AppleDash 3,014 members · 1,068 stories
Comments ( 200 )
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Group Admin

So it turns out there's a 200 message limit in threads. . . at least I think there is. I was message 201 and it didn't show up. Where's the admin handbook for this thing. . . oh yeah, that's right, there isn't one.

I digress. That thread was getting a little long anyway, so here's part 2. Once again, share whatever random thought pops into your head and check back whenever you feel like it to see what's going on!

The topic here is: There is no topic! Go! :pinkiehappy:

("Socializing Part 1" is still there in its entirety in case someone said something you wanted to see again. Except for my mysterious 201st comment, which you will never see. But please don't try to post there anymore, lest your comments meet the same doom that mine did.)

Group Admin

And now you've gone and made me all curious.

Laser tag! Man, that was fun. Scored 6th place out of 40 bronies in the name of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
...and I'm completely exhausted now. I think I'll go read some fanfics and get some sleep. I'll reply to everything after scuba tomorrow.

Accursed 502 error. We meet again.

Group Admin

I'm trying to decide how late to stay up in hopes that the story I submitted 13 hours ago gets approved sometime this year.

Congrats on laser tag! The joint Most Athletic Ponies salute you. :ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

Took a day and a half for mine to go through. Sleep sooner then later probably isn't a bad idea.

And I think I've figured out how I'm going to write chapter 2. Nothing like inspiration at 2 in the morning! :yay:

Edit: And I've figured out how I'm going to tie this into my other planned stories. I think you'll all like what I have in store for you. Now I just need to find more time to write. Argh.

Group Admin

Something you guys might be interested in:

One of those "X minute prompt" things, to write a short story in 60 minutes based on the prompts given by the mods there.
Although, in this case it's clop :ajsmug::rainbowwild:
If you want to try your hand at things... might be worth looking at!

Yeah! I just added that fic to the romance folder yesterday. It looked intriguing enough :D

yup. 200. Then ya gotta make a new one. (Well, kinda. They prefer you make a new one.)

also, socialize!

355936 stories get out later and later now. I sent mine in literally the night before just so that it could be posted in the middle of the next day...

Group Admin

I'm so very tempted. I don't think I could do it justice, though. I have seen a couple of the prompts that have been completed and I eagerly await responses to that latest one.

It's entirely too early to be awake. x.x

Group Admin

so 'what would daring do' has just updated and it still doesn't feature AppleDash :raritycry:

ok, I'm over it now :moustache:

in other news, Tchernobog's 'those blue wings' is the highest rated AppleDash fic on this site

Group Admin


I still find that hard to believe. And yeah, what would daring do is killing me with the lack of appledash >:(

Also, I said i never found an appledash fic that really leapt out at me? Kindof a lie, as I had forgotten about this one... although I don't know if it can be listed as appledash, considering the story itself (you'll see what I mean when you read it).

And the single chapter also hasn't been updated since march... :( <-- I'm just hoping I'll be proven wrong, both on the updating and the doubts of appledash

Group Admin

356572 it's probably for that single fact that it hasn't updated in a while that I haven't read it yet

If it was a complete story I would've prolly torn straight through it

Group Admin

I know! I want my favorite pairing out of that nooooooooow. It's a good story and all, but I really feel bad for Dash.... and then if they do ever get together, I'll be feeling terrible for Spitfire. Cruel, cruel fanfiction.

"Last seen online: 3 days, 6 hours ago". There is hope yet.

Scuba diving is so much fun. I really need to get out and do it more. And not just teaching it in a pool. Writing tonight? Hmm, maybe. Just maybe.

Group Admin

So it turns out Trixie's Magic Bit has a SEQUEL. Not sure how I missed it until now...

And holy crap it's both a train wreck and a roller coaster... Can't wait for more. But oh god poor dashie :(

Group Admin

Oh my god, I found that while I was in a bad state of mind and I was PMing dbzordie like a crazy lady. I've never been that emotional over a fanfic.

I'm better now. I can read the updates. :pinkiecrazy:

And I think I'm going to try my hand at that sexty minute prompt, but probably not AppleDash this time. But I'm not totally sure yet. When I post such stories, it would be under a nom de porn, because people I know IRL sometimes read my regular stuff. Folks can PM me if they're interested, but I don't have anything posted yet.

Group Admin

The writer's block has been doubled!

...okay, so not technically a block. Trying to find the right words isn't going so well at the moment.

Is that so? I may have to go follow you. Again. For things.

So, I killed Applejack... and I've yet to receive a single thumbs-down. I'm kind of surprised.

Group Admin

Good news y'all, one of Twilightclopple's new projects involves an AppleDash romance fic.

Group Admin

Yep! One can never have enough AppleDash. Ever.
And Fimfiction is also getting another server, so maybe we'll have some reliable uptime soon.

Group Admin

Link, link you foal!

Also, good lord the new prompt for sextyminuteponies (Dash learns a lesson) has a lot of submissions. Two of them are Appledash! (And one is mine :pinkiecrazy:)

Group Admin

358140 The fic isn't done yet, It's one of her future projects

you wrote clop? Link, link you foal!
and while you're at it, link the other AppleDash as well :)

Group Admin

Ah, doh D: is the other guy's is mine, and as you can see by the description, I'm still not entirely sure wtf I was thinking :applejackconfused::rainbowderp: I'm still at the "oh god what the hell am i doing" stage. >_> :facehoof:

Group Admin

This I have to see.

Group Admin

I'd argue Shivered timbers' is much better than mine, really. Though I found the flutterdash one "compromise" to be the best of the lot :yay::rainbowwild:

Group Admin

Why am I reading these now? I need something to clop to tonight.


