AppleDash 3,014 members · 1,068 stories
Comments ( 200 )
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Group Admin

I've made a submission to kits' speedclop, so whenever that appears, you'll see it~:scootangel:

Group Admin

So, there should be a cc feature on PM's so that people can send messages making fun of hilarious OC fics without posting it publicly anywhere.

Unless you can do that already, I have no idea. I've never tried, really.

Group Admin

It doesn't appear to be a feature... but that really should be one. Because that's an amazing idea.

Group Admin

377100 cc feature? what's that?

Group Admin

Oh nice, the feature box changed. Looks good.

I should wait until my fic gets updated and then post the one shot, and try to get a double feature! mwahahaha :trollestia:

Group Admin

Where I could PM you and and Church and KrazyTheFox at the same time, for example, and you could reply to all of us as well.

And of course they add more feature slots right after I wrote a bunch of one shots and started a new chapter fic. Oh well, I'll write more one shots eventually. :ajsmug:

Group Admin

You all ought to try this chocolate chip cookie. It's rather delicious and only takes a few minutes to make. Because this is completely relevant to this topic. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

:pinkiegasp: That. Is. Amazing.

Group Admin

377151 isn't that basically what we're doing on the forums here?:pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Yes, but if I wanted to point and laugh at a particularly bad OC I wouldn't want to do it here (because that user might read it.) If there was a way I could PM you guys, I would totally do that.

Group Admin

true, true
but did that stop us on the whole Felixdawn case?

Group Admin

Felixdawn is the exception, because he's been offered help and he publicly rejects it and then flies in the face of all reason to tell everyone how great he is. He's the only user on this site I'm perfectly happy making fun of.

I won't publicly call out anyone else unless they show a complete unwillingness to improve.

And that actually brings me to an idea I had last night. . . what would any of you guys think of a reading group style thread? We could pick a completed story and each of us reread it over the course of a week or two, then discuss that story in particular; what we liked and didn't like, the way the author handled ideas or cliches, the things that make the story work.

Now, I'm a little hesitant, because this would probably include some of us saying that there were things we didn't like, and I'd hate for an author to get defensive or something. But at the same time, we're mature people here and this would be literary criticism of a sort that most authors should expect when they publish a story.

I was thinking that we notify the author when we select their story so they can pop in and see what people are saying. We should probably stick to longer works, to give us a lot to talk about.

Of course, this would be open to everyone in the group, but since we're the most active here I thought I'd run it by you guys. Any thoughts?

Group Admin

377846 I don't know. I'm picking up quite a lot of proofreading work lately.
And the best thing to do this in would be a chat so we don't have to read entire blocks of text

Also, I pulled this straight from your 'Daring do's and don'ts' story. Congratz

alright, read this the other day as a random little dramatic reading for one of my livestreams. the audience of 5 enjoyed your story and so did i. a few little quirks in your writing style that made it pop out. well written overall and a nice comedic touch was held throughout the story. i wanted to thank you for writing such a nice story for me to read and to tell you to keep up the good work.

Group Admin

I know, I saw that! I'm so flattered.

And if time is an issue, we could give everyone a month or so to read it. Or stick to shorter works (between 5 and 20k?)

I actually kind of like the message boards over a chat, since it would give people a chance to organize and explain their thoughts, and nothing would scroll by before someone got a chance to address it. Also we wouldn't have to find a time when we were all online.

Group Admin

377859 time isn't really an issue but it's just that I don't really have a way with words and I don't like the message boards for something like this (although you do have valid points)

Group Admin

I quite like this idea and I'd be up for doing it. 60k words per week shouldn't be unreasonable. That's about 2-3 hours of reading.

Also: 2-minute brownies. Came out more like chocolate cake when I made it, but it was still pretty good (I think I need to shorten the amount of time it cooks). This comes out twice the size of that chocolate chip cookie, so a larger mug is probably not a bad idea.

Group Admin

Cool. I'll start it and we can see who wants to join in. For the first selection I looked over the highly rated stuff and the recommendation thread and put together a short list of completed stories. A lot of them I haven't read yet, so I trust you guys to give some input here on which ones are most interesting.

(It doesn't need to be best, really, just have a lot of interesting stuff in it to talk about. After all, part of it will be talking about things we didn't like.)

Broken by DiveBomb - 61946 words
Pillow Thoughts by Will P Sherman- 24746 words
To Fix You by BronyNeumo - 26082 words
The Old Castle by AppleJinx - 28368 words
The Colours of the Rainbow by DawnFade - 17699 words

Personally, I'm most interested in reading The Old Castle, because I've never read it and there's always something to talk about when AppleJinx is writing. Of the ones I have read, I'd be most likely to go with Pillow Thoughts.

Any other ideas? Any thoughts on those?

Group Admin

I've read them all and any is good as a start for me. Personally, I wouldn't mind giving Broken another read, but it's probably a good idea to pick a shorter story to start with. I didn't like The Old Castle; I have plenty to talk about with that one, so that would also be a good place to start as I know the majority opinion of that one is good. As for the others, I haven't read any of those in a long while, so any of those will do. I'm tempted to say that To Fix You would be the best one to start with, given that it's one of the earlier AppleDash fics (as far as this site goes, at least). In any case, I believe that was one of, if not the first AppleDash fics I read.

Group Admin

378627 I liked the first chapter of 'the old castle' a lot. 2nd and 3rd were meh. 4th was a funny chapter that had nothing to do with the previous 3

Group Admin

How do you feel about To Fix You?

378653 and DbzOrDie

I haven't read that one, and of course I've been meaning to, so it's cool with me.

Group Admin

378686 To fix you was a nice fic, I've re-read it some weeks ago. I'm still not applying though, just giving opinion

Group Admin

I just finished reading Applejack's love.
Struck all the wrong chords.


