
Viewing 21 - 40 of 129 results

Films with Faceless: Hey Arnold The Jungle Movie · 5:46am Nov 25th, 2017

If I were to describe my thoughts on Hey Arnold the Jungle Movie in a single word, I believe the best term would simply be.....Satisfaction. I feel that perfectly articulates my thoughts and probably the thoughts of anyone who sees this movie. Even though anyone will also tell you the movie is flawed, at the end of the day, after 15 years of waiting, I can safely say that I feel content after watching this film.

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Updates and Edits · 12:31pm Aug 9th, 2016

Two years.

That's about how long it's been since I last made a blog post. Even longer since I've posted any form of writing here. I've had a lot of ideas in that timeframe, written some stuff for other fandoms, and dabbled more in trying to improve my mediocre skills at drawing. I've graduated high school, traveled to another nation, and currently am preparing to travel back to my home country to attend university.

Basically, shit's changed and stuff.

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Hey there. · 11:19pm Jul 16th, 2016


"Hey there. My name's Thomas Olson. On most of my own time I run a YouTube channel, in which I pretty much use for whatever content I want to put up for people to enjoy. Recently, it's been mostly gaming, but I'm wanting to get more into readings. The problem is, I can't do many kinds of voices if I need to and there aren't many stories in which are just narration. I myself prefer narration as it's just reading, but whatever."

"Why are you telling me this?"

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Where have I been? · 4:19am Feb 26th, 2020

Hey guys, been a while huh? So, I realize that I’ve drifted away from the whole “monthly update” premise and have kinda gone quiet. Well, to start things off, progress on the latest chapter of Digimon: A New Legacy of DigiDestined has been, slower than usual. I’m finding myself in a bit of a slump. I can’t say for sure what the reason is. Could be my ADHD kicking my butt, could be my irregular work schedule, could be the endless amounts of distractions that seem to grab my

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I'm a good writer, eh? · 2:25am Jan 10th, 2018


so uh theres a few of you now. · 7:36pm Apr 24th, 2022

hey, welcome to my fimfiction account i guess. i didnt expect a bunch of people to start following but i also didn't really expect the SCM saga to blow up either so there's that.

first of all, i would like to say thanks for following those who have at this point and those who will in the future. no idea what im gonna do after this saga but im sure ill figure something out.

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WDTP (Or I'm throwing stuff at you people.) · 5:59pm Oct 12th, 2015

With all the changes and the demonstrated limited understanding we've seen from some users of how fan fiction works when related to an ongoing show... (ie something written two years ago is not going to respect all the details of the latest episode) I have decided to present you with a simple way of expressing a nice time-code to shut them miscreants up.

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I Guess I'm Back? Also, life. · 1:01am Jul 18th, 2015

I haven't really been doing much of anything around here since December. I've still been around in the fandom, I just ended up taking a break from reading and writing ponyfics (not that I ever did a ton of the latter anyway). But I have slowly been coming back over the past month or so. I've gotten caught up on a lot of the stories that I've fallen behind on, and I even participated in The Writeoff Association's

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Weekly NaNoWriMo Check In #1 · 3:47am Nov 8th, 2017

I am at 6,980 words so far.

Apparently, I'm just being all kinds of mean to Twilight. First I kill her for Nightmare Night, now she's the target of police brutality.

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A Reminder That This is The Greatest MLP Comic Ever Created · 11:49pm Apr 15th, 2020

(Click "Open image in new tab" if FimFiction makes it too small.)


The end of Dawn of The Ice King. · 12:51pm Sep 5th, 2015

Scared you didn't I? No its not ending any time soon, but I do have the last chapter to the entire story worked out in my head and I was wondering if you all would be privy to having me type it up so you could read it early? All I need is a simple yes or no, unless you want to give a reason or so feel free. Honestly, I'll probably write it anyway so this is more of a 'Do you want to read it early?' type scenario.


update soon! hehehe · 11:11pm Oct 25th, 2017

prolly not

fuck off


'Sup. · 7:10pm Jul 2nd, 2016

I'm rainbowspirals, and these are my stories. Writing is a passion of mine, I love expressing myself in the world of arts. I love how you can create an atmosphere with the right words, and create a world with the right sentences.

I'm an egghead - I love reading! And my favourite pony is Rainbow Dash - if you haven't already noticed. I love PMVs and I am going to create my own. I will make another YT channel for PMVs and reading fanfictions. I hope it will all go well.

Until then!


Happy Christmas Everyone · 9:16pm Dec 24th, 2019

For all of you and yours. I hope you have a good and safe Christmas for all of you, and I hope you will all have a happy New Year. Thank you one and all for all the support you've given me over the years and for reading Bad Mondays, it's helped me learn a lot about being a writer, and I couldn't have achieved that without you putting up with my terrible spelling and my editors' tears for so long. I apologize again that I have not delivered anything for you this year in the form of new

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Working on another fic at the same time... · 5:40am Sep 17th, 2018

Inspired by Shakespearicles Starlight Fixes Anything, I am working on an anthology style fic of my own:

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with spring semester comin' up and me being broke as always, allow me to shill my own patreon lol · 2:45am Jan 5th, 2022

$1 a month gets you a shoutout, access to patron channels on my discord server, and early access to whatever the heck I happen to be writing at the moment! (Disclaimer: at the moment, not much lol.)

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Defining Fate Complete · 2:18pm Sep 19th, 2022

Hey all! Just a quick little announcement that Defining Fate, the Wordgirl/Jojo's Bizarre Adventures crossover, is complete. It turned out much better than I was expecting, and was very well received!

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood OST - HEY BABY · 1:55am Aug 18th, 2019


"Sunset Shimmer Hunts the Undead" update plans · 8:41pm Jul 6th, 2019

1. Next weekend (yeah, I'm missing my self-imposed biweekly update schedule. Boo, hiss.) there will be three small chapters posted. It's a weird thing to do, but there are cliffhangers and pretty severe mood swings that all feel like they would trip over each other if everything was put in one chapter. One's done but I don't really feel like posting it now, because it's Equestria-based silliness and I'm kinda at the point where I'm ready to make the mood a bit more cereal.

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Again · 3:48am Mar 13th, 2019

Failure is a monster. It roars and bites, and it either kills you or you win.

Failure is Present. Everything you do is something your not perfect at, and it's something that surrounds you. You can't outrun it and eventually, you're just tired.

After a while, failure doesn't fight you. It crushes you, makes it so you can't breath, and pins you to the ground. And there's nothing you can do.

But failure is normal. Everyone deals with it, so that means it can't be insurmountable.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 129 results