Edit: Not bad. Not bad at all. It's questionable. So I'm linking it.

Group Admin

Thankee :twilightblush:
I'm still massively, massively embarassed and wondering just what the hell I was thinking >_>

Group Admin

That feeling fades with time. Once upon a time I drew some porn (which doesn't exist on the internet anymore) and was pretty embarrassed when I posted it. After a little while I got used to it. I think that if I were to write clop (which I haven't yet, purely on the basis that I don't think I could do it justice), I'd have no problem with people reading it. Maybe I'll start soon-ish with some of these prompts...

Yours was certainly better than a lot of first time clopfics I've seen. :P

Group Admin

half the embarassment was/is the whole detail that people tend to get into when describing things. Mine's relatively light on that compared to many others I've seen... and I think it helped that I was trying to describe a story/scene rather than the clop itself :P:rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

Yeah, that's true. I kinda wish the windows for writing these was something closer to 72 hours rather than the 24 it is now. I would have liked to try my hand at number three there if I could have written it tomorrow (today for you). Simply didn't have time or the foresight to participate. I think I'll do the next one and hopefully I can make it something to do with AppleDash.

Group Admin

The prompts are on sunday and wednesday, for future reference!

359008 So now any story with any hint at Appledash whatsoever can be added?


What if there are stories that don't even have a chapter full? Just one scene?

In the case only the true AppleDash lovers are here.

But I knew that already.

Group Admin

359057 the folder has been changed
stories with chapters about AppleDash will be added

Stories that just feature AppleDash for a single scene and don't focus on them don't really fit this group

at least, that's my 2 cents on it

Group Admin

AppleDash shorts! Just what we needed.
I agree with you; there should be at least a chapter of AppleDash, specifically.

Group Admin

New AppleDash story of 4.5 months old added to Romance folder
AppleDash shorts added to new folder

things are looking good

Group Admin

This site needs multiple "Read Later" lists. That was, I could toss all the AppleDash I haven't read into a single list to find it easily.

359100 makes sense to me! :ajsmug:

359098 Things do look good.

Although now I'm well behind on my reading because there are just so many to read.

Curse my non-E.T. reading ability and such.

Group Admin

I think I made someone's day today :pinkiehappy:

So i was on tumblr, and saw one twidash tumblr reblog another dash tumblr ( Blind Dash, which is well done but also a tad heartbreaking. Read from beginning!). Checked out the mods other linked tumblr... and found this on one of them:

With this description underneath:
Twilight Sparkle: ”… Oops.”
Rainbow Dash: ”WHAT THE BUCK”
I tried to write a TwiDash fic a long time ago. It didn’t make it through EqD and I didn’t know about back then (or it didn’t exist).
I deleted it, washed my hands of it, and moved on. I regret that. Now “Those Blue Wings“‘s existence kills my desire to rewrite my own fic.

So I write them: Oh buck that. My fic has nothing to do with yours, and it would be hilarious fun to read. I mean, Dash with magic, and Twi without? That's bound to be awesome. I'd love to see it, don't let mine stop you! :) I want to see it!

And their response:
oh gosh one moment as I lose my ability to can
Now I have to write it, eh? I’ll dig up my notebook.
And maybe bother my authorfriend to get him to help me hammer it out.
I’m seriously surprised you found that picture at all hahaha
Hope to catch you on fimfiction then… maybe? We will see

So it isn't appledash but... hey, it looks interesting enough!

Group Admin

That does look pretty interesting. And that blog is pretty sad. I found it just a couple days ago. :(

Group Admin

I seem to be a sucker for sad tumblr/stories. Ah well :raritycry:

Group Admin

You're not the only one. :P
Edit: Here ya go.

Group Admin

You guys might notice some stories showing up in certain folders just to show up in other folders later

I'm still determining where to put the line between AppleDash short and AppleDash story

Group Admin

If you guys have any good sadfics you could throw my way, I'd appreciate it. Getting into the mood to write chapter two is being harder than it should be. =/

Group Admin

Many thanks!
I feel like a real writer now. Just spent an hour at Starbucks writing with a fancy (read: cheapest I could buy) coffee. :P
And I think this chapter is going to be much longer than the first... comparatively.

Edit: Nnope! It's only a few words longer... and guess what. It's done! This almost feels better than publishing the first chapter.

Group Admin

I just realized, DbzOrDie, bookplayer, and I all created our accounts here within 5 days of each other. Freaky.

Group Admin

359747 Oh god
I realized Bookplayer made her account a day after mine but I never bothered to look at others
Maybe there is just an AppleDash season that attracts the most AppleDash fans and we all made our accounts in that period of time :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

*waves the old fart cane around* :trollestia:

Group Admin

359846 and offcourse the king of AppleDash was here well before us :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Pfft. I wouldn't call myself that. I'd say that belongs to bronyneumo, I think his was amongst the first that I read :rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

Well, that ended quickly: [nsfw link]
I have to agree with kits' response to this: [nsfw link]

I wanted to participate, but I don't think I will now. Not until they change their minds.

And BronyNeumo. Man, haven't read any of his stuff in a while. I think "To Fix You" was one of the first AppleDash (and subsequently MLP) fics I read.

Group Admin

Likewise! And yes. I believe kits might be making one of his own, but that's unconfirmed as of yet. But yeah, they pretty much shot themselves in the foot with that idea :p

Group Admin

Ooooh, that'd be pretty awesome. A clop prompt blog with, *gasp*, reason! I might go do prompt number 3 regardless, as I have a rather... interesting idea for it.

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