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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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    (Day 32)

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    "Grow up"


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    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

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What Do I regard as a good story or characterism · 11:07pm Mar 20th, 2017

Well that depends... we all have our preferences, and that's all it boils down to.

Just because you may say a story is good or bad doesn't mean it IS to all...

the only real rules of stories, music... are all based on what people PREFER/LIKE, and those rules may change all the time (but to most people they'd rather cause flame wars and cyber harassment)

Since I only read/write fics that are about couples I shipped but which crashed, and then being rectified or punished, those are what I like.



AS LONG AS SHE'S HAPPY (A shipping rectification fic)

Davis is hoplelessly in love with Kari, but she's with TK, however, slowly but surely over the course the love grows and grows, and Kari begins to realize how concerned she is for Davis, especially his obvious depressions and feeling distraught, and also trying to show how much he cares. In the end, They end up together... like I want it to be. That's GOOD to me.

Then again there's always fics like...


Davis is really depressed and angered by TK and Kari's relationship, and when he and Kari have a fight and she slips "You weren't even worth the time of day" Though she didn't mean to say it, that single mistake destroyed their friendship. Davis stopped trusting her, and he couldn't hang with his friends anymore (He can't take their pity, they won't stop hanging with TK and Kari, and if he hangs with them, he hangs with the couple) Davis practically becomes their ENEMY, not really but he no longer trusts them, is not on their side, and begins sealing off the Digi-world for good reasons. No matter how hard the others try to apologize and make it up to him... he refuses, and merely taunts them for the way they treated him (They've lost... it's over... they are not friends anymore) Which leads to Kari being upset, and some of the guys, especially TK engaging in a fight with him.

I REALLY... LOVE THAT... and I love it when Kari gets burned by guilt, shame, and what else...

'Oh Davis, I'm so sorry! I never meant to hurt you like this.'

But deep down, she knew she *had* meant to hurt him. She knew that both Davis and TK liked her, and she took advantage of that. She was also teasing them, doing things with TK for the sole purpose of making Davis jealous. She really was a selfish brat, wasn't she?

Some friend she is...

The best Teen titan fic I ever read was...

HE TOOK IT HARD (Not exactly a rectification or punishment fic, but more both)

Beast Boy, horribly crushed and despondent over Things change and losing Terra, loses his will to live and attempts suicide by drowning himself.

That's my style of the things I prefer to happen to the male part of the couple. Unless he makes up with the girl and they end up together...

-Live a long pointless life without love or happiness
-Have a fallout with your friends and disown them
-Run away from the team and want nothing to do with them
-Don't make up for the fallout
-Fight with your former friends in a HUGE ANGRY BATTLE
-Become the enemy (Usually not by choice, but being brainwashed)
-Kill himself by suicide or in battle or from injury.

But absoltuely no accepting it, moving on, and becoming happy again... No that's out of the question, and I loathe it so much... THAT'S a main reason I make fics...

Starfire: "Beats boy will sure have to move on now... what else could he possibly do?"

Me to Starfire: "Destroy all of us for what you have done."

As for the friends, that's also how I like this... THEY are the ones who caused all this with their own folly. Even if the guys has some role in it, it was caused by THEM... they are the starting point.

Like in this vid...

"Beast Boy is Dead... and in many ways it was really YOU who killed him Titans. You're the ones responsible for all this chaos that happened... you only have yourselves to blame."

Now the girls, and the friends must live with he guilt and shame knowing all this happened because of their ways, and others for their failure to reach out to to guy. (Like how Twilight was almost unable to reach out to Moondancer)

*Sighs* If only Moondancer had remained that way instead of reconciling with Twilight, I would have liked her, but she didn't so she failed me.

Anyway, that's pretty much the main things I prefer in most of my fics or vids...

Another thing I prefer is turning things into POWER RANGERS or POWER RANGER LIKE action series, with fighting, monster of the week, super powers, vile villains... things like that. Even if the show wasn't made for those sort of things...

