
Viewing 261 - 280 of 343 results

My Heart's Content · 10:36pm Dec 22nd, 2016

I changed the name of my current WiP HiE 'Melody' to 'My Heart's Content'.

I feel the title 'Melody' may have been a bit too simple and not relating enough to the story I am currently building up. So, I changed it to something I think is more fitting for the situation my MC is in. Thus, the title.

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civ v canada in equestria · 5:02pm Jun 4th, 2017

currently playing civ v as Canada in equestria with pony civs im completely blind so help me i guess

current year 3200 bc turn 20
current research trapping
city states met
1. verdane
2. emerald hill zone
current units 1 spear men 1 worker 1 warrior
resources 1 deer 2 food 1 production furs 1 f 1p 2 gold
bison 3f stone 2f 1p grassland 1f
civs met 0
current production 1 settler
cities 1
city name Ottawa


It has been over a month, WHERE IS IT? · 10:22am Sep 27th, 2015

Yeah, still coming. The flood of ideas is pretty much a trickle now, occasionally I get an idea for a scene or some minor thing but that's about it at this point. Honestly, I get more ideas for companion stories or whole new stories nowadays.

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Merry upcoming Xmas and Happy New Year · 12:16am Dec 19th, 2017

Enjoy the festive feel, family/friends company and fun. You can do it differently. Hither is an example of how to:

EPonies, prejudices... and Discord
Hearth's Warming is an amazing time of the year. But it may become also magically weird, when certain ponies (and not only) gather in one place. Add Discord and the boredom will flee. Mix! Shake! Repeat!!!
Alexshy · 5.8k words  ·  14  2 · 693 views

Aftermath: Every Little Thing She Does · 12:47am Nov 1st, 2022

Starlight: "Hmmm... Maybe I could use my magic to mind control ponies... And make them happy!"

Starlight is swatted over the head with a newspaper.

Starlight: "OW! What the-Shepherd?!"

Shepherd: "First off: Mind control is a no-no. That doesn't make things better, and you should know better."

Starlight: "I... So, wait. Twilight Sparkle isn't just using magic to make ponies like her?"

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Podcast thing, starting now · 11:01pm Apr 8th, 2016

It's now. It's here.

We are talking with Priest and G-Moh today, so come ask questions and give us shit.
Oh, right. I'm also working on a new story. Expect it soon.



Altered Visage Chapter 4 · 7:51pm Dec 17th, 2015

In which I speak a bit about "Blue Eyes and Dark Alleys", chapter 4 of Altered Visage.

Given the nature of this blog post, there are going to be spoilers about chapter 4.

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On the Weight of Ponies. · 8:47am Sep 9th, 2015

There's something in the fandom that's always weirded me out a little, and I'm going to give it a name. I'm going to call it Foam Pony Syndrome, and it's when you have humans in Equestria playing with Ponies by wildly whipping them about, tossing them up on their shoulders and generally behaving as though the Pony in question is either about as heavy as a sack of sugar or made entirely out of styrofoam. Mind you, the imagery is cute, but it rubs me wrong, because ponies that large should

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Art exposiotin blog · 3:43am Oct 12th, 2015

Hello everyone, this is a blogpost to show off my latests cover art that I have done for destinedjagold on his story Four Hooves. I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself on this one, as this was piece shows how far I have come in my digital work in six months, and I hope that I will continue to improve on my work, as well as hopefully improve it will take me less time

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Super-special story promo: Over the HIlls and Far Away · 11:48pm Nov 3rd, 2015

So I've been working with some friends on their story for several weeks now, and oh man has it blown me away.

Over the HIlls and Far Away is an HiE that, unlike quite a large number in the overcrowded genre, dares to take some unique approaches in its presentation and narrative style.

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Man, August is here... · 6:25am Aug 9th, 2015

And soon Summer will turn ta Fall.
It's been a bit of a while since Ah've said much outside a few comment replies here, hasn't it been?
Haha. Well, Ah'm not dead. So that should alleviate any worries that JHA and all the other stories Ah have will not get updates.
Ah have been writing, Ah promise. Even finished up the additions to the crossover, which is getting a slow proofreading when Ah have the time.

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Story ideas · 1:56pm Jan 11th, 2017

So I was thinking about writing another story so I have something to work on between chapters of The Pale Alicorn. I have three ideas... A Spyro the Dragon crossover, a HiE featuring a guy that lived on an "earth-like" world and has dark secrets to hide, or a vampony story featuring a lot of Luna.


Appearing on the "Good HIE" Podcast Oct 21st · 2:39pm Oct 19th, 2016

As the title suggests, I'll be appearing on the "Good HIE" podcast this Friday around 6... which is odd, considering I'm still not sure if I technically have any stories on there...

Regardless, go write some questions out and get the rest of the info HERE! naturalbornderpypodcast

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OwO wut da fuck is this · 12:56am Aug 19th, 2018

What unholy creature decided it would be a good idea to do this? And who the Hell put "Anon Saves Equestria, er..." as Incomplete again?!

o wait, it me

That's right, that really godawful story of Anon is back and worse than ever. Now, upcoming, with an actual fucking ending alongside a horrid sequel.

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17,000 · 6:53am Jan 18th, 2016

*Knowing the chapter will soon be even grander fills you with determination* :rainbowdetermined2:


Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 8 · 6:45pm Aug 8th, 2020

Shining Armor slowly came to, and took quick notes on his situation: His horn had a magic resistant ring around it, he was tied up, and he was sitting in a chair. No doubt he was about to be interrogated and tortured by the Evil Dark Emperor Shepherd.

Shepherd: "Oh hey, he's coming around!"

He opened his eyes to deliver a spirited declaration that he would never break and Long Live Celestia and Luna... And his declaration stalled out as he perceived his surroundings.

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You know what's weird? · 4:06pm Aug 20th, 2015

Adding words to Act Two, that's what's weird.

I've been so focused on just finishing Act One that I'd started to think of the rest of Deathless a bit like Atlantis: awesome, inspiring, golden-hued and, ultimately, fictitious. Which, of course, it is, being a story, but not in the meta-sense. The story itself is real, it's just not about reality. At least, not in the traditional sense.

I should probably get some coffee in my system before I really start confusing myself.

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New Story! · 3:16pm Apr 27th, 2018

My followers I have written a mew fic, "The Lost" a more dark and comedic take on meh usual HiEs. (Seeing I'm a sad and pathetic man that is all I can write...I joke, I'm perfect). Anyhow please, if you could, take a gander at the first chapters and let me know what you all think.

Meanwhile, I'll sit here and twiddle my thumbs while kicking this wall of writer's block in order to progress in my other works.


Mug Shots: Circlejerking because nopony else will reach around · 10:46pm Aug 9th, 2017


Show starts at 4pm PST / 7pm EST

No guest just yet, but we're working on it. If you know of anyone you'd like to see on our cast, please, send me a link to their profile on whatever website they use primarily.

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Work process status update and plans · 5:25pm May 4th, 2022

TThe Guardian
A regular human Alex gets transferred to Equestria. Desperate to return home at first, he notices himself changing. The time comes for him to decide for Equestria destiny. Will he conform? Which path will he choose? Are Celestia's fears justified?
Alexshy · 611k words  ·  165  38 · 7.1k views

The new chapter is nigh! One large fight scene is left to write, hopefully within a few days it's done!
I would like to thank all the supporters, and specifically the one hero removing their downvote (and probably even upvoting, if that was the same person). Thank you!!!

Taking a break from The Guardian, I plan to address Kaidan to poni next - the 3rd Episode demandeth to be written )

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 343 results