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The purpose of this thread will become clear in a few lines :)

1 I occasionally burst into song. Unlike Pinkie, however, I sing existing songs.
2 I'm kinda obsessed with time in a sense that whenever I'm in a bus, I'll calculate how late I'll be home and recalculate if something comes up. I also like making the most effecient use of my time.
3 Everyone who knows me personally, will classify me as weird.:pinkiecrazy:
4 I'm happy or in a good mood almost 99% of the time I'm awake.
5 Ponies trump all. Homework, personal life come second.
6 The time between the idea of this group and execution was 25 minutes.
7 I love sarcasm. I hate it when people can't understand my sarcasm :fluttershbad:
8 I'm an excessive user of emoticons. I might be considering going to rehab.
9 I'm nuts about sci-fi. Dr. Who, Stargate SG1, Primeval(kinda sci-fi), Fringe, ...
10 I'm Belgian and I dislike having to learn French because of the Welsch part of Belgium
11 I'm quite knowledgable and open of mature stuff so that makes for awkwards conversations sometimes :)
12 I taught myself how to move my ears and my eyebrows seperatly just because a teacher said you could if you just practiced in a mirror.
13 I dislike internet stupidity and as such I'll try and make them smarter. Felixdawn has rebuffed these efforts so far :p
14 When being blinded by sunlight, I find that closing my left eye makes me capable of fully opening my other eye.
15 I have ADHD and I used to use music to keep me calm and focused. Now I manage without but I've become a musicphile :p


3 Everyone who knows me personally, will classify me as weird.

You and me both :applejackunsure:

...were you being sarcastic?

Group Contributor

1. I'm a frenchman. Sacrebleu, mon ami!
2. I sometimes hide messages in my posts. 3. I hate the fanon name "Colgate".
4. Ponies help me keep my sanity.

Group Admin

Nope :p
Would such a message be an absence of the number 3? :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

Look again.


oh. you're trying to put off doing your homework.

How much of this is true hmm...... Hey I just realised I don't care :facehoof:

Don't worry, despite all the emoticons, we still love you.

Rated Ponystar
Group Contributor

1. I am still a big Land Before Time fan

2. I am Straight Edge

3. Despite being a wrestling fan, I have only ever gone to one live show

4. I've been writing fanfiction for over ten years

5. I am a Game Designer (Yet I have no job :applecry:)

6. I like to dance... a lot

Yeah. Just re-read my comment and realised how douchey it sounded. D:

1. I play trumpet. A lot. In basically any style someone asks me to.
2. I get weird kinds of stubborn, like not putting on another jacket when the weather changes even if it's right nearby, or biking in a full-on Nor'easter because I said I would.
3. I pride myself on having series of conversations with people when I can't remember their name.
4. Every time I try to cut back on ponies, I realize exactly how muh I need them as a disctraction from my own madly hectic schedule.
5. I should be transcribing Bulgarian music right now...
6. I'm [more than] a little bit obsessed with silent films.

Group Admin

Am I missing something?

Would that happen to be Bulgarian Trumpet music? :duck:

Group Contributor

Maybe. Then again, so is anyone who ships Twilight Sparkle with Rainbow Dash and/or Applejack. I mean, seriously? She's worse than Pinkie Pie, and people don't even ship her. What's up with that?
Number 3 is there. But that's as obvious as Lightning Dust makes a much better pony to ship with these two. How can you not? That's like giving Applejack two Rainbow Dashes, or... or giving Rainbow Dash a herself. A dream come true!
Look again.

Group Admin

You bastard :p

Group Contributor

907409 Kinda-sorta. I have a world music ensemble this afternoon and I promised to arrange this for them. And I do play some trumpet lines, although our harmonica and oud player take most of the lead...
so yes?? I suppose it is, although 'authentic' Bulgarian music does't use trumpet at all.:ajsleepy:

Was moreso making reference to the first random fact you wrote up. Still, shouldn't you get a bit more recognition for arranging it for them?

