TwiDash 4,239 members · 1,192 stories
Comments ( 37 )
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Mares and gentlecolts!
The results of the side-contest are in! But you'll have to wait for another two months before I announce the winners, because my nose itches.

Nah. Just kidding. One month? *gets lynched*

Okay, okay... You win. Now can I get that hoof out my nose right about now? Because I would like to announce the winner! (Nah... I'm just pulling your leg... I'll start with 4th place...)

So; 4th place with 4 points is shared between two stories:
Rainbow Dash and the Perfectly Awesome No-Bad Very-Good Plan by Twinkletail
On the Subject of Weather and Mentality by The DJ Rainbow Dash

And now for the proper winners:

The third place with 7 points and the winner of a clean picture as well as $10 (via Steam games or Paypal) goes to:Rainbow “Gordon Ramsay” Dash in “A Very Late Lunch" by Comrade Sparkle. I salute you, Tovarish.

The second place with 11 points in this contest goes to Nightly Rendezvous by ssjgokillo, who wins $20 (via Steam games or Paypal) and a clean picture from me.

And the grand winner of this contest is...

...wait for it...

...wait for it...

...waaaaaaaaaaait for it...

...keep waiting...

...aaaaany moment now....

...Just kidding. Come back next year...

Ow. Ow. My ears. Okay, fine. Drum roll, please.

And the grand winner by a mere mane stretch and 12 points is Scars by Grand_Moff_Pony, incidentally also my favorite entry in the contest. This was one of the most immersive stories I’ve read in ages, featuring great story and superb world design, this story deserved to take number one spot, and it should be on the list of every (beginner to intermediate) world builder out there.

He gets a custom diorama and $50 to spend on whatever he chooses.

Aaand that’s it!

Thanks to everyone that participated in this contest, making it as awesome as it was, being judge, participant or just casual reader. In other words: “Thank you for participating in this Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment activity.”

The winners will be contacted via private messages. If someone from the participants would like to, I can give them my review of their story, but keep in mind, that it will consist of constructive criticism.

Thank you again.

And we might do this again at some point in time.


Apparently I placed twice:derpyderp2:! I'm not sure how to feel:derpytongue2:!
(Reference: This)

I honestly didn't expect to place at all with my little fic, so I'm ecstatic.

A huge thanks goes out to Twilight-the-Pony for putting his time, money, and energy to set all this up, and support the community. Thank you to the judges for contributing their time and skills as well, and thank you to everyone who entered. And congratulations to Grand_Moff_Pony for winning!


Apparently I placed twice:derpyderp2:! I'm not sure how to feel:derpytongue2:!
(Reference: This)

See gokillo, I told ya you would win :rainbowwild:
Awesome stories and congrats to you all :twilightsmile:

It's funny how the winner is the only entry I have never seen.


It was well worth the read c:

It seems interesting, though it reminds me of a story I have already edited, actually. If anything, it would be like an aftermath of that story.

This is the story I was talking about. If it is anything like this one, then I can understand why you loved it so much. Hell, I forced Raven to write a second chapter simply because I wanted another one. XD

*chocks the story to his RL list and runs away*

Seems decent as i've skimmed through it. But I'm at work currently and can't afford taking the time to read it...
Soon, tho.

But reading fan fiction is work. :fluttercry:

Congrats to all writers! I've read all the entries and each were enjoyable and gave me a fun time, so thanks for that! :D

Kinda wished I could have been in the competition (especially for the steam dollars~), but eh, maybe there will be a next time. If there is a next time I chose a topic which is less prone to the danger of becoming mature during being lost in writing phase. Doesn't mean my chances on winning will raise much though, but at least I will be in the competition without getting disqualified.^^


Could I ask you of constructive criticism too or does that only go for not disqualified entires? :)


Could I ask you of constructive criticism too or does that only go for not disqualified entires? :)

I will need to re-read it from scratch, actually... I've stopped reading when I've stumbled on the sex part.

But I think I can do that... Just give me a day or two 'till all the madness pertaining the contest settles down...


Thanks alot, I appreciate that! :D

Say, you haven't heard anyting about the third Twidash competition, have you? Somehow it had become quite quiet around it the last days. Did something happened to one of the judges or is this normal for a group competition? :twilightoops:


Say, you haven't heard anyting about the third Twidash competition, have you?

