Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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I probably won't get to this one today, but I hopefully will tomorrow morning or afternoon. I have some pre-reading commitments in the Winningverse, and some crackshipping for JakeTheGinger to look at first.

I can certainly look at things with an eye toward flow and pacing.


Title: Adventures Aboard the R.E.S. Rising Moon

Tags: Adventure / Romance

General Summary/Description: After a brutal war, Equestria and the Griffon Commonwealth have "enjoyed" an uneasy peace for the last thirty years. The Griffons are eager to regain lands lost after they were beaten, but the rulers of Equestria wish only for the peace to endure. After several border skirmishes, Princess Celestia sends the new princess, Twilight, to negotiate the peace and keep the two countries from igniting a new war. Luna and Twilight depart from Canterlot on the Rising Moon, the fastest ship in the Equestrian navy, to begin negotiations in the capital of the Griffon Commonwealth.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: This is my first serious attempt at writing so it will probably need a lot of work.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): I really need help with things like show v tell, making sure characters are IN character, Pre-Reading stuff.

Other important information: I have posted to chapter seven and eight is almost finished, although technically, my story is on Hiatus, I have stopped writing new chapters because I am unsatisfied with how my story stands currently, so I am looking for help with what I have before I move forward with it.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: FimFic PMs or GoogleDocs.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sounds like a fic I'll enjoy reading.

Twilacorn. Politics. Angry griffons. Nice.

Doubt I'll be able to do it all in one sitting. But I'll work my way through it.

You mentioned GDocs?
If you have it up on GDocs, that would be better, especially with a fair amount for me to look at. Its much faster to comment or make corrections. Open them up for comments and PM me the links?

Um,Hi Remember Luminary the Alizebra who Trying to Get Help here.

Well,If you Want to, Could you please check My Clopfics Out. Please.

Hey Luminary, I was wondering if you were free to pre-read any fanfics as of late? I was just noticing that there hasn't been a post here in a few weeks. If you are able to, I would be very grateful to get some feedback on this story:

Title: Bubble Gum

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag):
- Comedy (not sure of any other tags)

General Summary/Description:
- Twilight has a strange obsession with bubble gum. She begins to lecture everypony about its wondrous powers, causing many ponies to fear it. Five Elements of Harmony (plus a dragon) attempt to survive the onslaught. This is their story.
(I sincerely hope this story is better than its description :rainbowwild:)

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
This chapter is very short (only about 1200 words), so it should be a quick read.

Other important information:
Nothing really that I can think of.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:
Google Docs, PM, or E-mail; pretty much anything that works for you!

Thanks a ton!
- Seffy


I was just noticing that there hasn't been a post here in a few weeks.

I took myself off the market for a while due to pneumonia and stuff!

I'll take a look at it today. Will likely do most of the commenting the GDoc.


Hi, Luminary. I was wondering if you could take a look at something myself and a friend wrote. I hope that you're feeling better!

Title: The Blossom and the Blizzard

Tags: Alternate Universe

General Summary/Description: In an alternate universe where the events of Hearth’s Warming Eve went sour, the city of Damarescus stands alone in a world of snow. Within it lies the last vestiges of ponykind, who live in fear that the windigoes will break the centuries-old protective bubble that surrounds them and encase them in everlasting ice. Nopony has any hope for the future as they await what seems to be the inevitable. That is, until a lone pegasus - whose race had been thought to be extinct - crashes onto the balcony of a young filly.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: This is a very short chapter (only about 2000 words), and we'd like you to perhaps critique the premise a bit.

Other important information: None at the moment, though we'd like to get this chapter out in short order.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: You can contact us by PM'ing us here on Fimfiction (at either mine or Flea Candy's accounts) or on Google Docs.

Hope to hear from you soon,


Sounds dark!

And yes, all better.

Okay, I'll take a look.
Edit: And if either you or Flea Candy is around, could you possibly turn on commenting in the GDocs. That makes pointing out little errors far more easy.


No problem. Let me do that for you.

Thanks! Makes my life much easier.

Shall take a peek at the morning, have to turn in now.

H'okay. Comments/suggestions/correction in-doc.

If you guys want me to take a look at future chapters, PM me.
The situation is a lot like a collab I'm in now. It's interest to me to see it from an outside point of view!

All free and clear again.


Thank you kindly. You've been a great help. I can't wait for Flea to get online so I can share this with her.


I could use an opinion on this piece I've been writing.

Title: The Night and the Moon (This might change still)
Tags: Sad
Summary: Twilight asks Luna how Nightmare Moon was born. Luna shows her.

Important info: The story isn't finished yet, but has 3000 words right now. I don't need any special parts of the story to be focused on; Just a general feel is what I'm after. Please, if you're so kind as to help me with this, let me know (via PM) and I will send you the gdocks link.


S'why I ask people to hit 'Reply' in my first post. Don't get notification for someone posting in this thread if people don't.

Sorry Stanku.
If you still need a pre-read, PM me.

Title: The Crystal Prize

Tags: Adventure, Slice of Life

General Summary/Description: Set a few years in the future of FIM where Cadence is empress of the crystal empire and has a filly with Shining Armour called Dawning Song who has a diary chronicling her life in the empire, focusing mainly on her lessons to become empress and a fair to celebrate the reunification of all of the empire - All we saw in the show can't have been the whole empire, it was just one city. By that logic a park bench is a city state all on its own -. At the same time a group of diamond dogs (That I have based on the romans as closely as possible) from the fall of the empire have also returned with their own plans for the empire.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: PM's on here and google docs.

other information: I have already had somebody look at the first half of what I had written so there are a few comments already there about stuff I'm occasionally going back over and rewriting. I have the first section of the story written in just under 17,000 words but it's separated into chapters, these can be sent all at the same time or one by one - whatever works best for you if you accept my story.


I hit reply with my above post but I don't think it worked because I can't see the >>[number] thing. I did try and reply to your first post though, so that's something. If the reply did work and you're just busy then I'm sorry for being pushy :( :facehoof:

I did get this one here!

Just a word of warning. Toronto got smashed by the icy fist of an angry god, in the form of an ice storm over the weekend. As with hundreds of thousands of others, power is spotty and my internet connection is even spottier. Unsure if I'll be able to get to pre-reading this one in the next few days. Especially given the holiday season.

If you wanted to poke at another pre-reader, feel free!

Otherwise, will probably take two or three days before I can start in on things.

Title: Fallling Inside the Black
Tags: tragedy, sad, dark
General description:It was only a book, I never thought reading it would taint my body and soul with darkness. The power now bestowed upon me is not a blessing, but a curse, forever condemning me to steal the magical essence from others in order to sate my own craving of magic. By now I don't even know what I am anymore, or if I still have a heart beating inside my chest.
What I do know...
Is that I have fallen into the dark.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
It's more or less a 'fall from grace' fanfic, featuring my race of Black dragons from my current story the Kuros Empire, explaining how they came to be, and how they were eventually driven out of Equestria from the PoV of the first Kuros himself.

specific things you want the the reviewer to focus on
Story flow and character development

form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: PMs

Sorry for the lack of response. You didn't 'reply', so I didn't get a notification.

I'm afraid I have to go inactive for a little while. Things are a bit too hectic during the holiday (and post-holiday) season for me to find time to pre-read. Might want to try your luck with others. Many apologies.

903574 spam spam spam spam y u busy

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