Also, this afternoon? Im in Australia and its like 1:40 in the morning xD

The purpose of this thread will become clear in a few lines

I feel like this should have been random fact number one :twilightsmile:
1. Ponies likewise come first for me.
2. I hum the Colgate Brushie Song when I brush my teeth, and have been taking more care of my teeth because of her.
3. The apple family intro in the first episode got me more interested in the variety of apples in our wide world, and I now eat them more often. (read: daily)
4. I have a deep sense of self doubt when it comes to creativity. If I can't re-create an idea in my head (either in writing or drawing), I won't do it. Even though I know I'll get better with practice. Even though I know I'm just a beginner. I just can't do it.
5. Puns and snark are, to me, the highest form of humor. Normal jokes are fine, dark humor is better, but those are the best.

907442 Technically I'm still in the antemeridian (WHOO BOSTON!) and I will get a nice thank-you for turning in the arrangement, to be sure, although due to recent events they were expecting it a week ago... so it'll be interesting. I'm not going much past the leadsheet we started with, but there's enough new info that I figured I should start fresh.

I figured your comment was in reference to my first fact, but I suppose
7. I'm a terrible IRL troll and take every opportunity to pass on my useless knowledge to the general population

should have been on my list. I hope you're enjoying tomorrow, Moak! Date-line humor is a dead end and I should be ashamed of myself.

Group Contributor


Do you agree that season 8 was the actual ending of the series?

Theoretically if you sent that at the correct time, such as 11:59pm for me. And I might not have gotten it for a minute then that would be justified would it not?

Regardless. Nice work. I need moar coffee.

Group Admin

Which serie are you talking about? Admittely, I only started watching Dr Who halfway serie 8. Stargate SG1 kinda went back and forth with their episodes (damn channel)

Group Contributor


SG1, though if you didn't get to watch it in order I understand the confusion.

Group Admin

I do. Last two seasons weren't bad, but they should've stopped earlier.

Group Admin

1. I'm only 5' tall. I'm the shortest person in my family, and have never had one of those "look, I'm taller than you now" moments.
2. I was homeschooled, and have never officially graduated high school, though I did attend college.
3. I'm a girl, and I'm sooo bad at putting on makeup. I only wear it at cons, where I can put on full scale goth or fantasy style makeup and not have to worry about it looking natural.
4. I'm facebook friends with my middle-school bully. We're cool now.
5. My beehives aren't doing great this year. The queen is old, so we're trying to split the hive and get the new hive to raise a new queen, but I don't think it's working.

Group Contributor


They felt more like a spinoff than SG1. What irks me even more though is the network canceling Universe right when it was starting to get good.

Group Admin

She'd probably be like, "Bitch, I don't even care who you are." Her name is Latifah, BTW.

Group Contributor


2. I was homeschooled,

4. I'm facebook friends with my middle-school bully. We're cool now.

I believe this demands an explanation.

Group Admin

1. I've lived in USA, japan, usa, belgium, england, belgium, switzerland, germany, usa, ireland. All within 30 years.
2. Travelled even more! south africa, egypt, a fair bit of europe, plenty of places in the US.
3. I speak three languages fluently (english, french and german), and can read and write in all three. I'm rusty at writing in french and german though.
4. I can barely drive. Only got my driver's license last year. :rainbowlaugh:
5. I work in the video game industry~ customer service but still, it's a first step!
6. Been pondering a non pony story for a long time. I can't think of a setting that's been done like it before, but there's plenty of details I need to figure out first before I can do anything. :twilightangry2:
...can't think of what else to add.

Group Contributor

1) I'm probably the youngest looking 42 year-old you'll ever meet. If I shave, dress down (t-shirt and jeans), and wear a hat to hide all the gray in my hair I can pass myself off as a college student. I have successfully experimented with this before.
2) I have a cutie mark. It's the avatar I use on this site. Got it tattooed to my right hip as a graduation present to myself.
3) I'm a diehard sports fan (for all the Philadelphia teams). My wife is a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan because she grew up in Texas. For two Sundays a year when the Eagles and Cowboys play our house is a warzone.
4) My favorite poet is Khalil Gibran
5) I just got back from the dentist office about twenty minutes ago. I took the day off because I needed to get a new cap put in. My mouth's a little sore right now.

