
Viewing 21 - 40 of 269 results

say hello to Chapter 64! · 1:59pm Jun 8th, 2019

Yawn, I finally finished going over the remaining chapters, adding little fixes and re-wrights, so all that's left is Gamma to edit them and then it's all done, YAY! I's been a long time coming, and feels a bit odd being here, but what's done is done. So Thank you all for sticking with this Dyslexic fool, and his story about metro dwelling ponies.

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Chapter 5 Has Begun · 10:16pm Sep 3rd, 2018

Sorry for the late post, shoulda been a few days ago, but anyywaay! Chapter 5 is now in the works. I may not be able to reach my usual 2 1/2 week deadline like usual but i'll keep you posted. Remember for all the latest updates and art, go follow my instagram @official_foe_newshire!


Chapter 5 is now in Editing · 5:23am Feb 13th, 2019

After several long months, its finally in its final stages. Best of luck to my editor, chapter 5 will be going public very soon.

Remember to follow my instagram @Official_foe_newshire for all the latest updates and art. There's been quite a bit of that lately so go check it out!


Chapter 67, now to wrap up the origon plot point of this hole oversized story! · 5:45am Jul 21st, 2019

Hay, any of you forget about New Cloudsdale, well I didn't, sadly it was not part of the Pobetor story, so it quickly had little time to shine when things started to get too magical. This will be a two partner, so to finish of this hole story, as even if the MC dies, the world will still turn, but at least without an ancient evil trying to return and make the world worse for everypony.

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Chapter 18 of Desperados is up, and woo, wrote one chapter in one day! · 8:18am Sep 16th, 2020

so I've been getting a lot of writing done lately and just finished chapter 42! probably the most high action set of chapters I have written so far, it a long fight with raiders, lots of fun and some horror.

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Happy New Year, hope things get better this year. · 10:30am Jan 1st, 2021

I got a lot of stuff done this year, and more stuff still planned. I do hope you join me in whats to come, as I do enjoy your comments. So look forwaed to the competition of Desperado's, the publishing of other short stories, and possible Desperado's Volume 2.


Ever have those days? More Stories for Fallout: Equestria? A vent? · 12:13pm Nov 16th, 2016

Do you ever have those days when you see your favorite character paired up with another you hate? And you can't help but feel this... seething burning hatred flaring up in your chest despite the story or whatever being rather innocent and even good in terms of quality and content?

I get that a lot, I hate it.

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Report Dustchu · 349 views · #Vent #Fo:E #FoE

Chapter 29 is here, and so is a wrighting brake, but not all is lost! · 3:14pm Aug 20th, 2016

Fist off, more art, and the art will not stop any time soon. Go check out derpanater if your interested in getting some art yourself, for a fair price you can have your OC drawn, maybe Drawn shooting the OC of an enemy. Bwcause war, war never changes.

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The Current Status of Wild Wasteland · 3:12am Aug 24th, 2016

As I mentioned before, Wild Wasteland is rebooting, but it may be a bit later than anticipated. I am partway through the first chapter, but before publishing it I need to reread the original Fallout Equestria as well as get a good outline of the final product finished. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask, I'm always up for it!


Here's How It's Going · 8:22pm Nov 30th, 2018

Heyyy everyone, it's been another month. Another month... of not writing. So Chapter 5 hasn't had much work put into it as I would have liked. So here's what I'm gunna do. Instead of just picking a time to start up again, I'm just going to work on it little by little until its completed. Just letting you apply know so as not to keep you in the dark. I'll get Chapter 5 done, do my usual drawing period over a two or three weeks period as to catch up on all of the drawing ideas I've had and

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Soooo.... is everypony enjoying their trip through the R&D stable? Ch 52 is up! · 7:05pm Sep 23rd, 2018

I'm still keeping up with the art, though works going back to being annoying. That aside, the story is slowly but sedately getting written, I'm actually on Ch 59, so woot! But enough about me, I'd like to know what you all think of the story, can't really fix much at this point, but it still be nice to hear your feedback.


I'm Alive. · 4:14am Oct 14th, 2018

Hey everyone, very sorry for being away for so long. Life just kinda finds a way to stuck away all of your free time. But I'm trying my hardest to try and get Chapter 5 out to you along with some banging artwork. Remember for all the latest updates, go follow my instead @official_for_Newshire


New Shaping Shadow Chapters! · 2:59am Jan 20th, 2022

Alright. I just posted a ton of chapters in Fallout Equestria: Shaping Shadow. It's not quite finished, but almost there.

Report Mindrop · 228 views · #FoE #Shaping Shadow

Desperados Chapter 4 is up · 7:09pm Apr 25th, 2020

more art from my friend Derp

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Chapter 15 of Desperado's is up · 8:00pm Aug 7th, 2020

So theirs a bunch of readings of Desperado's out now, you sould check them out if you don't have the time to read.

As for writing goes, just got through with ch33, so I'm close to being half done. I'm just going to focuse on the edits for now to make sure plenty of the story is ready to be seen.

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Fallout: Equestria or 'Fallout With Ponies'? · 5:29am Jan 25th, 2021

This might be a weird question but does anyone here like Fallout Equestria? I'm writing a fallout story and I know nothing about the FoE universe. I know a lot about the fallout universe though

Question is should I try to write the story to fit into the fallout equestria universe or just write a fallout story with ponies?

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Desperados, Chapter 31 is up, and putting out a Cyberpone oneshot! · 11:02am Jan 8th, 2021

Just letting you know that I'm putting out a new oneshot story that takes place in the same universe as Lone Writer's story, "Cyberpone" of which you can find here "" so check it out. Other then that, I'm still, but slowly, working on Desperados, so again, thanks for following me on this endeavor.


Update on nect story. · 9:30am Jan 18th, 2020

So good news, I've finished 12 chapter for Desperadoes, and currently reading them over to polish it before having it edited, fixing some continuity issues. so any of you who have still followed me, thanks for your patience, at some point a new wasteland story will be ready, just give it time.

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New chapter up, but wrighting has slown down... · 5:27pm Nov 13th, 2020

Being kind of lazy for the last few weeks, probably because I got to a milestone in the story, and took a brake... now I got to get myself back into the wright grove. Slowly but surly I am getting there, it just takes time. I think part of it is the big tone shift of the story as things get darker the closer to the end it gets, making it clear this will not be a happy story, or one with any satisfying end to it, but more of a beginning to a bigger adventure. Well I hope that's what I get across

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Once Again, No Surprise · 5:48am Aug 12th, 2019

Welp, I've failed to write for a month... again. I've even got Chapter 6.5 all planned out. I just haven't been too modivated to write i guess. Well, I'll keep you all updated on when that spark of motivation comes and drives me to write. Until then peeps.

Viewing 21 - 40 of 269 results