
Viewing 201 - 220 of 224 results

art from saturday · 9:19pm Mar 14th, 2016

i had an archery state competition on saturday! (i was gone practically all day) the competition was only 2ish hours, but it was like 4 hours (one way) from my school... and then i had to go to a party after... and then i stayed up til like 3AM... so i still am tired

but because i was on the bus for over 8 hours i got some drawing done!


Lin-Manuel Miranda's Alexander Hamilton (aka me)

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thank you (to my readers)! · 10:10pm May 3rd, 2018

for 150 updoots on this:

TForever Mare
There are ponies that even the gods cannot help.
Ice Star · 12k words  ·  207  28 · 6k views

and 90 on this

TCrystalline: Her Destiny
Lately, Princess Cadance has been feeling inadequate. She's spoken of this briefly to Twilight Sparkle but her longing for a grand adventure is really starting to get to her as are the thoughts that she isn't doing all that she can.
Ice Star · 24k words  ·  175  11 · 4.6k views

and 70 on this small contest story

THer Own Sky
Twilight Sparkle is many things, as Princess Celestia is about to learn. Will her newest Faithful Student finally serve a higher purpose?
Ice Star · 18k words  ·  132  11 · 4.2k views

and especially to whichever of my readers read far enough to finish and updoot this

TFavorable Alignment
Princess Luna disappears from Equestria with hopes of saving the world and is accompanied by the enigmatic Sombra. Meanwhile, Celestia tries to bury secrets as immortal as she is and Cadance must choose her loyalties carefully...
Ice Star · 360k words  ·  94  10 · 3.2k views

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How Do I Stop Caring? · 10:04pm Jun 5th, 2020

This sounds horrible, but how do I stop caring so much? Everything is just breaking my heart and I'm shutting down and also stress eating. I'm so fucking privileged yet I do jack shit with it and just watch suffering all over the world from the comfort of my unaffected fortress. I hate myself so much.

How do I stop caring?


Hey, thanks for... · 1:12am Oct 14th, 2018

...making So Maybe among the highest rated Raven stories on the site! I just noticed that and had no idea that it was a Thing. So, thanks!

There's actually more Raven in the latest Enemy of Mine chapter, if anyone cares.

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I am in love with what we are, not what we should be · 9:55pm Oct 18th, 2021

it's my birthday. Ish. I'm posting this at almost midnight, when it'll technically not be my birthday anymore, but in my defense -- I'm very busy. So here's a BUNCH of short comics! I've been trying to get better at short punchlines, literally just cause it's a fun challenge for myself, and that way I have something to do whenever I am not working on the next Big Comic, which is coming along nicely.

So, here you go. I hope you like them.


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My Hand Slipped (or, Two New Stories) · 2:00am May 30th, 2020

EHorrible Words
The first worst part of loving somepony is that you eventually have to tell them. The second worst thing is that they will leave you.
Ice Star · 1k words  ·  153  8 · 3.3k views

I tried doing a thing for a prompt collab. Here's the full version, because I had enough brain worms to type out random nonsense when I should be doing other things. Please enjoy it, and remember that one like means one child will be eaten, as per my bio.

ELittle Candle
Little candle, why must you try and be so bright?
LackLustre · 1.2k words  ·  94  2 · 2.3k views

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Oh, pooh. :( · 8:06pm Aug 15th, 2015

I'm sorry to say that I've been very ill in the past few days and I haven't been able to write any more of my story. I apologise to the non-existent people looking forward to the story but it may be delayed. Hopefully, I will get better soon and will be able to finish my story in time, so let's pray God, Jesus, Allah, Ganesh, Shiva or whatever deity or being you worship that I get better from my illness. Sorry if I did not mention your religion. I mean no offense.


