• Member Since 11th May, 2013
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Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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  • 269 weeks
    So I'm watching the premiere

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STUPID COLLEGE · 9:08pm Jun 30th, 2015

So, yesterday, my courses for my college classes for online began. Problem is, I wasn't able to look at the assignments until late last night because the computer was occupied by everyone but me. It's not like I could even do any of these assignments because I don't even have the book for the course I'm taking. And the worst part? So many of the assignments involving the book are due tomorrow.

Yes, I should message my teacher on the matter, but due to past experience regarding matters like these, I'll probably be told that I need to "learn how to be responsible and get the materials I need for class on time." It's not my fault that those books cost a buttload of money and that sometimes we can't afford those things. It's not my fault that there are constant delays in receiving my materials for class. It's also not my fault that I am literally wanting to vomit because of the fact that I might fucking fail this course before it's even officially begun. I cannot afford to fail this class; my mom has already put so much time into making sure that I can get all my credits, and right now, all I'm doing is fucking blowing it.

My life is a fucking nightmare.

Update: I managed to get the book on my phone and now I can do the assignments. Too bad I have five due tomorrow.

Comments ( 10 )

yea... that does suck...

That's college for ya in a nutshell.

welcome to college life
and what you are going through?
it's the dark side no-one likes to talk about
but for your sake

You might want to check for your book around online. Sometimes people upload whole or partial textbooks. Maybe if you just had a chapter or two, you could get by until you could buy it.

Well that is quite unfortunate. I always hate when things are due the first day of class (generally just reading in my classes though, so I just have a double reading assignment for the next class).

One thing to do would be check the syllabus for the grading rubric. Usually they at least tell you what weight the homework and tests and papers have. And if your lucky the syllabus or the class page (blackboard or ever you're University uses) may have a detailed work breakdown showing what the assignments are worth. Perhaps they aren't as important as you think they are (like 1% or less of the class grade).
Also check for the late policy. You may lose some points, but 50% is better than 0%.
And try connecting the professor and explaing that you just got access to the course and will be late with the first assignment. I don't know how it works for online courses, or the college you're going to, but where I am the professors can be more willing to work with you if you're proactive about things and show your trying. Especially right in the beginning of the course, as people occasionally add the class a few days after the first class. You may not hey 100% on the assignment, but you will probably hey something.

And worst case scenario, what is your university's drop deadline? Because if you know that the class will be too much for you right now, or that the assignment you missed was a significant portion of your grade, it may be better to drop the class and try later than to fail the class. (I wish I'd done that with a Calculus II class I took in a summer term.)

Sorry my reply is so long. I just wanted to say what I know from my experience with college as a civil engineering senior. Although I don't know how applicable it will be.
I do hope you get it all worked out. And don't stress to much about it. (At the end - when you have 120+ credits, the difference between an A and an E/F in a single 3 credit clad is less that 0.1 to your GPA.)

I had to drop online courses for these exact reasons, and that when I tried to contact the teacher about stuff that I needed to check on, like the testing centers, he BLOCKED MY NUMBER AND TOLD ME TO F^CK OFF.

:| That fucking sucks.
Anyway we could help? I'm good at Math and 'puters! :derpytongue2:

I managed to do the assignments that are due tomorrow. The others will have to wait for now, since I don't have the resources to do them. God, my head hurts...

:yay: go you! you resourceful person you
:applecry: sorry about the headache though, hope you get some good sleep and feel better later

THIS 3195314
Don't be afraid to drop a class if it's seems like too much to you. Not every class needs to feel like a YOLO rush to you, and if its something standard like a math class, remember that the local library is a great resource to look up. They'll most likely have the textbooks for that math class, and they're free to use (but I believe you can't check them out). Use the library to study up on the subject so you can feel more confident to take on that class later. And don't worry if the textbook is an older edition or different from the class's textbook. Most often, all these books have similar content in them, especially English or Math books. They rarely change over the century.

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