*Dumps the old, and places the new on the table*

...NOW... it IS!

Besides, even MLP has done Power Ranger and SUPER HERO like things before, there's even THIS...

JUST TINKER with it, and IT CAN BE POSSIBLE (Like My Power Rangers Starfleet) regardless if anyone likes it or not... IT IS DONE

I rest my case... let's move on to something else...

One my most favorite things I like in shows or anime's is Romantic Comedies where THE GIRL lusts for the guy and the guy is all scared and nervous... (I'm not being sexist)

Anime's like



Oh, and I can't forget NEGIMA (Teenage girls fawning all over their ten year old teacher... HA!)

Or even just ONE episode of the entire series...


MEDABOTS (Love at first Bite)

Again, I'm not being sexist, nor saying that's how girls should behave... I'm just telling you WHAT I LIKE TO SEE... MY PREFERENCES in what I LIKE to deem a good story.

In my Starfleet Season 6, Tree Hugger has her eyes set on Buddy Rose, and acts almost creepy stalker like, but she ends up WINNING in the end (they marry)


I decide what characters are good an bad to me based on what I like and what I don't like about them... which means it doesn't matter if your "Well-balances" or "Have flaws" or "Are well developed"

If I like them, I like them... If I don't, then I don't, and nothing done to the character thereafter will make me change my mind.

Like Moondancer...

She was dark, depressing, anti-social, harsh to Twilight, grumpy, and against friendship... I liked her for all those, but because she reconciled with Twilight... she gets an automatic ZERO. I ultimately cannot like her.

Her character was developed/changed into ways I will not tolerate, don't like, and didn't want to EVER SEE happen...

That's usually why I make my characters one dimensional, with FEW FLAWS, NOT TOO MANY personalites and things like that, and not so much development (they usually don't need it cuz they're fine as they are)

All this stuff about development, and flaws, and things you call Build character and make someone more interesting...

to me... they don't build character, they build stupidity and make someone pathetic/embarrassing! (So embarrassing I'd skip ahead to avoid viewing what I don't want to be looking at)

There are characteristics that I don't want my characters to have, so I make them one dimensional...

And I give them less flaws than most character because the way it's written (to my liking) the more flaws they have the phsycially weaker they are, and the more vulnerable they are to an attack. (The bad guys will win for sure)

In other words, I have it written so... having many flaws, or developing a character TOO MUCH, or against my preference... WILL COST YOU (The character)

That's why I usually portray the Mane 6 (Especially Twilight) as overbearing bungling wanabees... they have TOO MANY flaws... to many characteristics and are horribly overdeveloped (Especially cuz they have many traits I don't like to see too much of or at all)

Me to Twilight: "I think I've figured out your style. You ignore all possible negative consequences of the situation by looking to the brightside of things. And when you combine it with a lamo strategy like talking about friendship and peace like you just pulled... I can't help but feel sorry for anyone who takes liking to pathetic excuse like you"

(That's how I want to treat Twilight MYSELF)

They're not interesting, modest well-to-do idols to me...

to me, they are nothing less than common, narrow-minded ignorant, powder-puffs whom even the weakest attacks could destroy in an instant.

Rarity: "Now, now. Let us try and keep our heads and act like intelligent beings."

Me to Rarity/the ponies: "Intelligent Beings?" You flatter yourselves. You are less than the insects which I crush beneath my heal as I walk!"

*Twilight attacks Lightning with all her might, but nothing happens. she isn't strong enough to best him*

*Twilight is shuddering with shock and shame*

Lightning to Twilight: "Once again, your attack has failed, Twilight. You see, you've lost even more of your power and energy... Even my weakest attacks can defeat you now."