These are completely unrelated entries. But as far as I know, the entries are still being read / judged / whatever, and the only way to know anything is by contacting one of the judges in the other contest.

They would know much more than me.

I placed 4th, not bad I guess considering that I scrapped an idea and wrote another one in the span of only a couple of days. Shame I didn't win anything though (so close to 3rd). :twilightblush:

Congratulations to everybody who placed, and congratulations to the winner! I have yet to read your story sir, and I have no idea why. Usually sadfics with Twidash attract my eyes like a magnet.

2051338 Say could I have one of those constructive reviews too when you get the chance? Just curious. :twilightsmile:


Say could I have one of those constructive reviews too when you get the chance? Just curious.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe. But only if you ask really nice. c:

No, but seriously; You've asked on your story that you'd like a review, and I was planning to do that in any case. So, Keep your shirt on.... I'll get to you soon c:

Group Contributor

What?! Scar in first place?! Who voted for that shit?

2051509 Yeah I just forgot that I did that. :twilightblush:

Group Contributor



Okay, okay... You win.

A winner is me!

Congratulations to the actual contest winners though. Enjoy your prizes, but the real winners are us who get to read such great stories. Which makes you guys real winners. It's some kind of feedback loop.

Holy Mother of Celestia....I Won?!?!

Wow.....I....I....seriously, wow. I am being 110% honest when I tell you that I did not expect this at all. Saying that I'm floored is a gross understatement. Blown away is more like it.

I'm at serious risk of going way overboard into a monologue, so I'll cut myself off and just say this: Contests and prizes are always awesome, but my only goal all along was to actually complete a story, and make it at least a bit better than the last one. Personally, I thought Scars met that goal, but I really didn't think I had a shot at the podium, much less first place.

Perhaps the best, truest thing to say is thank you. Thank you to Twilight-the-Pony for organizing and sponsoring this contest. Thank you to the judges for their time and efforts. Thank you to all of the other writers that submitted a group of really engaging stories. [aside: all contestants, take a bow for a job well done!] But perhaps most importantly, thank you to everyone who took time out to read and comment on Scars, and all of the other entries. Community allows these contests to happen in the first place, and community (plus ponies, of course) is what keeps us all writing such great material.


Woot! Second place huh? Everything went better than expected! :pinkiehappy:

And if I could also get some of that constructive criticism, that'd be great! Always looking to improve in whatever way I can.

Thanks everyone!

I think that I'll rather send PM's rather than write my commentary on the stories.

Because my last analysis consisted of over 1k words.

Long analysis is long.

It was. But haven't got any feedback yet... Was it thorough enough? Need deeper? :o

2068324 I read it yesterday, and really, I was overwhelmed. I'm usually never bothered by reviews to my stuff, but this time I was just like "woah... did I really go that wrong?" Made me think a bit.

I understand you did exactly as I requested, so I'm putting no blame on you at all. It was just a lot to take in, that's all. It sort of rubbed me the wrong way a bit I suppose.

Group Contributor


I like reading critiques. Any chance they could be public?

Maybe. That's on the authors to decide.


I'd certainly like to hear feedback on my story!


1k words? I'm usually used to write xk words comments, will be a new feeling to read one myself. :pinkiesmile:

This was my current week.

I'll get to all of you as soon as I can. In few days, most likely...

Now I have to go back to work.

Group Admin

2050838 2051315 2051478 2055139 2056800 2070713

Okay, so Twilight-the-Pony (Deoxy) here has convinced me to do the same. If any of you contestants would like whatever constructive feedback I can manage to provide, I'd be more than happy to do so. If you're interested, either send me a PM or just lemme know here.

On that note, it's 6 in the morning and I need coffee or something.


No worries here...take your time! :twilightsmile:

2092325 I would like one, if you don't mind :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Sure. Would you prefer critique through PM or posted as a comment on your fic?

2092510 Um, lets do a comment I guess. :twilightsmile:

Tim! I can has constructive feedback please? :fluttershysad:

Whenever you have time, just shoot me a pm! I'd greatly appreciate it good sir.


You mean you haven't read my story yet? :raritydespair:
Yeah, I'd like to hear what you think wa good about Honey(on the)moon and what could have been done better or what made it not as good as a reading experience as I hoped it to be. You can comment or send me a pm, whatever you prefer. Thanks for the offer. :twilightsmile:

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