Ow. :fluttercry:

Group Admin

Woohoo! Editors! Finally got someone to be brutally honest with me. :rainbowlaugh:

...I've got a lot of re-writing to do.

Group Admin


Told youuuuuuuu :raritydespair::raritycry:

Group Admin

381092 You should post your kits clop prompts on fimfiction. My ps3 crashes when it tries to load

Group Admin

That you did. :P
It's all good, though. I'm here to learn and what better way to go about that than to have someone tear things apart? I've learned a lot from just skimming over the comments already.
But then there's the fact that I have more writing to do on top of the 62k words I want to write by the end of the month.

On another note, somehow I missed ever seeing this. It's well worth a watch.

Group Admin

381147 You should check this out if you haven't already
Picture Perfect Pony

Group Admin

I saw that within an hour of it being posted (which is rare for me). It's simply incredible. Seriously. We just need good fan voice actors now to replicate the show.

Group Admin

The stars will aid in her escape is still one of (imo THE) best PMV this fandom has done.

Now there just needs to be an appledash equivalent!

And eh, don't feel too comfortable posting the clop here. Just browse on a comp you fool! :P:rainbowwild:

Group Admin

Since we're tossing around some music, have the re-created score of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's background music.

Group Admin

381176 create a different account
I don't feel comfortable reading clop downstairs with my family in the room :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


bah, bah I say! ;)

Group Admin

381352 I could publish it for you on my account?
or does bah stand for 'fine, I'll do it'?

Group Admin

381308 That music just literally left me in tears
I love that scene
hearing just the music made me tear up for some reason


Group Admin

Don't love me. Love William Anderson who composes this beautiful music in the first place. This might interest you. It's all of the show's music— background music (with almost all of the regular soundscape filtered out), songs, and incidental music. Season one and two!

You should definitely post your clop on this account. For science.

And I'm having a really off day. I don't know if I'll be able to hit my 2,000 word goal. 2 days in and already falling behind. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

Nah. Workmate might be looking at my current fic, and I don't really like the idea of his discovering there's clop too. That would be a million shapes of awkward :unsuresweetie::rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

382383 New account you foal
You have to share your art with the world

Group Admin my textbooks for my chemistry class alone are going to cost $600 this semester. I don't think I can afford that. Not when the rest of my books total another $350. :raritydespair:
I'm really hoping I can find them cheaper than that. My student loans barely cover things as it is.

Group Contributor

383036 Does your school bookstore allow rental? I hear that's a lot cheaper. I always bought my books, personally, but a lot of my friends rented. Alternatively, perhaps see if one of your friends/classmates can share a book with you? :trixieshiftright:

Also, uh... hi. :twilightblush:

Group Admin

Hey there! Great to see another face 'round here! :ajsmug:

It does allow rental, but it's nearly as expensive as buying used and with much more risk. I've managed to cut the prices down to $350, but I still have two parking permits to buy, which puts it back up to just under $600. That's still a lot better than $1400.

...and I don't have any friends. I transferred schools (switched majors and avoided doubling of tuition) over this last winter break. I'm at a community college now and everyone acts like they're still in high school, so there's not much motivation to befriend most of them. Classes start on the 22nd (I think), so I'll know then if I can share with anyone. I might be able to find the books at my local library, but one of the cars my family owns won't stay running, so I've been stuck at home all day.

I think that's enough complaining from me for one day. How have you been lately? :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

383253 Thanks for the warm welcome, and I hope your situation works out for the better. :moustache:

Myself? Eh. Sleep-deprived, playing video games, lookin' for employment, and writing lots and lots of fan fics. And my newest fic (an AppleDash fic, I should add :ajsmug:) is turning out to be quite successful. So, overall, I can't complain. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Thanks, and yay, fanfic writing! I added that story of yours to my queue just this morning!

Also, in case any of you are interested, have a canon map of Equestria!

Group Contributor

383321 Yes, I saw the map, but I'm more interested in the Season 2 cast poster! So many jokes and references! :pinkiegasp:

No AppleDash hints or anything, of course. But several other pairings were references in some way, shape, or form. Verrry interesting... :rainbowderp:

Group Admin

The site has a new header. I don't like the new header. The new header is not an AppleDash header.
...time for Stylish to take control!

And I finally received a notification for a fic being added to this group! Whatever one of you admins did, it's working.

I need to get a hold of one of those. Well, two of those. The map and the cast. I hope they're not too expensive.

Group Admin

So you guys were talking about seeing where in the queue your stories were. Were is that visible? :rainbowhuh:

Group Contributor

384056 Hi, are you new too? :pinkiehappy:

384132 Just keep checking your story while it's waiting on approval. Once the Admins actually look at it, it'll say what number it is in the Queue it is. You then multiply that number by 10 to get a rough estimate of how many minutes it will be until your story is published published. So if your story gets approved, and it says it's number 42 in the queue, your story will be published in 420 minutes or so.

Group Admin


As long as stories are actually getting approved, that is. Sometimes the site will go half a day without any new approvals, so that estimate can be a bit off.

Group Contributor

384430 Well yes, but your story isn't actually put in the queue until it has been approved. There's no way to tell what number in line it is for approval, to my knowledge. Only what number in line it is to actually be published.

And yes, sometimes the approval system just sorta goes dead quiet for almost a day. My last story waited for approval for almost a full day. BUT, I can't complain, because when I woke up and saw it wasn't published yet, I realized I needed to add a little bit to it, and I wound up adding a few lines of key dialogue that really helped the story out a lot. So, yay delays? :trollestia:

Group Admin

Yes, indeed. I've been editing my stories after I post them because there's been enough time to lately. That's probably going to come back and bite me later.

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