
Viewing 21 - 40 of 98 results

Fecundity Old Chapter Revisions: Finished · 3:35am Mar 1st, 2018

I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you started to wonder whether I’ve given up on Fecundity. The last time I said anything about it was last year when I said I wanted to go back and do edits, but I haven’t really given any progress updates. I’d originally I anticipated this process to take about a month, but like most of my writing project plans, that wound up being way, wayyyyyyyy off the mark.

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Marwile watches SAO Part 2 "High and low" · 7:36am Mar 7th, 2018

Before I begin a small advice: Do not buy a TV online. It can only lead to stress and misery.

It's time for the next episodes of Sword Art Online. I spent the whole week watching Little Witch Academia and Gurren Lagann (two infinitely better animes) as preperation. And to be honest... I don't have much to say.

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Posting yet another blog from an old computer. · 10:01pm Apr 10th, 2020

Specs: 550MHz AMD K6-2
8gb SD card as HDD
Radeon 7500
Sound Blaster AWE32
Asus P5A revision 1.05


Meet my sister! · 8:31am Dec 24th, 2016

Everyone, please welcome to the site the one who introduced me to mlpfim, my big sister, Mint Chip! Go check out her page; we may be collabing on some pony-game crossovers soonishly.... And maybe some review stuff, too! Depends on how much I can pester her to agree to- I mean, ask her nicely to make time in her schedule. Yep.


Christmas Advent Calendar 2018 Day 17 · 5:46am Dec 18th, 2018

On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... 8 dead bodies hanging from a tree somewhere in Japan...


Three Dreams · 2:24pm Jan 11th, 2016

:derpyderp1: I have published three stories in the last week. That is a downright freakish level of productivity for me. This is an odd feeling.

Hmm? Oh, the third one's in the approval queue at the moment. EQG slice of life based off of a bit of headcanon from Oversaturation. No, not the cutie mark religion thing.

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Oh, hey, I'm not dead... · 4:03pm Apr 24th, 2016

I apologize if this blog post seems a bit too rough or defensive, but simply put, I haven't had the drive, the 'oomph' to write as of late. And it's not just for this fandom, but for ALL my other fandoms. I mean, I go to Google Docs wanting to write and as soon as I open up any given document, my mind just blanks and I can't write a damn thing.

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I like trains! · 11:53am Apr 13th, 2017

I'm on a train.

Thanks to a school field trip to Chicago, I'm on a train!

I'm spending the whole day from 8 AM to 10 PM EST there, so I'm ready to have fun!

Plus, the train I'm in has wifi, so I can do some writing while riding.

I'm very happy at the moment right now.

So, yeah.




And now for something completely different: 1000-follower AMA! · 2:03am Nov 10th, 2016

The political season was long and painful enough; I'm not gonna extend that by decompressing here. Not here, in our little sanctuary of ponies and camaraderie. Instead, let's follow up the changing of masks with a little bit of mask removal!

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STUPID COLLEGE · 9:08pm Jun 30th, 2015

So, yesterday, my courses for my college classes for online began. Problem is, I wasn't able to look at the assignments until late last night because the computer was occupied by everyone but me. It's not like I could even do any of these assignments because I don't even have the book for the course I'm taking. And the worst part? So many of the assignments involving the book are due tomorrow.

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You ever had one of those nights... · 12:30am Sep 28th, 2015

...where you're tired, and you want to work on your current story but you're not in the mood to write plus you can't think of what to write at the moment, and at the same time you're trying to work on an animation for your channel AND an animation that somebody else wants you to do because the other twat animator he knows won't do it, and you also are trying to see if your love interest is willing to come up to your upcoming Halloween party?

Because I am right now. And it sucks balls.

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Seriously about Equestria MILFs · 1:59pm Oct 12th, 2018

I have the third and final installment written.

The problem is that I think it sucks.

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The Doctor currently as a Brony fan · 2:17am Oct 14th, 2019


Jinglemas 2023 · 3:48am Nov 3rd, 2023

Onto another year of requests and stories, and the great circle of gift giving for Jinglemas 2023, can’t wait to see what happens in the coming couple months!


My fellow authors, have you ever... · 3:53am Mar 13th, 2017

...hit a point in a story where you get disconnected from it enough that when you look at it you can't help but wonder how the blue hell this is related to My Little Pony anymore?

Outside of the talking horses and character names, how is this story, in any way, representative of the original source?

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[OVER] Gaming Livestream - XCOM Enemy Within · 1:31am Feb 17th, 2016

Yo guys! Here I am to deliver a Twitch stream of me playing XCOM Enemy Within! It's going to start in a few moments so you better getcha ass in here before you miss it. I'll be streaming for a couple hours or so. Hope to see you there!

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Anybody up for writing guest chapters for Pony-Me? · 5:56am Feb 18th, 2018

Yup, you heard me. Y'all could be writin' some of your own takes on the Pony-Me lore. Could it include high-tech implants? Sure. Perhaps a devious puppet government? Why not? New characters and OC's? Go ahead. A city of your own creation populated with yet another disconnected population? Yup. Artificial intelligence beyond imagination? Why not add a twist to it along the way?

Aaaaanyhow, there's more below the break. :pinkiehappy:

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The Dark Side of Ponut Kissing · 2:02am Feb 11th, 2020

This is why Rainbow Dash's and Pinkie Pie's rumps must never be allowed to touch:

XK-Class End of the World Scenario

In other news, I'm writing a lot but had to stop. My new decongestant is making me see things, so no more of that.


This is too amazing to ignore. · 8:46pm Dec 1st, 2015

A new member joined and mad a fan group for them-self.

Not even kidding.

How awesome is that!?:rainbowlaugh:

That's just so cool and I tip my nonexistent hat to her.

That is 10/10 should have thought of myself.

Because why not?

Though I wouldn't call myself 'an established writer' I've certainly been around.

And what makes one brony more important without the other? There isn't a hierarchy.

I just found this really funny and slightly heartwarming.

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... Well, this was a long time coming. · 7:30am Apr 10th, 2020

Haven't heard from me in a while, have we? To sum up shortly, ever since the end of FiM, I've lost almost all interest in the fandom and have moved on to new arts and creativities. But from time to time, I do get the urge to think up something I can do that works here as a lot of people enjoy what I write. And since the whole pandemic is calling for people to stay home, it gives me more than enough time to at least try to get the old fingers working again. So I do have a few announcements.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 98 results