
Viewing 241 - 252 of 252 results

The Donald Came To Phoenix (Where I Live) · 2:57pm Aug 23rd, 2017

Donald Trump came to my city yesterday. The Phoenix Convention Center where he gave his speech was so full that the line wrapped around the building like three of four times. There were lots of support from the local Latino, African American, and other ethnic communities. The local news interviewed Latinos for Trump, African Americans for Trump, and some other minority group organization that support Trump here in Arizona.

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Weird Animal News Stories · 5:09pm Feb 20th, 2017

Here are some weird animal news stories that I found that I thought I would pass along.

Family's Worst Nightmare When RATTLESNAKE Slithers Into Toilet As 24 Terrifying Reptiles Invade Home

The shocking discovery was made in Texas and dozens of snakes were found living in the cellar and foundations of the house.

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Free Counseling With 7 Cups · 12:06am Mar 11th, 2017

I recently (like within the last couple years or so) found a site called 7 Cups Of Tea where you can make an account and talk to trained professionals or people who volunteer their time to help for free. I thought I would pass this information along because there are a lot of great resources that this site has to offer. Such as chat with any therapist/ volunteer at practically any time. Live chat where you can talk to people as a group and share problems that

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Best Social Media Alternatives · 5:32pm Aug 17th, 2017

Best Social Media Alternatives

I have recently found a bunch of social media alternatives to some popular sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others that support free speech.

I just thought I would share them for those who want to start stitching over to sites that don't believe in censorship in any form as well as stand for an open and free internet system.

Here is the list.

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THE HORDE | A Tale of Two Towns (Vintage Story RP Event) · 3:11pm Jul 26th, 2023


Fame and Tormention · 11:00am Aug 18th, 2017

I'm so sick of it, guys.

I'm so sick of hearing about this episode. Almost a week has passed and I'm still having the words 'The writers hate us!' blasted into my eyes every time I open up my feed.


Maybe you didn't like the episode. That's fine, my problem isn't in whether you like the episode or not, it's in how you choose to express your opinion.

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[Analysis] The Hasbro Investor Event 2021: A Male Mane Character for Generation 5? + A First Look at Generation 5 Toys and Merchandise! · 9:25pm Apr 8th, 2021

A couple weeks ago, Hasbro's investor event happened and it's high time to look into it in more detail and to write about it! There was surprisingly little information about Generation 5 during the event's livestream, but a few interesting observations could still be made.

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Prerogative Chapter 8: Intentions is Live! · 6:13pm Nov 20th, 2017

Phew. EQLA was awesome and exhausting in equal measure and it's not even completely over yet! But that doesn't mean you don't get your new chapter of Prerogative!

EHow Not To Use Your Royal Prerogative
After going to Coloratura's concert, Sunset gets both good news and bad news. Somepony stole her identity and is running around with her face. That's the good news.
Amber Spark · 67k words  ·  325  7 · 4.4k views

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Representation (Doesn't) Matter · 2:53am Feb 9th, 2023

Muh reprezentaishun, yo!!

Freaks: I gotta see muhselfs in this.

Notme: Bruh... it's a video about wizards doing magic.

Freaks: Yeaaaahh, but if I can not be seeing muhself in thiz then how's I suppos'd ta relate?!

Notme: Bruh... they're humanoid robots that turn into vehicles.

Freaks: But muh sexualityz, mah cissah.
Freaks: N mah dark skin, yo!!
Freaks: And mah mental illzness?!
Freaks: And... my fetish.
Freaks: Andz mah paloticks!!!

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I exist · 5:16am May 23rd, 2018

So there's been ... an awful lot going on in my life lately. And as is usual for me when there's an awful lot to say, I lock up and go silent, and nothing gets said. :ajsleepy: Alas, this is not the State of the Author post where I catch everyone up — I'm still working my way up to that one. At least I can break my silence with this in the meantime.

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Some Words For 2020 · 5:58pm Dec 31st, 2019

Hi all.
I've been giving it some thought and, while 2019 hasn't been bad for me at all (Difficult certainly but nothing really that bad happened) I can understand it has been a rough year for more than a few of you.
A lot has happened, good and bad.
I don't need to tell you about the bad.
But here's quite a bit of good to those who need it.

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All of this chaos makes perfect sense · 11:21am Nov 5th, 2014

When I was young, I moved to Eugene, Oregon. I was always a smart kid, and I already knew how to read and write (and had for possibly several years even at that point). Now, Eugene is kind of an odd town, and it had some charter schools there, namely language immersion schools - schools where you spend half the day speaking (and learning) a second language. At the time, they had a Japanese, a Spanish, and a French immersion school. I was somewhat torn between the Japanese and French schools,

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Viewing 241 - 252 of 252 results