Regarding point number 1, I always tell my wife, who is also only 5' tall, that she has a tactical advantage over me during lightning storms. Plus short women make excellent chin rests.

Group Admin

My mother, a developmental psychologist, is very into the idea of letting kids learn how they're comfortable. She, personally, is an advocate of homeschooling, but you'd be amazed at the amount of pressure society puts on kids to go to school- TV shows and movies and books all make school seem like a fun place where you hang out with friends and have wacky adventures.

So mom let us go to school when we wanted, and let us leave between semesters or grades if we weren't happy. My school career was:
No kindergarten
School 1st grade through half of 4th
No 5th grade
School 6th grade and half of 7th
No 8th grade
School half of 9th grade
No other highschool
Community college starting at the age of 16.

Bullying was one of the reasons I left school at some of those points. Dyslexia that made me hard to place correctly in classes (high reading level, extremely poor spelling) was another one, and my not caring about BS like handing in second drafts of writing assignments or taking highschool classes just to get the credit was a third.

I believe it makes me more creative. Things like getting something down from the top shelf at a store become a logic puzzle. (The solution is to get a broom from the cleaning products aisle, BTW. I am a tool using monkey.)

Group Admin

Non-pony? No such thing!

Group Admin

Yes way! :P a fantasy setting. I juts need to narrow down a bunch of details!

Oh, another fact: I'm completely uninterested in sports. Don't really find them entertaining... unless they're anime/manga. Then the over-the-top-ness of them is just hilarious/awesome :trollestia:

Group Contributor

bookplayer wrote:

I am a tool using monkey.

Aaand I can't unsee it.

I have an entire non-pony universe set up in concept docs for a game. I've worked on it for over 5 years, but now that I think about it, it's basically My Little Cow.


I don't know if I'll ever make something out of it, though.

Mister Friendly
Group Contributor

Well let's see here...

1: I lived in Germany for a few years when I was little. It was't terribly long, but it defined my entire childhood.
2:I lived next door to what we suspect was a former Nazi. Never would've guessed; he and his wife were the nicest folks you would ever meet.
3: I have been writing for 13 years. I have been inventing stories since I was 4. I'm not paid to do so, either.
4: I have a lot of exotic pets, including a ten-year-old tarantula and a grumpy ball python.
5: At the local Subway, I'm known as "Smiley", because I'm always in a good mood and smiling when I come in. Five months later and they've yet to ask me for my real name :ajsleepy:
6: I have two of the most unfortunate allergies known to man; I am allergic to penicillin, from which a lot of medicine is based on, and I am allergic to chocolate. Yes, chocolate. I am not even kidding.
7: Half the stuff in my house is older than I am.

That pretty much covers it, I guess. and a bonus fact because I'm an over achiever!

1) I'm 26, divorced, and mostly sad about that.
2) I have a variety of synesthesia. My thoughts almost always have multiple senses associated with them. For example, most conversational thoughts I have also have random colors tied to them, and when I think in pictures I also get random olfactory information unconnected to the images. I also think on over-drive, with multiple thought processes going at once, so my head is always a jumble of written words, sounds, smells, colors, and images. The weirdest thing going on in my head is that there's a 'smell conversation' that my brain has been having back and forth for as long as I can remember. I don't know what those two smell-voices are talking about, but I get the impression it's somewhat heated.
3) I am a bundle of social anxieties in face-to-face conversations. I cannot make eye contact with people, I don't do well with physical contact, I have troubles with accepting compliments to my appearance from strangers, and many many more. These go away over the internet, on the phone, or when I'm drunk.
4) I'm bisexual, polyamorous, and have been involved off and on with the GLBTQ community for over ten years.
5) I am very violent and channel that aggression into martial arts sparring.
6) I have bipolar disorder-induced insomnia. When I'm in a manic episode (which is usually), I sleep 2-5 hours a night. The medicine I take does nothing to help with this.
7) When I was eighteen, I went on a cross-country trip with my future wife/ex-wife and had my car die in the middle of the mojave desert. The story of us getting home is absolutely hilarious in retrospect and I will gladly share it when drunk. It involves German-speaking taxi drivers, terrifying hillbilly mechanics, copious amounts of embarrassment, and an extremely spooky-looking foot.
8) I used to raise and breed praying mantises of assorted species. I know way more about them than any non-entomologist should. Did you know they have a single ear on the underside of their abdomen attuned specifically to detecting bat echolocation?

