AppleDash 3,014 members · 1,068 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Group Admin

We're all mature people here, and we can admit that Applejack and Rainbow Dash might not have a life that's all rainbows and apples. In particular, the fact that Rainbow Dash has her heart set on being a Wonderbolt and Applejack is tied to Sweet Apple Acres is a pretty big hurtle for a relationship.

This thread is for talking about that, or other issues that Applejack and Rainbow Dash would have to face and overcome in their relationship. . . or not. It's also for talking about fics that have covered these situations, like D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

(This isn't really the place to talk about outside things that effect the relationship, more aspects of their canon personalities that would cause big problems.)

Once again, thread rules are:

* All posts must at least be on the subject of pony fanfic or outside things related to AJ and Dash. If you have something to say off topic, put it in the socialize thread.

* Only mention positive examples by name, if you think a story did it wrong then don't point out which one it is.

* No bashing other ships. Remember to state things as opinions, not facts.

Group Admin

Not so much a rough patch for the two as something slightly different...

Those fics where one or the other are with someone else, and the second is watching from afar, pining.

Does it pretty much hurt just to read? As in, you can physically feel the despair of the pony that let the other slip through her hooves? :fluttershysad:

(only a few fics are doing this, some others try but aren't that good. Takes a good fic to truly make you feel that way)

Group Admin

390988 You are talking about what would daring do aren't you?
which coincidentally updated today

Group Admin

And another, actually, but i'll keep that one quiet as to not spoil if people aren't reading it~

Group Admin

Yep, it hurts. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

See, I haven't had as much problem so far with WWDD, though I haven't read the most recent chapter. I feel bad for the one left out, but at least the other seems happy.

But the other one you're thinking of. . . the one where something just happened behind a rock, right? That one makes me furious. The way that somepony is treating both Dash and AJ just makes my blood boil. I feel equally bad for both of them at this point.

Group Admin

You missed the first version of that chapter, which was far worse. And as happy as I am to see either one happy, seeing the other one being so sad/dejected hurts :(

And yes, it's the one with the rock... yeah, it's incredibly hard to read some of these passages (not so much the grammar or anything, it's just a "noooooo Dashie :(" feeling and so on.

Group Admin

I know exactly what you mean about those passages. I was over-emotional already when I read those early chapters, and I was PMing DbzOrDie all night crying to the point where he won't even read the thing until it's done.

Group Admin

392734 392735 Ah, so it's that fic you guys are talking about
Now I'm even more scared for what is to come

Group Admin

Ahahaha :rainbowlaugh:
I know how you feel though. The entire sequel has just been twisting the knife in my heart the entire time. I suspect I know what's happening with Dashie, but can't be sure, obviously. I just know from the author that his preferred ships are twixie and appledash... so it'll be all good in the end. I'm just on the edge of my seat as to HOW. :raritydespair:

Group Admin

I don't think he will mind me posting this here
but after bookplayer's 'episode' I asked the author about his plans for the story

Applejinx: I'm willing to tell you that the big emotional ending is Applejack and Dash getting together again- permanently, convincingly, and with a fuller understanding of why they will never part. The WHOLE BOOK is essentially about that story arc, and when I say I guarantee a happy ending that's one of the things I mean. :ajsmug:

This is also what calmed bookplayer down again :raritywink:

Group Admin

I actually sent him a message when the previous (not the current) chapter was posted, asking for SOME kind of hint or spoiler, as I couldn't stand to see some of this stuff :P he then replied something like that, and later on posted that in his comments.

I mean, it's nice to know it but... the journey until then is still filled with :fluttershbad: and :raritydespair:

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