
Viewing 21 - 40 of 43 results

Work Continues on "A Tempest Tossed" · 11:24pm Nov 17th, 2018

I'm sorry it's taking so long to put up the next chapter of "A Tempest Tossed," everyone. The past few weeks have been so mind numbingly busy, I don't even get time to sit and close my eyes for more than a few minutes. Being a caregiver gets exhausting. I was hoping to have another chapter up several weeks ago, but it being the holiday season, well I've had to put the story on the backburner.

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Help, I've Fallen Behind, and I Can't Catch Up · 4:17am Jul 1st, 2018

I haven't been posting a lot of stuff recently. I'm sorry about that. Partially, I'm sorry to you, my readers, but I'm also sorry that I haven't been able to live up to my own expectations. Basically, life got in the way, and I've been quite run off my feet for the last couple of weeks. But, good news, the next chapter of It's a Kind of Magic is up, and Act II is at a close! Of course, it's not exactly a happy chapter, as Rarity and Carrot Top bring their schemes to

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Weird Morning · 4:15pm Apr 22nd, 2017

I had an honestly strange morning today. I woke up feeling like utter crap. Not the sick kind, but the depressed kind. Considering how my day went yesterday, that didn't really surprise me. Anyways, I woke up at about 4:50, and lay in bed just staring at my clock until around 6:40. Got up and loaded up my computer and put on my headphones. I was hoping some music would help, and Black Gryph0n usually lifted my mood.

That didn't really help.

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Back at work.. · 7:22pm Nov 4th, 2019

Well school time is over and now it is back at work for seven months.. Yay...

Anywho, I have a crazy schedule, so I wont have the same time to write as I did before. So I think I will post chapters on Saturdays and Sundays. That way I can work towards the next chapter doing my five days and then have much more energy to write during the weekends.

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On My Absence · 12:46am Nov 17th, 2015

You've probably noticed that I haven't been on these past few days. And even before that, you probably noticed that I wasn't answering PMs or comments like I usually do. All of this, as I'm sure you know, is highly unusual for me, and I would like to apologize and explain the reasons for my absence. Before I go any further, I would also like to apologize in advance if this starts to sound like an "Oh, woe is me!" type blog. That is not my intent at all. Rather, I feel that I owe all of you this

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Exhausted · 11:11am Oct 25th, 2017

Today has been a mentally exhausting day. Like, really exhausting. :ajbemused: I get that people have their own opinions, but don't God damn tell me how to live my life. I don't like arguing. That's why I'm usually so quiet because my point of view on things is not only different from the mass but also very important to me. It's also really hard for me to be strict and say "no" when needed. What do you think is the limit people should say no before others get it that you don't want to do

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Blocks · 5:09pm Sep 6th, 2020

Hey guys.

Just a small report from your devoted danish brony.

Just wanted to let you all know that there writing is still going on, but I am having trouble with my latest chapter of How I Ended Up Living With Six Pony Girls?. Not sure if it is a block or still trying to figure out the chapter.

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I have had a very busy day. · 3:36am Apr 13th, 2019

So today was very stressful for me. Not necessarily negatively stressful, but nonetheless, I am roast toast rn.

It was my sister's birthday today. She turned thirteen. It was the first birthday she's had that I haven't been present for. So obviously, I had to call her. Except my roommate decided to have a lie-in this morning, so by the time he was out of the room and I could talk freely, my sister was already on the bus and unable to talk freely.

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Worldbuilding XII: Farming part 5: Harvesting · 11:11pm Oct 5th, 2018

Really, this is the culmination of planting things: harvesting them.


And, since plants grow in all shapes and sizes, this is where the largest variety of equipment exists, and I couldn't possibly hope to cover it all.

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[2024/05/05] State of Everything · 9:11pm May 5th

So, uh, hello everyone. It's been a while.

I did legitimately forget I had this account, but on account of literally everything going on in my life right now, I've forgotten that I have a lot of accounts on various websites. However, that's neither here nor there.

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Whew · 8:24pm May 5th, 2018

So, work has been kicking the crap out of me lately.

I want to write, but I'm tired pretty much every day, so I can't keep up with it as much as I'd like. In the interest of getting something up at least, I decided to post a story I've been working on for a little while now: Rune Hunters. While technically a crossover, it requires no familiarity with the source material, so don't let that deter you!

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New chapter, two parts · 6:25pm Dec 1st, 2017

Here it is boys, the next chapter in all of it's 59K+ glory. I was only 278 away form 60K+ and so, this is in two parts. Go, read and enjoy!


A Very Upsetting Outcome · 4:12am Sep 21st, 2017

Normally, I would not point fingers at anyone nor would I give anyone a bad rap, but what this one person did to me was so upsetting and left me appalled that I can't hold it back anymore and need to warn others from making the same mistake.

It only started when I was just looking at artwork on FurAffinity when I came across a beautiful depiction of a Gypsy Vanner called "Pangur Ban". I searched for the user who owns it and was successful.

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New chapter and the problems with crossovers · 12:40am Apr 23rd, 2019

*Sighs* I didn't mean to take this long getting the new chapter up. I really didn't. No, it wasn't because the riff of Fall hurt me. Ok, a little, but talking it out helped a lot. And no, it's not lethargy because f the show, or me getting into new anime. If that were true I stop writing Power Ranger stories.

No, the real problem comes in the form of doing a crossover with three things you love dearly, and the problems within...

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I Will Tell The Audient Void... · 6:19am Dec 27th, 2016

Regarding The Starlight Broadcast.
So life turned out to be not as distraction-free as I had hoped.

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Takka Takka Takka: May 2018 - No Rest for the Wacky · 1:01am Jun 2nd, 2018

First of all, hello to a bunch of new people! Many of you I met recently at EFNW. And because EFNW was so flipping huge, well… normally these are long rambling rambles of rambly rambabble.

But considering how I just did a 23,000-word followup to Everfree Northwest 2018 and I’ve gotten 6 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours… this one’s gonna be a short one.

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I'm alive, I swear! · 4:57am Apr 4th, 2016

The post-con update will need to wait until later... but needless to say, I had an AMAZING time... Many thanks to Zoljen for providing sleeping space, and also acquiring a few goodies for me while also getting things for Sylvian to torment him with hints of until he gets the package... It was also awesome meeting Nighty, Calm, Kestrel and Changeling32... All awesome peeps! And now I'm super stoked for June to come around because Calm said he'd probably come to MLP-MSP! :yay:

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Forced to do my brother’s homework · 8:02pm Oct 7th, 2021

And by that I mean my brother sucks ass when it comes to drawing so he begged me to help him with his project through bribery.

So guess who’s sleep deprived and gaining 5 dollars today :D


Writing can be exhausting · 3:51pm Apr 3rd, 2022

I've mainly noticed this after writing particularly emotional scenes, like a flashback I just wrote for chapter 15. ((I wrote 3 or 4 chapters ahead, and edit the next one to be posted as I go)) It can be emotionally draining to write some scenes, especially thoughts involving traumas that the characters experienced. It can be kinda rough! I can't even imagine how hard it'd be to write a story like Murky Number Seven or Pink Eyes, with how dark those stories can get at times. It's honestly super

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When One Writes a Crackship, Why Not Go Crazy? · 3:15pm Mar 2nd, 2022

After struggling for two weeks with couplets, the The Guard of a Different Stripe is finally out. This is the result of threatening to write a story in Zecora's first-person perspective on Discord when folks complained about how difficult her dialogue is. You know what? It very much is! Couplets are hard! But I decided that a Crackship contest was the best way to perform the gimmick experiment. MVP on this one is my editor

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 43 results