But anyway... that's my opinion and my preference of what I feel what is GOOD/BAD Characters/Story to me... it's not the same as everyone else, but it;s MY WAY... MY LIKING... and I have no desire to broaden my horizons (That was what got me into this in the first place... and it would be a waste of time now and would only leave more anger, and more work to be done)

Comments ( 23 )

This post was highly informative. It gives us a bit of insight into why you write the way you do. All things aside, you can't fault the writer for following through with their intensions. A story's production may have false characterization, poor development, and insufficient plot, but if the end result demonstrates a portrayal of any given scene skewed to the author's interpretation, then a level of success can still be said to have been achieved to the gratification of at least the author, if not their readers.

I learned a while ago that you write for yourself and not others. I don't mind that. I quite fancy your fortitude to stay resolute in your decisions. Kudos, my friend.


thank you... and guess what

Ariel Winter (Voice of Princess Sofia) In an interveiw, she stated SHE HERSELF got bullied her for the way she looked and what what she liked and that stuff... and even when she tried to change her image, the bullying did not cease...

"So I decided, heck... I'll just make myself happy, not other people happy if they don't want it."

...Very inspirational to sticking to your guns.


As Mark Fischbach once said:

...We are wandering this earth trying to figure out who we are...we are all equal and deserve to be treated with respect...

Quote's from is video about respect; I try to uphold to that standard of treating everyone how I want to be treated. Even with what happened to TSW a little while ago, I held my tongue because I didn't want to further disrespect those involved.

Here's the video I pulled the quote from.

You know...

I want to agree with you on a lot of these points. The stuff about writing and expressing yourself the way you want are things I can totally get behind. It's your story, your characters, write them the way you feel is correct. As an artist, whether it's of fanfiction, revenge-fiction, original fiction, painting, comics, cartoons, audio dramas, whatever, that's your right.

The issue that I, and I suspect quite a few people, take with these ideas is just how venomous you are about them.

Yes, it's totally fine if you want to write one-dimensional characters. Or hate an episode or entire television series for whatever reason you want. I personally won't judge or hate you for that. But your attitude about it all is just so toxic. It's one thing if you don't want to like something, but... well, excuse me for being blunt, you're the one that decided to start parading that anger and hatred in front of everyone else. You put up your Starfleet stories and their predecessor with the intent of showing why you thought MLP was stupid and how you thought it would be better if it focused on action and moral absolutes of good and evil with no room for compromise or redemption. Even then, that's fair enough. It's what you want to do with your story.

But you keep defending it all. It's not enough for you to just say "I dislike this" or even "I dislike this and here's why" you keep repeating yourself over and over. Even when people stop listening or caring. I get you write these stories as a way to vent and express your dislike of the show, but then to go back and try to explain yourself as if that makes it okay...

Let me put it this way, you give the characters in shows basically one chance to impress you and make you think they're worth caring about. If they don't behave the way you want, if they make choices you disapprove of then that's it, you hate them forever. If that's your attitude... why would you expect anyone else to take a different approach with you or your stories? You immediately throw out such harsh criticisms for MLP, "Things Change", and other shows you don't like but complain when people do the same to your stories because they don't like them. Because when they look at an archive of stories written about their favorite show, their expectations usually involve finding stories written out of love and appreciation for that show, not hatred with the intent of tearing it apart.

I just want to try and understand. Why is this? What makes it okay for you to be so harsh to things you dislike while anyone that expresses similar distaste toward your stories is a troll or cyberbully?

For a shipper, you sure hate Terra and Kari. Or, at the very least, you treat them like prizes who should sacrifice their own happiness.


Actually, I'm just scolding/reprimanding them for the way they behaved and how they treated the boys who really loved and cared about them

(In Terra's case, dumping him in cold blood for selfish reason... and in Kari's case, never giving him a chance, and treating him like a toy for her amusement)

Besides, it's the protocol of the shipping: "They either end up together, or they are punished (Usually the dude dies)


Pardon me, I'm just a little curious now that you've said this.

