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Dice Warwick

Dislexic tring to wright storys, makes gammer natzie eyes bleed.

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New chapter up, but wrighting has slown down... · 5:27pm Nov 13th, 2020

Being kind of lazy for the last few weeks, probably because I got to a milestone in the story, and took a brake... now I got to get myself back into the wright grove. Slowly but surly I am getting there, it just takes time. I think part of it is the big tone shift of the story as things get darker the closer to the end it gets, making it clear this will not be a happy story, or one with any satisfying end to it, but more of a beginning to a bigger adventure. Well I hope that's what I get across to all of you as you read this. I want my characters not to suddenly become badasses, but slowly get there with highs and lows. Sometimes they will be ready for a fight, other times they will get by on the skin of their teeth. In time they will grow into the hero's I want them to become, ponies who the readers can truly grow to love.

But right now their just ponies who have been through some bad stuff, and though a bit naive and doing their best to keep out of trouble, they are ready for a fight.

A art goes, I haven't been doing much lately, just expanding on some concepts that may or may not use in a later story. Starting with Orthrus, the bureaucratic peace keeper from Marewaii, who I have only done gearal units as though they appear in a RTS game, which is a bit easier for me to organize. The overall idea is for an event I call "The War in the West" which takes place a few years after Desperado's, where after the Collective return with an army. (The equalits from Marewaii) they successfully spark a war between the OIA and Orthrus all along the west cost of Equestria, dragging many factions into the fight. The main reason I want to do this idea at some point is to have an event that de-powers Orthrus and the OIA, as both factions are starkly above the rest of the Equestria Wasteland. The end of the war would come with both sides crippling each other as well as sending the Collective back underground. The OIA would brake apart into warring feudal states due to the religious authority loosing power, and Orthrus would loose several key technological artifacts they held along with the ability to make new ones, thus forcing them to downgrade their tech significantly.

It's all a big idea that I don't know if it will go anywhere, but I love the wasteland setting too much to just to have things all the sudden be better, it needs to be gradually made better. Littlepip didn't save the wasteland, she didn't fix everything, what she did was to finally start Equestria on the road to recovery, something they may take another 200 years or more. Factions like the NCR and Orthrus would build on that road to recover, and change as Equestria slowly stops being a wasteland.

Well, that's how I see it.

Comments ( 3 )

The main reason I want to do this idea at some point is to have an event that de-powers Orthrus and the OIA, as both factions are starkly above the rest of the Equestria Wasteland. The end of the war would come with both sides crippling each other as well as sending the Collective back underground. The OIA would brake apart into warring feudal states due to the religious authority loosing power, and Orthrus would loose several key technological artifacts they held along with the ability to make new ones, thus forcing them to downgrade their tech significantly.

As a Fallout Equestria reader who is clearly not biased toward any faction, I support this plan. :pinkiehappy:

I also like this plan. Reading Fallout EQ and then Horizons let us see what happened before and after little pip cleared the sky's but the part in the middle how the NCR and other factions resolved the new beginning that little pip gave them.

I get that, the NCR is still a budding civilization, where groups like Orthrus have had over 100 years of growth. But at the same time Orthrus and the OIA both would be highly reliant on and a centralized manufacturing base. So a war between those to big factions could easily throw them into an area of decline. So lets say a good 30-50 yeas after, the NCR would likely be able to show it's true strength just as thesis other factions have stabilized.

I like things to be balanced in a believable fashion and I am a fan of the NCR. Last thing I want to do is go "This is my Faction, it's like the NCR but better!" or do something to make the NCR look worse just so my own faction looks better.

true, and people also forget that Civilizations move considerably slow, there is a lot of nothing in-between big events. The new factions that emerged after Littlepip need time to actually grow. They need to go through several leaders, and be shaped by them. So ideas like the War in the West would likely be used as a way to try and establish the main factions, their ideologies, and their territories out on the west cost. It would also give the NCR rivals in which to be in competition with, both having enough space between them to prevent war, but have clashing interests to which they will fight over.

It be a fun way to continue the wasteland without the radiation and taint, Political intreig and propaganda would be it's replacement. the conflict would move to rowing civilizations, over picking over a dead civilization, and the hero's would fight to keep the fire of civilization alive.

all sound real fun, but so far off.

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