
Viewing 261 - 280 of 323 results

Some Disciplines I Am Studying · 3:12am Dec 23rd, 2016

Here is a list of disciplines I am studying at the moment. I usually study a wide range of things for stories that I am writing.

The people at Google or the government people monitoring the internet over at the NSA must think I am nuts. Lol

But oh well.

The List:

Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy is a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider.

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Weird Websites I've Found While Browsing The Web · 3:54pm Jun 10th, 2016

Weird Websites I've Found While Browsing The Web

Here is a list of some really weird websites I found while browsing the web. They all exist...for some reason. I will leave it up to you to decide why. If I happened to miss any, feel free to lave them in the comment section below.

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Original Poem: The Fame Game · 2:38pm Aug 25th, 2016

The Fame Game

Fame is a game,
And the famous aren't the players.

They are the pawns on the chessboard of grief.

Today the pawns are defending knights,
On a march to public identity.

They are the Mother Theresa of the news.

Tomorrow they are defeated by,
The king and queen of media.

They become the martyrs,
Burnt for their beliefs.

They get the Salem witch trial,
And are hung on social media.

But hey,
Who cares.

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Why I Am Not A Fan Of The Upvote/ Downvote System On Sites · 9:52pm Dec 25th, 2015

Why I Am Not A Fan Of The Upvote/ Downvote System On Sites

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About Inhumans · 1:16am Nov 12th, 2017

So yeah. This was a thing. It happened. I watched it.

What the hell.

That's all I have. Three little words for the people who made the show, the people who forced the show to be made. What's the guy's name? Pearlmutter or something like that?

Fuck him.

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Everfree Northwest Day 1 · 9:18am May 19th, 2018

I hung out with a bunch of people since I got into Seattle on Thursday. A partial, horribly incomplete list would include:

Xepher (rooming with him, cool dude as always, fair bit of presence IRL. Good at running panels, very efficient and good at sparking/spurring conversation)

Winston (Cool dude as always; a bit quiet, but nice to hang out with and chat with. He’s on the staff, so secretly rules over us all, like Xepher)

Mudpony (I’ll read that story, I swear!)

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New Stuff · 4:14am Jul 1st, 2021

I just posted a very personal story for the Pride and Positivity event:

EThe Third Pony
Trixie nervously refers to herself in the third pony when Maud is around, and Starlight wants to know why. Is it because they're both transgender?
Trick Question · 6.6k words  ·  135  48 · 2k views

A sequel, set many years in the future, is on the way. More blog soon.

Also, this tool to search FiM scripts is awesome.


Sites Where You Can Host Your Images · 3:35pm Feb 10th, 2016

Sites Where You Can Host Your Images

Imgur sucks, so here are some other places were you can host your images just to spite them.

1. ImgBB: This site allows you to upload and store as many pictures/ images as you like. You can register to keep track of your images but you can also upload images without making an account.

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This would be Octavia in real life but with different hair color, and a violin · 10:33am Nov 21st, 2015

Presenting one of the most talented - and very pretty - violinists I've ever had the pleasure of discovering on YouTube; Lindsey Stirling!


Cave Story soundtrack - remade with VRC6! (And some obligatory rambling) · 12:28pm Sep 9th, 2015

So it's not often that I just share random things in my blogs unless I'm asked to, but I decided to make an exception for this instance, because it's just too awesome to not share. As you can see, someone set aside quite a bit of time (around half a year) to remix/remake the soundtrack of Cave Story in FamiTracker -- so that means, yes, it is indeed true 8-bit sound, and it utilizes the VRC6 chip extension as well.

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The Weird Side Of YouTube · 5:50pm Oct 7th, 2015

I seen some weird things on YouTube. Here's a few of the strange things that have popped up in my feed for some strange reason.

If you have any weird videos you would like to share, feel free to post them in the comment section below.

Strawberry Shortcut:

Pickle Surprise:

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That kinda escalated quickly. · 8:26pm Oct 13th, 2015

And I already moved one scene to the next chapter, otherwise it'd break the 15k mark easily.


Corporate BS · 5:09am Feb 10th, 2016

I keep seeing sites sell out so they can get more money from ads or sponsors. YouTube is forcing content creators off the site in preparation for YouTube Red where users will have to pay a subscription fee to view premium content.

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The Cranky Wikipedia Dude · 10:07pm Feb 10th, 2016

A while back I made this funny site about dealing with internet trolls. I made it to learn some coding tricks while going through university and such.

Anyway, one of my friends told me that I should submit my site to the author of the troll article on Wikipedia and see if he would include it.

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A Dash Of Warmth · 5:29pm Dec 3rd, 2016

When something happens to one of Fluttershy's animals, she is devastated. But when Rainbow stumbles upon her, she takes Fluttershy back home and Rainbow does her best to calm and soothe Fluttershy's aching heart.

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Does this count as a hiatus? · 6:37pm Jul 7th, 2016


Today's History Lesson · 1:12pm May 15th, 2017

Okay, children. Here is a video about the history of the world. Watch it and make sure you take good notes. There will be a test on what you've learned at the end of the week. XD


So I've heard this song and I've gotten a great idea for a story for Unique to be in! · 11:08am Aug 15th, 2015

I was really really surprised to learn that this came from the Power Rangers TV show. No, seriously! It's from the Wild Force generation, and I remember hearing it before so it's really cool I've finally found this song again.

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Laptop system fixed, and "Yang VERSUS Tifa Deathbattle!" · 10:38pm Oct 24th, 2015

Today, my computer got really messed up. Google Chrome would not open and soon no other program would either. I tried to find information to fix the problem, and wound up refreshing my laptop system, losing a bunch of applications and stuff.

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New Story! Cute Crusaders Too! · 12:22pm Jan 27th, 2020

Hey Everyone, Just wanted to let you know I put out another story! Hopefully, y'all check it out down below.

[Adult story embed hidden]

But if you just came here for some cute pictures of ponies, thats fine too!


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Viewing 261 - 280 of 323 results