What if the break-up or failure of the relationship had gone the other way? Like Beast Boy had decided to move on instead of letting Terra back into his life or Davis had been the one blindly spurring Kari's advances on him?


Ya know it's never come up... so I don't think I can answer. (It would probably be hypocritical anyway)


I'm just curious how you'd approach the situation if it was like that. Maybe give it a little thought?

Because... well yeah, I didn't like the Beast Boy/Terra break up either but it was Terra's choice. She'd been through hell because of her powers. She'd been a freak, a run-away, a Teen Titan, a traitor, a pawn, and eventually a true hero thanks to her powers and her connection to the Titans. While it's tragic that she elected to end her relationship with Beast Boy, she did so because after all that she wanted the one thing that she'd never had: A normal life. Her powers certainly couldn't give her that, neither could Slade nor the Titans. Maybe she was selfish in choosing that, but after trying to kill the Titans, then killing herself to make up for it, it's a bit hard to hold the desire to just be normal against her.

But imagine if it had been the other way. Terra comes back trying to rekindle things with Beast Boy and the Titans but, after a lot of thought, Beast Boy turns her away. She'd betrayed them before, played with his heart and feelings just to get close so she could serve Slade, and then in the end she comes back and thinks she can make up for that. So he pushes her away and tells her to hit the road, that he and the other Titans don't want to have anything to do with her and that he's moved on from his feelings for her.

Would you hold it against Beast Boy if he didn't want to let a person like that back into his life? Or should he give her another chance and take her back, give her a shot at redemption?


Because... well yeah, I didn't like the Beast Boy/Terra break up either but it was Terra's choice. She'd been through hell because of her powers. She'd been a freak, a run-away, a Teen Titan, a traitor, a pawn, and eventually a true hero thanks to her powers and her connection to the Titans. While it's tragic that she elected to end her relationship with Beast Boy, she did so because after all that she wanted the one thing that she'd never had: A normal life. Her powers certainly couldn't give her that, neither could Slade nor the Titans. Maybe she was selfish in choosing that, but after trying to kill the Titans, then killing herself to make up for it, it's a bit hard to hold the desire to just be normal against her.

That's understandable, but her attitude and the way she handled it (Faking having amneisa, dumping him in cold blood, wanting nothing to do with him at all... and even destroying "You were the best friend I ever had")... completely inexcusable and unacceptable. He didn't deserve that... not after all he suffer, and not that he was still willing to forgive her and give her love and hope, even if the Titans wouldn't.

Me to Terra: "This cannot go unpunished!"

But imagine if it had been the other way. Terra comes back trying to rekindle things with Beast Boy and the Titans but, after a lot of thought, Beast Boy turns her away.

Oh I've made him do that countless time, reject her at first, and any time she tries to approach him and talk to him he balks at her for trying to make Things Change seem justifiable. (Slade and the whole betrayal thing means nothing now... it's all about Things Change... just that)

Terra: "I didn't want to hurt yo anymore."

BB: "Well guess what, Terra... you DID anyway!"

Terra: "All I wanted to was to give both of us a better future."

BB: "No, not US Terra... just yourself. You were only thinking of yourself!"

Would you hold it against Beast Boy if he didn't want to let a person like that back into his life?

Of course I would. Why do you think I make BB suffer miserably for losing her, or having him killed in the end.

Mykan: "Are you certain it is Beast Boy you carry?"

Davis: "Yes sir... he has failed you. Do you wish him punished?"

Mykan: "Possibly..."

Davis: "Done!"

Mykan: "Yes...! throw him into the abyss. Show him the dark has... teeth!"

Or should he give her another chance and take her back, give her a shot at redemption?

Sometimes I make him reconcile with her, but it all depends on the situation and what I'm after in preference

Comment posted by N Harmonik deleted Mar 23rd, 2017


If I understand well, the point isn't mainly that you simply dislike certain pairing, or MLP FiM, or even friendship. At least, to me.
What I understood from this is, you seem to hate the concept of forgiveness. If you feel something wronged you, you must absolutely get your revenge, and not simply, but completely, destroying both the one (be it a person, pairing, show or concept) and anything related to it.