Group Contributor


The weirdest thing going on in my head is that there's a 'smell conversation' that my brain has been having back and forth for as long as I can remember. I don't know what those two smell-voices are talking about, but I get the impression it's somewhat heated.

Your brain is part of the great Pancake vs Waffle struggle, if it even reaches a decision you must share your findings.

Although maybe your superpowers can tip my own thoughts one way or another. Is pancake or waffle more green for you?


At the moment, 'pancake' is registering more orange for me than anything else, and 'waffle' is giving me a rather floral smell. I'm thinking orchid, but it's hard to tell.

Unless I imagine what a pancake looks like, then I'm registering a rough texture, like a broken piece of granite. And seeing a waffle is kinda reddish. Like...old construction paper red.

Group Contributor

I find the act of cooking just as satisfying or sometimes more so than actually eating the food I prepare.

I have loved reading ever since Green Eggs and Ham.

It took a few years but I am finally able to do my reading on a data pad just like TNG.

WoW and Steam stopped all of my previous video game piracy.

At a previous job I singlehandedlly raised the local Dominos business by convincing my co-workers that $10 for a large 1-topping + cheesy bread was a great way to end the night. I am still able to order pizza there without giving a name or number, just the sound of my voice is recognized. This has been tested with random phone numbers I have never used before.

I have worn the same style of cloths since I was 10 (I am now 30) because they work for everything expect formal occasions. Polo shirt + sweater/vest + khakis.

My internal network naming uses Star Wars planets for computers and vehicles for peripherals.

1 Everyone who knows me personally, will classify me as weird.
2. Ponies help me keep my sanity (as does sims and sometimes pokemon)
3. I write stories about my sims
4. I am permanently disabled, have been since I was born with many medical issues. Too many to list also rare. I will say I have VACTERL Association, it's an acronym with each letter standing for different issues so yes it is capitilized like that and I have all letters, and then some.
5. I had a house fire this past Sept 8th, I was asleep still at 4pm (I was a nightowl and went to sleep at 8am after hubby went to work) my hubby was at work, I woke up finally to the smell of smoke (most of our smoke alarms was down the one still up was way too far away to hear) I was upstairs...and trapped. When my neighbor (all the neighbors were staring at the house yes it was that bad and they didn't know if I was in there or not until they saw me in the window) saw me in the window he got a ladder and got me out, in the nick of time as I was in shock glued to floor and you couldn't see a thing except our feet, nothing to breathe in but smoke and the firemen and drs, after describing everything, said I was just about to pass out from all the smoke when he picked me up and put me through the window and down the ladder. He was a stranger to me, I never went out of the house I just saw him before so I knew who he was but not his name or anything, a stranger risked his life to save mine and I will forever be grateful, but now I have PTSD from it all.
6. That was long and I feel bad for rambing.

