
Viewing 261 - 277 of 277 results

Check Out This Story! · 10:19pm Feb 10th, 2018

Okay, I want you guys to do a favor for me.

If you are a Transformers and Equestria Girls fan, go check out Bricklayer's TF story. So far, it is looking great, its a new story, I think you guys will like it, I know for sure I am liking it, and I think you guys might get some entertainment out of it too. I think he deserves as much likes as you can offer him!

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Month of nightmares · 12:46am Nov 2nd, 2019

Shadows grow, reaching past their limits, stretching towards the horizon. They all harken back to the vanishing point, a destination as distant as it is fictive, yet we rely on it every moment of observing the world. Every step, towards an abyss without end, beginning, nor reality.
Perhaps it is so, because for there to be existence, we require contrast to make it out.
Else, we would stare at but a blank canvas, lacking the marvel chiaroscuro grants us.

Happy nightmare night~.


State of the Author: March · 2:36am Mar 2nd, 2022


dudenotactive/FictionalThumbs/Trusty storys · 8:28am Nov 22nd, 2023


Canon Clashes & Story Updates · 11:04pm Oct 8th, 2015

So, some of you who follow Pen Stroke may or may not have noticed that he posted the last two chapters of The Road Home within the last day. I'm down to the last chapter myself, but the second to last one caused me to stop for a little while to discuss something, as well as give an update on what's going on with my stories and how The Road Home will affect them.

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dudenotactive/FictionalThumbs/Trusty Art · 11:40am March 18th


Best Films of 2015...for Me · 5:24pm Dec 30th, 2015

An obviously very subjective list of what I felt were the best films of 2015 for me.

Obviously, with two days still left to the year, I can probably squeeze in two or three more movies before the year is out, but given the unlikeliness of that, this is probably gonna be my final list.

Feel free to list your own below...

1. Mad Max: Fury Road
2. Inside Out
3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
4. Room
5. The Revenant
6. Beasts of No Nation

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Ringo Roadagain - Mandom (JJBA Musical Leitmotif) · 7:44pm Feb 25th, 2019


I played a few Sega Master System games · 5:22am Aug 22nd, 2020

Yep, still playing games from my childhood. I figure I'll do some of these in one because they would be pretty short.

Double Dragon.

Here's the story as I know it. Gang kidnaps your girlfriend, you and your buddy go on the war path right through their ranks, all the way to the top.

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Things You Should Be Reading, or Ice Star has Tainted all These Stories in Some way · 12:16am Nov 2nd, 2020

Hello all my gremlins, I come to tell you that I've been slacking somewhat on my writing. It's finals and it is much easier to read in what little free time I have than to work hard at non-assignment writing. But this means I have many lovely stories to throw at you that I have had my hand in and the like. Normally I do a shared promo blog for these stories featuring one or two stories, but because I've been slacking blog-wise, I have more to share.

Check them all out below!

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8-4-23 · 3:17am Aug 5th, 2023

Oh boy, today was a day. Rather than give you a long, ranty blogpost about the two delightful comebacks I got to work on (one which had a failure which had nothing to do with what I'd fixed on the car previously and the other which had a recurrence of an issue that the customer had chosen not to repair the last time we saw it) or discuss the Ford Ranger that I'm diagnosing for a no-start (in the case of this Ranger, no-start is in everyone's best interest, because then the owner can't drive it

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Prereader Call · 8:47pm Oct 14th, 2016

So. Remember the little caffeine stunt? I went to class while still on the high, more coffee than human, and, uh.

I think I either seduced a teacher, or became a part-time lecturer myself. Or both. I'm still not sure.

Anyway! That will be explained in detail later, in a different blog, because I'm being actually serious, and this is the kind of story you share, god dammit. I thrive on the attention.

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"Road to Friendship" Review: The Greatest and Most Powerful Roadtrip! · 12:43am Sep 7th, 2018

After I was at a convention last weekend, I can finally write a review for "Road to Friendship" now! And I'm amazed by it how much we learned about Trixie in this episode!

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Read It Now Reviews #105 – Comma Comma, Princess Cadance’s Official Princess Harem of Imported Humans from Another World, The Road Goes On Forever, Paper Butterflies, Tricks of the Trade Show · 11:58pm Mar 15th, 2017

Yesterday, I said I’d maybe take a break from recent story reviews to work on my own stuff.

Then my feed exploded with stories.

You monsters. It’s almost like you want me to keep reading!

But for all your work, I am grateful – today was a very good day for pony fiction.

Today’s stories:

Comma Comma by Soufriere
Princess Cadance’s Official Princess Harem of Imported Humans from Another World by Skywriter
The Road Goes On Forever by Augie Dog

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Takka Takka Takka: 2017 Year In Review - “No Surrender, No Retreat” - Part 1 · 7:47am Jan 1st, 2018

"It was the year of fire..."
"the year of destruction..."
"the year we took back what was ours."
"It was the year of rebirth..."
"the year of great sadness..."
"the year of pain..."
"and the year of joy."
"It was a new age."
"It was the end of history."
"It was the year everything changed."
“The year is 2017.”
“The place… right here.”

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Takka Takka Takka: 2017 Year In Review - “No Surrender, No Retreat” - Part 2 · 7:48am Jan 1st, 2018

"It was the year of fire..."
"the year of destruction..."
"the year we took back what was ours."
"It was the year of rebirth..."
"the year of great sadness..."
"the year of pain..."
"and the year of joy."
"It was a new age."
"It was the end of history."
"It was the year everything changed."
“The year is 2017.”
“The place… right here.”

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An Epic Adventure Over A Decade In The Making (AKA How To Avoid Being Extorted By The Pennsylvania Turnpike) · 7:12am Dec 22nd, 2021

A road trip so incredible it could only be done the same way people did them way back in the Middle Ages the 1970s. In a station wagon, with no cell phone or GPS. The only way it could've been more '70s retro was if there was simulated woodgrain paneling on my Volvo. The destination?

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Viewing 261 - 277 of 277 results