Am I correct in that?


Only slightly.

Yes I admit, I don't believe in Forgive and forget. Reason being: Every time I forgave, the other party just ended up betraying/hurtining all over again. Sometimes deliberately.

Plus, I also feel that by easily forgiving someone, you are weak and spineless. You're letting other people control you and tell you what to do instead of standing by your own beliefs.

(Watch I bet this gets ignorantly downvoted just because I posted it)


Honestly, that is an interesting opinion.

Well, when I say interesting doesn't mean I believe it's right or wrong, or that I'm inclined to judge, but your response is vastly different from what the vast majority of humans would answer.

You are an interesting person. More than that, I can imagine you'd make for a pretty good character in story. Protagonist? Antagonist? that's entirely subjective.
I'm also fairly certain these word will mark me as weird person, but I don't care. I enjoy human psychology and especially more different people. I find attempting to understand and be able to see the world through their eyes to be very enlightening.

It's nice to have an insight as to how you view the world. I also wonder what brought you to see it so differently.


It's nice to have an insight as to how you view the world. I also wonder what brought you to see it so differently.

30 years of the following...

-denied of things I wanted and worked for.
-Ect, ect, ect...

yay! Me again!

I was thinking about storywriting. In a way, I consider the act of writing a story to be for more than just the author.
Why do I say this? Well, in short, my pic comes from an OC I imagined. Who's a human, thousands of years old, had tons of adventures, and would most certainly get thumbed down into hell itself should I attempt to write his stories (and how he came across MLP and became a pony (well, this is just his 'light' aspect, he got a grey and a dark one. See how it's sinking further into horrible fic material?).

There's also another character I have imagined. A human, who also goes to Equestria. He is also much more likely to get positive reviews and readers who will appreciate his story so I'm slowly working on writing it (it's not published yet, I want to get a bunch of chapters out before I release more).

Thing is, I can imagine their stories just fine. I don't need to write them. in my mind, I can practically live their adventures and feel their emotions in a way I would not be able to through a story. It's faster too. So with that, why would I want to write a story down for one of them?

Because I want to share it. I want someone else to know of this story, and I want them to feel the same way I do. It's my first story, but it's taking me forever because I want to avoid those cliches people consider bad, and because I want my text to not simply tell a story, but to carry the reader into the adventure and feel it as vividly as I imagined it. Or at least as close to it as I can.

Why did I tell you all this? Well, because I'm taking myself and my reasons to attempt to understand yours. It may not work, but I consider it worth a try.

You write this. You write lots of stories. And, to some exceptions (such as one story you posted here), you do love your characters. You went all the way to imagine them and their adventures, and you love those. I'm assuming, while you write those stories, you also want others to read them and to feel something.
I have little doubt you do want some people to read those stories and feel bad. There is some revenge in them at least.

But, and here's the actual point of my massive rant, I'm certain you do also want there to be people who read and enjoy those stories as you do.

Am I wrong?


funny, I'm nearly 30 myself.
Still, 30 years. I feel as though the implication of this length of time is that this persecution you face is not over.
Am I correct?

Also, I know I'm getting fairly personal with these questions so feel free to either take it to PMs or just plain tell me to stop (and I will), but which solutions have you attempted in your efforts to get rid of this?


That's not being a coward, that's being private...

the two aren't mutually exclusive. the point is that this was a public conversation that you chose to make private. that stinks of cowardice, as if you have no answer to what they brought up that would stand to public scrutiny. maybe i'm wrong, but if i am, please provide a satisfactory alternative reasoning.


A lot of people like to copy and paste my posts and TWIST them to label me like a pig, by keeping it private I can reduce that

dude, they're going to do that anyways, i doubt one reply will make things worse.

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