Group Contributor

Hmm, this reminds me of the introduction thread. :trixieshiftright:

1. I'm a proud tomboy with the awkwardness of Twilight, the sensitivity of Fluttershy, and the ADD of Pinkie.

2. I have this really big gap between my big toe and my smaller ones that makes my feet look like monkey paws.

3. That last one was probably TMI, but that's all I got. Not everyone is as interesting as you guys. :rainbowwild:

1. I'm still in highschool...ya :ajsleepy:
2. I'm a girl, and happen to be a lesbian. I realized it about three years ago. Don't hate!
3. I live in the US (Michigan, to be exact).
4. I'm getting this tattoo with a rainbow banner that has the words "Where words fail, music speaks" on it sometime this year.
5. I play ten instruments (Tuba, Baritone/Euphonium, Trombone, Trumpet, Violin, Piano/Keyboard, Acoustic/Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar/String Bass, Drum Set, Quads in drum line)...well, eleven, if you count the fact that I can sing...ya, I'm REALLY musically inclined, if you couldn't tell...
6. I work at Barnes and Noble shelving books and stuff.
7. I need a life outside of ponies, music, and my few close friends :rainbowderp:

Group Contributor

Oh, God. We're doing that thing where we learn about each other, thus solidifying the idea of community within our little corner of the But since everyone else is doing it!

1) I am a total lemming, apparently.
2) I am constantly surrounded by animals - in my home, in my dad's home, in my business, in my volunteer work, and sometimes even when I least expect it, like phone calls from friends/family who are asking me what to do about this animal they found or saw in peril.
3) I've lived in the same city my entire life, and have no plans of leaving my state (which I love) anytime soon.
4) I technically speak English, Spanish, and French, but I don't consider myself fluent in Spanish, and I haven't spoken French in years.
5) I've been a total prude for a majority of my life, and find it funny that I'm known among ya'll as a clop fic writer. Almost no one who actually knows me in real life would expect something like that of me.
6) I've been "creating stories" (don't wanna call it writing because at the time, it wasn't) with my dolls (making them go on epic adventures) since I can remember, and making my own story narratives since I was in 7th grade (sooo, I was...13? Makes sense) Yet I have a Bachelor's of Science in Biology (Zoology), and have always loved to create things like crafts and art, and trying to combine all three passions makes me do NOTHING with any of them. But I'm getting somewhere, now ^_^;
7) It is my BIGGEST pet peeve when people assume I'm a guy online.

1. I'm 33, American, male and strait.
2. I'm an Eagle Scout and am still upset that they didn't go far enough with the recent change.
3. I used to sell vacuum cleaners door-to-door. Yes, that's still a thing people do.
4. I am a huge nerd, but don't like computers.
5. I'm seriously considering taking up golf.
6. I am allergic to every kind of pollen they test for.

908134 I have that same pet peeve, people always think i'm a guy online and it bugs the crap out of me! Especially when they insist I must be a guy after I simply say i'm a girl...and they still don't believe it...:twilightangry2::facehoof:

908086 Hey, you'd be surprised! People are weeeeird :rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor

I would definitely say I am obsessed with ponies. Wrong? Yeah, probably. But I have fun.
I have no idea what I'm doing. That has never stopped me before, though.
I work a midnight shift so Luna is best pony.
My definition of best pony changes almost hourly.
I can do many things but am not really good at any of them. So I really hate sounding like I'm showing off.
I am usually posting from mobile. Hence the lack of numbers in this post.
I am a good lurker and can usually play along with things I know nothing about, just from what I pick up.
I am terrible with starting conversations irl. This is probably the main reason I am still single.
I like pony music. A lot.
I feel like I'm confessing a lot here for some reason.

Group Admin

OMG! Unschooling was totally the movement my mom supported! John Holt is amazing, I've read a bunch of his books. I just usually say I was homeschooled to avoid a big conversation trying to explain the idea to people.

(Okay, for those who don't know: Unschooling is homeschooling where there're no lessons at all. Kids are given access to resources, and direct their own learning based on what they're interested in, with as much assistance and guidance as the adults around them can offer. So, for example, a kid interested in fantasy might seek out books on history, writing, geography, learn more about authors they liked and their views of history and religion and politics, learn about literary movements, art, special effects in movies, computer games, etc. Since kids, left to their own devices, are innately curious about the world around them, the theory is that children will pretty much learn what they need to know because they want to and all that school does is make them less curious by turning learning into something that must be done where and when people tell them to.)

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