
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Debunking TV-Tropes (Ron the Death Eater) · 4:00am Oct 4th, 2021

Found this under Friendship Is Failure YMMV...

Ron the Death Eater: Characters Mykan roots for are subject to this in stories of detractors. Examples include Manny Collars becoming a rapist, or Miser Stash becoming a thief who was only happy when others were miserable, or Talon Ted being a villainous mastermind who only pretends he is stupid. Sometimes the detractors merely take existing traits of these characters Up to Eleven, like making Strings a full Yandere.

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Further Debunking Up to Eleven (Legal Logics) · 4:51pm Oct 4th, 2021

This is like that Dragnet ep where the officers are asked to rebuttal public opinion and Q&A on TV.

Wow! After posting the latest De-bunking, my detractors really threw a fit, and are still desperate to (UP TO ELEVEN) get my characters in trouble, Forgetting the concept and ideals, and even proving how retarded they are.

You making Rarity extremely out of character

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De-bunking a bad review (Let's just NOT be friends.) · 2:54am Dec 30th, 2021

Looks like he still thinks the only way to find happiness and truly be accepted is "Suck it, up, get over it, and move on."


He doesn't seem to realize that I'm going to make it a No-Win for Snapshot and the gang ANY WAY...

First of all, let's look at the situation...

Well if they aren't, then they're just being clingly and selfish.

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De-Bunking TV-Tropes (Raven Speculation) · 8:01pm Jan 19th, 2022

A-M section

It is often speculated that Twilight Sparkle was Raven's true target instead of Celestia

No, Raven's only true target is Celestia. The thing is... she was growing more and more frustrated with all her failed attempts, and she began to become willing to do anything to get at Celestia; even hurt or kill anyone that attempted to stop her, like Twilight.

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De-Bunking (TV-Tropes ACE RAY Starfleet character) · 4:00am Nov 6th, 2021

Brainwashed: To like Starfleet and feel sorry for attacking his sister in the original version. In the updated version, he's "merely" sent to an insane asylum instead.


In the initial story, he was not brainwashed, he was put into a magical fantasy to help show him things (A bit like forcing him to watch a movie) and he was sent to the asylum in BOTH versions.

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results