
Viewing 21 - 40 of 42 results

New story!!! · 11:42am Sep 13th, 2021

I just submitted my fourth story, and it's a Baki crossover featuring everones favorite giant yakuza, Kaoru Hanayama reincarnated as a colt in RGR Equestria.

I wanted to post a story about an extremely manly character in RGRE, so I asked myself: "Who is the manliest man that has ever been a man in fiction?" And three names came to mind as I asked this.

Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star
Jotaro Kujo from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

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Green Update I'm Leaving Here Because i'm Currently Locked Out of My Ponepaste Account · 5:00am Oct 18th, 2021

Exactly what it says on the tin. Starts right at the end of

>You are the eager Cut N. Paste.
>After your last match went so well, almost /too/ well, a certain giddiness started blossoming within you.
>Seeing that look on your opponent’s face after you perfectly countered her strategy...
>Watching all that trash she was talking literally come crashing down...
>It felt good.
>Really good.

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Uodate on The Next Part of the Long And Shot of It · 12:29pm Jul 30th, 2023

Hey all,
Just wanted to keep you posted. The next part is done so to speak, I'm just waiting on #editing gang to get their eyes on it to see if I need to revise anything. You should actually be seeing it soon.

Report SQA · 111 views · #rgre #long and short of it

Quick Long And Short of It update · 5:09am Mar 2nd, 2022

>You are Anonymous, and with a newsie cap on your head and a saddlebag full of supplies, you’re approaching the castle now.
>Frankly, you were rather iffy about answering the letter’s summons, but your normal fonts of information had been running dry.
>Plus, crazy things always seem to happen when the castle is involved, and that usually means more sales, plus a fat bonus for you!
>Even better, you don’t need to sneak in this time.

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Rewrite of Dusk's New Dawn · 1:19pm Apr 27th, 2020

So yeah, exactly the title.

I started Dusk's New Dawn for giggles and didn't exactly have a plot in mind, as more people began to actually be interested i decided to rewrite the dang thing because frankly, it's shit.

So I'm trying to make it atleast not look like shit, so yeah.

Don't worry, major key points are still there. It's just much more hidden as i continue to write.

Its still RGRE and the premise/concept is still the same.

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Long And Short of It, Wine and Cheese Night Part One · 4:18am Mar 29th, 2022

>Unfortunately your conversation with Blueblood did not peter out after that.
>He wanted to know ALL about what you’ve been up to.
>Seems that Celestia gave him the impression that you’re a noblestallion yourself, albeit from a far away land.
>Another prank you suppose.
>That’s probably why he wanted to hang out with you so badly when you first arrived.
>No reason to correct him now, you guess.

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Report SQA · 321 views · #RGRE #Long and Short of It

The Long and Short of It: Grandmaster Battle · 11:18pm Dec 16th, 2021

>You are Cut N. Paste with a heart full of fear.
>As you and your herdmates step past the curtain, you’re met with a disconcerting sight.
>An honest to Celestia throne room.
>Whatever this room used to be used for before, it has been totally converted toward its new purpose.
>The lights that were once built into the ceiling have been straight-up torn out, leaving novelty crystal torches lining the wall as the room’s only source of light.

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Report SQA · 406 views · #rgre #long and short of it

RGRE are there any big pony stories? · 9:12am Jan 9th, 2019

Are there any RGRE stories where the ponies are big. As in shire horse size? I think it could be funny, a normal sized human would seem very insignificant. How the ponies would react could be funny.

RGRE is short for Reversed Gender Roles Equestria.


More art wooooo! · 1:28am Aug 26th, 2020

This time drawn by Andromailus. It's Pike wearing an 'apron' her doofy coltfriend Anon got her.


The Long And Short of It, Party Time · 3:18am Dec 10th, 2022

Sorry for the wait!

>You are Anonymous the unicorn, and tonight’s the night!
>Your first house party in... well, years really.
>So it's got you pretty psyched!
>Neither Pike nor Cut knew this, but back in the day, your parties used to draw quite the crowds.
>Back when all that was needed for fun was a good old-fashioned Halo 3 LAN party.
>Ah Fat Kid Escape, those were the days.
>Unfortunately, finding things for tonight’s guests required a bit more effort.

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Do females really outnumber the males? · 4:08pm Dec 26th, 2020

Do females really outnumber the males? As in by the cannon show's universe. Not fan fictions, such as Reverse Gender Role Equestria.


Pastebin Just Went Nuclear · 11:33pm Dec 17th, 2020

Since pastebin is gone we on ponepaste gang now


Expanding my Horizons (and a couple of words on other stories) · 9:21pm Jan 14th, 2018

I figured I'd try writing a HiE. Not only that, but it's set in the RGRE universe! With Rarity!

[Adult story embed hidden]

If that's your thing, follow Zane as he tries to bang Rarity get a job! It doesn't take him too long to do both.

On a separate note, incomplete stories: I currently have two that people have expressed curiosity over.

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Shilling myself because why not lol · 10:48pm Apr 10th, 2021

I write a RGRE Anonpone greentext I just put out an update for. Here's a snippet in case someone out there is looking for something new to read.

“That’s why they call them, uhhh... marefoals, I guess.”

>You are Nocturnal Pike, and you get why Cut doesn’t go to tournaments now.
>A mare of her emotional constitution? There’s no way she could take that kind of abuse.
>However, there is one thing you don’t understand, and that is what Anon just said.

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Expanding My Horizons Further! · 2:31am Jan 17th, 2018

Hey, look! I did another one.

[Adult story embed hidden]

In my defence, Reverse Gender Roles Equestria is a fun universe to play with! (Plus, I had a whole other side of the spectrum to explore.)

Wanna read a dominant Celestia paired with an obedient human? Of course you do.

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Pretty Late, But More Art · 5:36am Mar 8th, 2021

Idk who made it but I like it


Long and Short of It Teaser Update · 6:41am Jan 31st, 2022

Something short since its been awhile

>You are the one, the only, Cut N. Paste.
>You audibly grumble as the sunlight streaming through the window lands perfectly on your face, rousing you from your comfortable slumber.
>The first thing you notice upon waking though, is you seem to have pressed your face into somepony’s decadently soft tuft.
>In no rush to get up, you snuggle further into the pony and take a deep breath.
>That... smells nothing like Anon.

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Manly Man In RGRE Equestria · 9:37am Jan 17th, 2018

So, would these RGRE (Reverse Gender Roles Equestria) mares think of a manly man? Would they have a sigh of relief to be with a stallion, who isn't a wimp?


Long and short of it Office Moment · 12:43am Jan 23rd, 2023

“I’m not apologizing.”
>You are Anonymous the unicorn and you cannot believe what Cut is asking you to do right now.
>Apparently she feels very strongly about something you said to one of the mares you kicked out last night.
>It’s all a little fuzzy around the edges, apparently you /actually/ teleported?
>You’d been studying up on how to do it, sure, but you’d never been able to work up the nerve to try it out.
>Guess all you needed was a little liquor to grease the wheels.

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Rating bump! · 2:06am May 5th, 2019

So, I noticed something off about "Take Me to Your Liter."

The thing was rated T for Tactless-has-a-safety-kink. That whore. How incoherent was I when I made the damn thing if I'm still finding mistakes like that lmfao.

Goddamn, day drinking is a nightmare kids. Don't do it, it'll fuck up your shit.

Anyway, updated to show that red ol' M for Matriarchy-is-a-better-kink!

For, uh, obvious reasons as per my previous blogs

Viewing 21 - 40 of 42 results