las Pegasus · 3:24pm Apr 15th, 2018

A bit of a change of pace: From now on, I will combine my review of the latest episodes with the mock itself. Thus, before I get to mocking his “review”, my own two cents on the subject of “Grannies Gone wild”, the most unsubtle attempt of the writers of MLP to get crap under the radar.

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Yu-gi-oh E-Quest (Why are the Teen Titans in it?) · 1:38am Jul 5th, 2020

The answer is painfully obvious...

As you know, nearly every single fanfic I create is in anger, and done in an act of vengeance (Bashing and beating up the characters because how they behaved or ended up in the canons of their show really ticked me off)

MLP: FIM and Teen Titans are the two worst I've ever seen, I've written more fics about them than most others.

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EQUESTRIA GIRLS/STARFLEET HUMANS Differences & Similarities · 7:27pm Sep 9th, 2017

(Since there's no MLP episode this week, I'll make this instead)

-In EQG: Sunset Shimmer Steals Twilight's crown hoping to use its power to takeover the human world, but she accidentally loses it. In SFH, it is similar when the Rainbow Rod is stolen by Saphira of the Crystalites, and in the ensuing chaos she also drops the rod and loses it in the human world.

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The Shortest Debunk Ever! · 7:41pm Dec 19th, 2021


Way I portray SOME characters · 5:13am Feb 6th, 2019

My main reason for posting this is not to cause fights, but because of my haters hypocrisy-- they claim they are finished with me, when in reality they are still riffing me, stealing my characters, rudely downvoting my fics and comments out of petty spite, ect, ect...

Even the mods have taken note of this

(Do not engage with my haters, and do not flame them) I am just pointing things out to increase awareness in the bad direction this website takes

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DuckKing reviews MLP Part 2: Shipping ahoy and someone has PTSD · 2:53pm Mar 31st, 2018

Just getting ready for the expected meltdown of Tschernomykan

Just getting ready... so Standby

Yeah. All your fans are so ready to read how much you hate another episode of MLP.

I could use something to rant on,

So he finally admits that this is less about hating MLP and rather about just finding something to hate on, so he can't feel as worthless as a human as he is. Dear lord, rant about Gamergate then.

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Viewing 381 - 400 of 402 results