
Viewing 241 - 260 of 316 results

Update on Doctor Whooves and the Doctor Whooves Chronicles · 9:18pm Sep 4th, 2015

Hello, followers. This is just an update on my plans for both Doctor Whooves and The Doctor Whooves Chronicles. I'm going to start off talking about DWC as that's the negative piece of news I have.

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An Apology · 5:06pm Oct 26th, 2016

Having a negative opinion of someone's story is no excuse for childish and rude behavior toward them. I have therefore deleted my previous blog post and would like to apologize in public to both people involved (link) (link) I also have a more detailed apology/explanation for both if they are inclined to hear it, but I would prefer to do it in private. I promise not to include any accusations

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Where I've Been... · 4:05pm Feb 6th, 2018

I think it's time I owed you all an apology for my absence. I'd been too ashamed of myself to face any of you after this, but I feel it's time to finally come clean... I lost my drive to write in the worst possible way, in the most embarrassing of ways.

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Apologies for the delay. · 4:14am Aug 23rd, 2020

My utmost, sincerest apologies for how long it's taken. I did not expect to be out of commission for nearly this long. I promise I haven't lost interest, not even slightly. In fact I've been actively adding and modifying my notes this entire time, and been working on a premise for some bonus chapters, and changing some other things around. I have been actively planning and working, even if not in any substantial way on the actual chapter at hand. My greatest, BIGGEST hope right now is to

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So... here's how it went down. · 12:21am Aug 4th, 2022

So, as you may have noticed, Twilight Learned is late. That's because I answered a call for help that ate up the last days of the month I had set aside for writing time. It was an epic journey across a 30 mile wide stretch of water, an international border, six discreet biomes, and three major geologic features of the continent, while going past landslides, deer, and a trio of kamikaze raccoons. I will now use the words of my editor to describe why and what happened, with her permission, of

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A Fourthsday Miracle · 1:23am Apr 5th, 2018

Heya followers! I... know it's been like two years at this point and most of you don't actually remember me or my story but I do want to let you know I'm back and working actively on More Than a Pair of Wings chapter 3. I expect to finish this up soon (ish) so I can focus on another story I think you'll like. I still really like where I was going with this though, so I'm gonna see if I can't have it all done by 2019.

Happy fofsday, you guys.

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Random Ramblings CXXX · 11:35pm Feb 6th, 2017

First, the good news. I have finished one of my Sunset one-shots – I decided to call it Night Of Faded Sun, it's got a pagespace and all that good stuff; I just need to give it a once-over soon. Also, I have made a small amount of progress on the other two Sunset-themed one-shots.. Now the bad news, which I don't really want to blast out there, so please follow me past the jump.

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Delays suck. Here's why they've been happening... · 1:43am Jun 24th, 2018

Okay everyone, I feel like I should explain the recent delays on "Human After All." First, I apologize profusely for the inconsistency with updates. With The Iron Horse, I tried and mostly succeeded at getting a new chapter out every two weeks. I feel really bad to keep you all waiting for chapters, but I do have my reasons. If you want to know them, keep reading after the break.

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I'm so sorry, · 1:44am Apr 6th, 2017

But I won't be able to release Cuteness Overload today due to some RL issues. I will do my best to get it up by Friday. This won't cause a change in schedule after that, and I'll still release the Sunday one on normal time. My greatest apologies for this, trust me when I say I tried to have it done. But Applejack doesn't like bad internet and randome's sleepless nights... :ajsleepy:


An Explanation... · 9:37am Oct 16th, 2020

This has been some time in the making, I must say. I don't know if anyone will even see this. An explanation for my stories on hiatus and/or cancelled. I've been struggling with work, mental health and writers' block for quite a while now. Nobody's fault but my own. My first two stories are, frankly, hot garbage. Steaming, flaming piles of it. Truly it all started when I entered a relationship that... Didn't pan out, and it severely impacted my mental health and willingness/ability to write,

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Creative Types · 4:07am Feb 5th, 2016

So sorry for the lack of updates, I haven't made much time to type, and for that I truly apologize. I won't bother you about any of my excuses, so I'll show you an absolutely outstanding video I found.

Some of you who have read some of my previous blogs know I like Animated James' (or James Barkley's) animations, recently, he came out with his latest work;

Creative Types.

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Update - Life Happens and a New Year Dawns · 7:12am Jan 6th, 2017

As you may know my life went haywire a few months ago, it's been very hard to write anything during that time. All I can manage is very depressing and slightly emo lyrics for songs, and a few sentences here and there. But it's a New Year, and that means it's time to try to work myself through this by writing again. Because if I don't I'll have to change my name to something silly like "StabmyHeart Gorewood" or "IfeellikeTacos Gorewood" and that would be quite a problem wouldn't it? Alright

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End of a story and the start of a new one · 3:17pm Jan 2nd, 2018

I am not finishing BTH2 I moved past where I can write on that anymore and what I wanted from it was just not a thing I can do anymore. I had plans and now I just want to write something ambitious as I work on original works. I want something to be easy and be a "break" project from my original work. So in that idea I am starting again with a similar premise though for those who read my other stories will know this begining better. BUt after that it will just be slice of life hurt/comfort. You

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About Going Deep Under's hiatus... · 5:42pm Mar 14th, 2017


I'm sorry · 9:48pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Hey, it's been a while, hasn't it?

This is an update that was a long time coming, but before it starts to sound FAR too doom and gloom, I will reassure that it's not a bad thing that I'm about to say; in fact, it's actually quite good if you happen to care, since the story will be finished by the fourth anniversary... surprise!

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Pandemic: Hope · 9:41pm Aug 10th, 2018

I have to put Pandemic: Hope on hiatus to focus on a pressing matter.

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Avengers: Endgame · 4:25am May 29th, 2019

So this is long overdue, and I was planning on updating some of my stories last month to celebrate it but...

Endgame was something else. Holy. I cried. I actually, legitimately cried at the ending, and I can count on one hand how many movies have made me tear up, much less cry. Both times I've watched it, both times I've cried, and I'm sure I'll cry the next time I watch it as well.

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In "I Don't Need This Crap" News... · 9:20pm Sep 11th, 2018

My computer is dying. I bought it about 4 months ago, because the price was dirt cheap, and because I needed a replacement after my previous computer had a cascade failure in its motherboard, and components. The iMac was 9 years old when I bought it, but a lot of Macs have a reputation for being long distance runners, so I hoped that it would last me a year or two while I saved up for another PC.

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Return to Form · 3:56pm Oct 31st, 2019


As I write this there's a solid twenty-odd people that'll see any notification about it, but as such I firmly believe I owe a good chunk of them an apology.

To any of you who've been following me since First Contact or More Than a Pair of Wings, I'm sorry.

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Apologies. · 12:49pm Mar 18th, 2023

It was a missimput. I hate when that happens on phone.

I'm very sorry for those who got the notification. Rest assured though: There is indeed a new chapter in the works and it has been cooking up for a while.

There's been a lot going on, and that's the main reason why I haven't published any chapter in such a long time.

Once again, my sincere apologies, and a new chapter will be out soon.

Viewing 241 - 260 of 316 results