Everfree Northwest, part 1—Westbound Empire Builder · 2:06am Sep 15th, 2022

For once I’m going to try and be on top of things and write about the adventure as it happens. Or nearly as it happens—that’s a thing you can do on a train!  In part, the late posting is due to the amount of time it took to sort through pictures . . . you’ll see why if you read along.  Those of you with slow internet connections, sorry. :heart:

The old Minot ND station

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Where’s my Shovel? · 4:30am May 15th, 2020


A Plea For a Modest $15 Loan for Three Days · 10:58am Oct 1st, 2019

You'll notice I never ask for donations, always loans. That's probably my pride talking. As you know if you follow my blogs, my boss recently cut my hours from 36/week to 12/week, because I'm a whole-ass mess. Hopefully, if I perform well this week as I have the past few weeks, she'll bump me at least partway back up, but in the meantime, I'm broke as a joke. Forget CiderFest, I need to finish paying what is now last month's rent. Actually, I have, at least the rent itself. The $50 late fee is

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I forgot to ask this in my previous blog, but... · 12:38pm Oct 28th, 2023


I had a few chapters of backlog left. Or, a modest update. · 10:34pm February 16th

I started catching up on what I could yesterday when I saw the crazy amount of notifications I had accumulated. It's certainly going to take me a while and then some to read all of the stories that were published recently. I'm not doing too good; I'll have a blog about that sooner or later. Until then, know that I have some updates for Marigold's story that have been edited and are waiting for readers. The story is nearing the minimum length for a novel and has had so much effort poured into

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F/F/T3K15 12/15: Stuffin' dat stocking with crossovers! · 7:48am Dec 16th, 2018


I Watched The Sun Rise At Midnight · 8:56am Nov 16th, 2022

I watched the sun rise at midnight.

I watched an impossible dawn.

I watched an explosion so far away it took half a minute for me to hear it and it still rattled my bones.

I watched as, for the first time, humanity reached a milestone on a quest to live on other worlds.

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99th blog! · 10:48pm Apr 13th, 2016

Because of certain extenuating circumstances, I had originally planned to make this my 101st blog, but I am unable to do so in a timely fashion
This was going to be my 101st, my 100th was going to be my 99th, and my 101st was going to be 100th, but oh well


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tl;dr and spoliers everywhere · 4:10pm Jul 27th, 2017

Wow. A thing happened.

An important thing.

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

Look how fucking introspective I sound.




Just need to breathe here.

Favorable Alignment? My precious baby of a novel? It's done?

It's quite a surprise... If you look at the statistics, I pumped out 360k in a year, on this story alone, so it took a year to write this, eh? Not really.

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when it was ten days until bitchmas ice star gave to me an update blog w/ some important (probably!) shit · 2:02am Dec 16th, 2018

Gather 'round followers. I can't remember the last time I've made one of these, so it must have been a considerable amount of time since I last made an actual update blog, I've watched too many Kalvin Garrah videos and lost track of time, or both. Anyway, I thought I should say a few things. This includes the status of Enemy of Mine and its update, some important confusion I thought I should clear up, and just general things. Find them all below the horse image.

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48 hours of mostly painkillers, Stephen King, and weird sleep patterns is something else · 7:46am Jul 27th, 2019

Surgery happened. I lived, bitch. Woo. I slept most of the those 48 hours afterward because holy fuck there was pretty much nothing else I could do. Also, The Shining is an absolute mess of a book. Don't touch it; it's not good, I promise. (I could spend like six hours saying why, but I won't; that's not the painkillers talking either.)

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Another Art and Writing Update Blog (or, I Have an OC Now) · 8:43pm May 31st, 2021

I promised a blog showing off art. It is about time I deliver on that. As the title says, one of these is an OC/ponysona/whatever the cool kids call them. There aren't any spectacularly big spoilers in any of them, though I'll just throw it out there that there are some original characters and the like. Check them out below the break. At the very end of showing off the pretty pony pictures that will be shown, I'll give a rundown on how my various writing projects have been coming along. That's

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hello followers · 1:58am Feb 22nd, 2016

all 93 of you

if anyone
wants to
give me a shoutout
so that i have more than 93 followers
that would be great

i ship rarijack, sunlight, and flutterdash, and i like cosplay. i post blogs about cosplay sometimes, and i also occasionally post my art (some MLP, some not)
i write sometimes
i also am going to compete a poetry recitation contest on Saturday, but i dont think anyone cares about that
i like some anime

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Viewing 201 - 220 of 224 results