
Viewing 21 - 40 of 46 results

This song describes what I have went through and am going through. · 6:45pm Jun 5th, 2020


I have survived and will continue to survive! · 3:06am Jan 21st, 2020

Ever since I uploaded the last two blog posts I have been receiving messages over PM saying sorry or wondering how long I have. Which piss me off! I have suffered through a lot of shi*t if you really think I will have a set date on death you are wrong! I have survived a lot more than this. I am going to continue to survive and I am damn well going to fight against death and anything that try's to kill me. I am a fighter and survivor and I have done things that you guy's would have never even

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Thank you for everything! · 3:53pm Apr 26th, 2020

Thank you for everything you guys have said. I am just really emotionally damaged right now. I am sorry about what I said in the last blog about me wishing I was dead. I just don't know what to do and I only have real friends online. You guys are my only real friends but I was selfish and wrong to have said what I did. I want to thank you guys for the support. I am feeling better but I really don't feel as if their isn't a hole in my heart but I don't know what to do now. I really don't know

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Best Doctor tribute in my opinion. · 2:21am Jun 30th, 2020


My health has started to deteriorate. · 4:07pm Mar 9th, 2020

My health has been quite good until recently and now I am afraid. My seizure doesn't just mean I am having seizures again but it also means I will have all the side effects of epilepsy and before I was holding my ground against my epilepsy but now it maybe back and probably stronger than before I can't help but think that I am just a burden on my fiance because of my epilepsy. I never thought that I would let this happen. I thought that I could live a normal life but I now know the truth. I

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I have a big surprise to tell you guy's later! · 12:52pm Jan 23rd, 2020

The title says it all I have a surprise I wanted to tell you guy's but I want to surprise you so I will tell you guy's later but please be on the lookout for it.


About my fiance! · 4:57am Jan 29th, 2020

So I have been getting asked what kind of girl my Fiance is and why have I fallen in love with her. I have to admit that for starters I suck at thinking of myself. I always think about other people way before myself which can lead to very bad physical and mental health issues but I am glad that my fiance is the polar opposite of me. She still loves that I help and care for other people but she does make sure that I take care of myself as well. So that helps me know that I have her to help me

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Let’s change things up and get a little more personal. Got a question? I’d love to answer it! · 3:11am Oct 23rd, 2020

I want to try and make some more personal blogs on here, so feel free to ask me anything you can think that’d make for an interesting answer. Or even just the boring stuff. I don’t think I’ll get a whole lot but I figured why not try this out.

Shooting for Saturday or Sunday to make some of the replies

Report TikiBat · 157 views · #Q&A #AMA #personal update

I am suffering! · 7:46pm Jan 10th, 2020

I feel like sh*t and I can barely get up anymore. This is all happening because I take medication for my epilepsy and guess what happened I ran out yesterday night so the day before that I asked my pharmacist to refill my prescription and so they said it would be ready yesterday but when I go to my pharmacy to pick up my prescription. They said that they couldn't refill my medication because there whole entire pharmacy was out of stock on my meds and so I asked them if there was another

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I was able to get my meds. · 2:37am Jan 11th, 2020

I was able to get my medication and was able to get it in me. It's not going to work just on a snap on a Dime but I am glad to have it in my system nonetheless. Thank you guys I started to freak out a little bit there.


What's Next? + Group Signal Boost · 12:03am Jul 20th, 2020

With Gracefully having been wrapped up, some may be wondering what's next on the story list. Truthfully, I'm not sure. The way I work is both spontaneous and meticulous; ideas come a dime a dozen, but the ones that end up working--the ones that I end up writing, I mean--tend to come infrequently.

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Personal Update · 7:03am Sep 2nd, 2021

Okay, so, update on my current situation.

My dysphoria has returned, I got sick today, I've been stressed about school, I've been having a massive lack of sleep, and I'm just overall not doing too good rn.

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Sorry for the delay · 4:19pm May 26th, 2017

Due to personal tragedy, I will be taking a break from the audiobook for the next few days at least.
It's too hard to focus on anything right now.


Personal Update · 11:04am Mar 29th, 2016

Hello everyone, This is Skrive Flip.

I am writing this after a way too long radio silence because I finally think I might be able to give this update.

A lot has happened in the time since I last updated either Changeling Teacher or Crystal Castle.

Had some personal revalations, some good which included relationships (and the ending of them).
And then there is the bad one.

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Plans for December... · 5:03pm Dec 3rd, 2018

Well, having knocked all but one writing to-do item off my list for November, we move into December with yet another ambitious schedule. We're finishing off the TAS revamp, doing at least two new chapters for Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night, and hopefully at least one for Flight of Firefly, as well as work on my anthro novel. In between all that, I also have a bunch of stuff to preread for several different people; I believe that list is now four authors and eleven chapters

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Return to Las Vegas... · 4:19pm Jun 1st, 2017

Hello, folks...

I'm on my yearly pilgrimage to Las Pegasus Vegas, and I'm here for the next week to play some poker. I got in around 6pm last night, around three and a half hours late after my flight out was delayed, forcing them to shift me to a second, later flight. But arrive I did, and now it's time to play. So, just as I did last year, I'll blog about my playing experiences for those who are curious, win lose or draw.

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Trying for a new look · 7:57pm Mar 24th, 2017

I've come in contact with an artist that is going to help me with my avatar and book cover. I'm using a piece she did in the meantime until they're done.
I've been working for a small part of the last few weeks to go over and clean up Shadow of Night, but I've been relying on a iPad that a friend had given me to stay in touch while I try to rebuild my life from virtually the ground up. But the iPad is not really a writer's tool, so I'm working on a solution.

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Day 2... · 3:45pm Jun 3rd, 2017

Well, the story of my play yesterday was the story of pocket queens--they hated me. I lost $200 on a cash game when I got all-in with pocket queens against pocket fours and a four hit the board for three of a kind--meaning I lost a hand I started a 4 to 1 favorite against. So instead of doubling up to $400, I ended up busting out and walking away.

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Day 3: The End · 1:47pm Jun 4th, 2017

I'm leaving. Everything has gone wrong this trip from late flights to a broken room TV and clogged bathtub drain, and yesterday was the worst. I played twice and lost both times in minutes, putting me down another $350. The first time, I twice confused 5000 chips with 500 ones and made unintentional raises (once the chips are bet, you can't take them back) that ended up costing me my entire stack; on the final hand my straight was beaten by a full house. The second time, I made a foolish

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Day 1 down... · 3:53pm Jun 2nd, 2017

No success to report. Opened with a C-note on craps and lost it pretty quick--it's amazing how unfriendly dice can be at times. Then again, success at that seems rare for me. After that, I gorged on the breakfast buffet, took a four mile walk upstrip towards the Stratosphere and back to walk it off, then walked further to the Aria to see what tournaments they were offering. Nothing that interested me, so I hopped a cab to the Rio for my first WSOP action. The events opened this very week,

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 46 results